Friday, May 20, 2016

Online headline/story: "Cashed out: Koch brothers sit on wallets in '16 *  The Kochs originally planned to spend nearly $900 million on the 2016 campaign but have since scaled back their budget for the entire cycle to just $40 million, as part of an overhaul of their free-spending approach to politics." -- Heh-heh-heh... now instead of mainscream media whining about the Koch brothers backing conservatives, mainscream media will be whining about how the Koch brothers have cut off nearly a Billion Dollars from their political ad spendings which went into mainscream media pockets.

Online headline/story: "US charges ex-Marine said to bilk vets in Chicago hedge fund fraud *  Federal prosecutors in Chicago unveiled a criminal fraud charge against an Illinois man who authorities say masqueraded as a successful hedge fund manager, using his status as a former Marine to entice military veterans to invest with him." -- Semper Fi... not! Every Marine... retired or active should be provided a picture and given his name, address, and daily schedule.

Online headline: "New data reveals shocking trend in US school system * The government recently released fresh statistics highlighting a startling problem that's getting increasingly worse in school districts across the nation." -- " recently released fresh statistics highlighting a startling problem"? Good grief.. what rock have these people been hiding under,,,and we aren't just talking about test scores or re-segregation in Columbus, GA's MCSD!

Online story: As Democrats shouted "shame," seven House Republicans switched their votes and defeated a measure on Thursday meant to protect gay rights. * The vote was 213-212. President Barack Obama has issued an executive order that bars discrimination against LGBT employees by federal contractors * In the end, 29 Republicans joined 183 Democrats backing the measure, but it was not enough" -- You know.. there's too much interference in politics to not just "protect" the rights of less than 4% of the population at the expense of 96%, but.. it's an absolute shame that Democrats vote as a bloc which discriminates against the majority.

From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online story: "Louis C.K. can now add "Jeopardy" winner to his list of accolades. * The comedian appeared on the long-running game show Wednesday alongside CNN anchor Kate Bolduan and Washington Post journalist Jonathan Capehart. * Despite a rough start that saw him briefly hold a negative score, C.K. made a huge comback and successfully trounced both reporters." -- I knew it! Actually the nation knew it which is why CNN and WaPo ratings and profits are in the pits.. .. reporters for both are not picked for their smartness... just their liberal agenda.

Online headline: "Kanye West goes on 8-minute rant on 'The Ellen Show'" -- Fortunately, only 3 people saw it.

HuffPOOPOO headline: " Obamacare Consumers Are Getting Tired Of Those High Deductibles" -- Hmm the natives are restless...

A Fox reporter criticized Trump for commenting on the EgyptAir crash before any confirming info was received. Hmmm...and where was this reporter criticizing ZERO-bama for commenting...pretty much convicting... the Boston police officers who confronted the Harvard professor, the Ferguson, MO police officer who shot Michael Brown, the citizen who fought off Trayvon, and vilifies Christians who oppose perverted men using the public/government bathrooms built gor women's use.

Remember that homosexual pastor who sued Whole Foods contending Whole Foods had written a "slur" on his cake? Well.. Whole Foods had a surveillance camera and counter sued. The homosexual pastor has withdrawn his suit and apologized.. but is that enough... not in my book.

 Though attributed to Mark Twain, there is no written confirmation of such, but, regardless, this quote has to be the guiding motto of the Democratic Party and its campaign strategy: "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have  been fooled"..

I'm going to repeat this from yesterday because we're down to the wire on early and "regular" voting day: "You know, it's not just's dauntingly disheartening, that we have 6 members on our school board who are content to remain in a financial fog when it comes to knowing how tax dollars are being spent. Fortunately, 4 posts are up for unseating 4 of those 6 this month. Vote for Pete Taylor, Joann Thomas Brown, Shelia (NOT Cathy) Williams, and Vanessa Jackson. We deserve responsible representation!

L-E headline: "Clinton grapples with Trump’s ability to stay in spotlight" -- Good grief.. you'd think Hillary would be thankful for Trump's ability to draw attention to himself.. it keeps her scandals in the shadows.

You know.. driving around Columbus, it seems every stoplight is on the same sequence between movoing to yellow then red. It's a wonder that we don't have more t-bone accidents it intersections than we do.. When speed limits on roads are higher at some intersections, there should be appropriately more time for drivers to make the decision that they have to stop before the yellow turns to red.

From the "what is it with liberals" department - L-E guest editorial headline/content: "And millions just don’t care * BY ANN MCFEATTERS * Tribune News Service * It’s long been a tenet of this country that Americans believe in fair play. But millions are ready to elect a president who believes the rules do not apply to him." -- "millions are ready to elect a president who believes the rules do not apply to HIM"? Good grief.. Trump has basically just applied the rules of a success businessman as opposed to applying the rules of a successful politician, and people are excited, but it really points out that Democrats/mainscream media are more eager to elect Hillary who believes not only do the rules of anything do not apply to her, but she's also entitled to write/change any rule that will help her get elected.

From the "say it ain't so, Joe" and the "I really love Phil (fan)" department: "L-E story: " Phil Mickelson paid off a debt to a professional gambler with nearly $1 million that was unfairly reaped from an insider trading scheme, according to a federal investigation that led to two arrests but spared the golf great from criminal charges. * Mickelson, named as a “relief defendant” in a civil suit in the case accused only of profiting from the misdeeds of others, agreed to repay the $931,000 he made from a single trade in 2012." -- Oh, Phil.. don't become the Pete Rose of golf! Will we ever be able to assume Phil will call a penalty on himself again?

L-E headline: "Fort Benning may get almost $5 million to build hanger for drone-type aircraft" -- How appropriate.. a facility that suits the "drone" of BIshops rhetoric..

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