Saturday, May 28, 2016

Online story: " Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday warned Romania and Poland they could find themselves in the sights of Russian rockets because they are hosting elements of a U.S. missile shield that Moscow considers a threat to its security." -- Good grief... Putin's "threat" ionly has merit to Romania and Poland because Putin know's Romania and Poland know that they cannot depend on ZERO-bama's word to be their ally.

From the "interesting things I run across researching other things" department.. 46 of our states have a "home ownership" ratio of over 60%... 4 states do not.. those 4 states are Hawaii, California, Nevada, and  New York. 3 of those states haven't voted for a Republican President since 1988 (or longer).

Online headline/story: "Lindsey Graham on the Republican Party after Trump: 'We either get smarter or die' *  Sen. Lindsey Graham characterized the crisis facing the Republican Party in grim terms Friday, saying the party needs to adapt or die after the 2016 presidential election." -- "get smarter...adapt or die"? You know, I agree.. but it's not with Graham's "feelings".. the Republican Party does need to "adapt"... to conservatism and what the voters are telling them they like about Trump, or it will keep the slow death perpetrated by RINO-ism of Lindsey Graham and his "buddies"... South Carolina could do us all a favor and make sure Graham is not "sent back to Washington" in 2020.

From the "media bias? what media bias?" department - Online headline: "Trump's San Diego rally draws more than 1,000 chanting protesters" -- Hmmm now try to find the number of the umpteenth 1,000s of Trump supporters INSIDE the Sand Diego Convention Center.. What's happening is the Democrats are actually creating short term part time jobs for it's voters because the writing is on the wall that Hillary will not win in November.  I'm still looking for a "coup" at the DNC convention and Biden on the ballot.. which is way too little too late.

Online headline: "Nathan Deal on why Georgia challenged the federal transgender directive" -- Good grief.. why does any politician have to explain why he's "doing the right thing"? Well, in Deal's case, it may be because he's done the opposite in recent decisions.

L-E headline: "While in Japan, Obama calls on the world to evolve" -- First ZERO-bama wanted to "transform" America, now he wants the world to "evolve".. Good grief.. doesn't this guy ever look at the a mirror and see that the world, much less America, "revolves" around him?
ELIV's (EXTRA Low Informed Voter) L-E "soundoff": "   NY Court of Appeals justices should be indicted for squashing the $1.4 billion verdict against Bank of America. BOA paid huge bonuses for signing up unqualified homeowners, then bundled the “toxic” paper to foreign countries." -- Good grief.. if there is any blame to be spread around, it's at the Democratic Party,, start with Carter, then pile it on Clinton, Barnie Frank, and Chris Dodd.. those re the ones that threatened banks/mortgage brokerage houses with legal threats if any applicants, especially minority,  were scrutinized for credit worthiness.
L-E story: "Surveillance video shows T**** C. Y**** and T***** R***** McF***** standing alongside Xzavaien Jo**** on March 26 as he gunned down a man at Peachtree Mall in March, according to testimony Friday in Columbus Recorder’s Court. * Y****, J****’ 23-year-old sister, pleaded not guilty to the murder of Anthony Meredith, who police said was shot in retaliation for the death of an OG Crip gang member who was killed in November." -- Hmmm.. say.. how many times has Mayor TomLYINGson denied the existence of "gangs" and "gang violence" in our city?


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