Wednesday, March 30, 2016

It's really sad that the Wisconsin Governor endorsed a candidate that the Democrats want to run against Hillary instead of Trump..

Wisconsin Republican voters (and voters in other states as well) should take real notice that the Democratic Party paid protesters are protesting the one candidate they don't want for Hillary to face as the Republican nominee.

That Tennessee guy who was shot at the Capitol Building Visitors' Center called himself a prophet of god...and therefore exempt from man's law.. Hmmm.. Guess he's a false prophet since he doesn't represent God.. who did not exempt His Son Jesus from man's law.

Cyprus' president nonchalantly said that the hijacked airplane was not an act of terrorism.. yeah right,, ask the passengers and their families what they thought.

2016 is obviously not going to be a good year for Geraldo Rivera.. Early this year, ABC News "dumped: him, and Monday night, ABC's DWTS judges "Trumped" him off.

The DNC Communications Director defends the Super-delegates because they are only 15% of the total.. half-truth at best.. true, the total is only 15%, but.. if voted "en bloc", it means one candidate can beat the other that the voters prefer.

With Scalia's death, the US Supreme Court split 4-4 on allowing unions to make working individuals who do not want to join the unions, or feel the unions do not represent them politically, to pay dues anyway.  It's sad.. almost pathetic, that 4 liberal members on the US Supreme Court have sided with a political organization instead of the rights of individual citizens.

About that "trumped" up charge that female reporter made against Trump's campaign worker: If the Florida police made such a charge/arrest based simply on the Florida law that states any one touching another is guilty of assault, then why didn't the police arrest the reporter for touching Trump? It was what started the whole scenario. Oh.. where was the Secret Service when this went on?
I'm about to abandon my plan to support Cruz if he wins the nomination because of his mealy mouthed condemnation of Trump's aide , and backhanded accusation it was Trump's fault.

What's happened with the two sheriff candidates being disqualified for failure to be fingerprinted within the rules?

Viet Nam Vets Day was a good time to remember it was liberals... Democrats and mainscream media.. who spit at them and turned their backs on Vets' needs.

Online headline/story: "13 Detroit school principals charged in kickback scheme * The charges come a month after Michigan Governor Rick Snyder named a federal judge who oversaw Detroit's historic bankruptcy case to tackle the financial problems of Detroit's schools, which are drowning under $3.5 billion of debt." -- Good grief.. Detroit's School System is more toxic than the Flint water system.

Online headline/story: "The murder rate in Chicago is up 84 percent this year *  While the Chicago Police Department is under federal investigation following the shooting of Laquan McDonald, and owing to its police practices all around, homicides and shootings have spiked in the first three months of 2016. *  The 131 homicides so far represent an 84 percent increase over that period last year, and the 605 shootings in that stretch are almost double last year's total. * Since January, officers have recorded 20,908 instances in which they stopped, patted down and questioned people for suspicious behavior, compared with 157,346 in the same period last year. Gun seizures are also down: 1,316 guns have been taken off the streets this year compared with 1,413 at this time last year." -- You know.. when mainscream media and the DOJ step in and blame police officers for handling things as they see them to protect themselves and citizens, then police officers hands become tied, and crime goes up.. OK. "Black Lives Matter", exactly how is tying the hands of police officers working out for you? Maybe you ought to look at Baltimore as well.

Online headline: "These rumored VP picks for Hillary could make or break her chances" -- Good grief.. Hillary is in way more trouble than the DNC has ever admitted.. A year ago, Hillary was pretty much already deigned the next president by default.

Hilton Hotels has initiated an absolute $50.00 cancellation fee. Hmm.. well, unless I know I can make it there at the prescribed date, no longer will I book a Hilton.

Online headline: "Police say teenager was groped and pepper-sprayed outside Trump rally" -- Good grief.. the video shows nothing of a "grope", but it does show a massive petite gymnast here - stiking a man in the face who responds by pepper-spraying her. The "organizer" says it was suppose to be a "peaceful demonstration".. hmmmm... you arouse malcontents and paid protesters, advertise it , and expect it to be peaceful? Yeah.. right!

It's strange to hear Hillary tell Bernie that she won't debate him unless he changes his "tone",  What a great president .. NOT...she would make if she got a 3:00 AM phone call from  Benghazi, Hussein, Khrushchev or Kim Jong Un and hung up because she didn't like their "tone".

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "These Countries Are Failing To Resettle Their ‘Fair Share’ Of Syrian Refugee  * Last fall, President Barack Obama pledged to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. by September 2016. But according to Oxfam International, the U.S. should multiply that figure by 17 in order to meet the needs of Syrian refugees trapped in struggling nations like Lebanon and Jordan that can no longer afford to support them." -- Good grief.. Oxfam.. who the heck is Oxfam, and by what authority does Oxfam have to tell any country what its "fair share" is.. Oxfam lists 28 countries that aren't taking in what Oxfam has determined is its  "fair share".. but.. not one of these countries is in the middle-east..Oh.. and how many refugees have the executives of Oxfam personally taken into their homes...

L-E headline/story: " Religious exemption bill supporters say debate isn’t over *    Conservative groups accused Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal of turning his back on people of faith by vetoing a “religious freedom” bill and vowed Tuesday to keep up the fight for years to come. *    More than 500 companies joined a coalition led by Coca-Cola and other big-name Georgia firms urging Deal’s veto. The Walt Disney Co., Marvel Studios and   threatened to take business elsewhere. The NFL suggested Atlanta could lose its bids for the 2019 or 2020 Super Bowl." -- Hmmm...The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is a federal law that was passed almost unanimously by the U.S. Congress in 1993 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. 21 states already have adopted it, and 12 more, including GA, are in the process, Of the states that have enacted tt]heir own versions of the Religious Freedom Act are Illinois... and Florida... Chicago? Isn't that the home state of Obama as well as Hillary? And Florida? Isn't that the home of Du=isney World and Coca Cola's orange crops... when are Disney and Coca Cola moving out! What BS has kowtowed Governor Deal.. pathetic....
L-E headline/story: "Aquatic center proposed budget in line with others * The Cherokee County Aquatics Center is open for 88.5 hours a week with a budget of $1.15 and is operated by the county. *  The Cumming Aquatic Center operates for 92 hours a week with a budget of $1.4 million, and is operated by the city.
 *  The Frances Meadows Aquatic Center in Gainesville, Ga., is open for 74 hours a week with a budget of $1.3 million and is operated by the city.The Savannah-Chatham County Aquatics Center operates for 83 hours a week with a budget of $1.05 million and is operated by the county." -- Excuse me,, how is the operating costs of other centers even pertinent to Columbus' when there is no mention/comparison of the revenues produced at each center?  It also brings to light that I don't remember any of these county/city operated aquatic centers being mentioned when ours was discussed.
Why doesn't the MCSD/MCSB even discuss starting the school year after Labor Day, and ending in early June as when we grew up? Let's face it planning for "vacation times" other than Spring Break only has appeal to administrators in the school system and to the affluent who can take that y=time off with their families.
L-E headline: "Colleges spending millions to deal with sexual misconduct" -- Good grief.. colleges promoted sexual misconduct when they adopted co-ed dorms.. seems reversing such decisions would be the first step.

I'm still amazed at the number of full page ads being run to promote "together2016".. I sent in a request for information on the costs and how they are funded.

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