Thursday, November 24, 2016

"Gobble-Gobble!" This is how my family "greets" others on Thanksgiving Day.. To each of my friends.. my family.. "GOBBLE GOBBLE!"

It must be Thanksgiving...President Obama has pardoned more turkeys than any other president in our history.. most of those were in jail.

From the "Joke of the Year" department: Did you hear Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel proclaiming that he would fight to maintain Chicago as a "Sanctuary City"... is he kidding? No one is safe in Chicago!

Hmmm.. "Tater" and "Tot" are not the only two Washington turkey's that get a Thanksgiving presidential pardon.. looks like the Clintons and Obamas will as well.

Online story: "According to New York Magazine, a group of election lawyers and computer scientists claim that the election results may have been manipulated or hacked in three swing states that went to Donald Trump for the 2016 presidential election, and the group wants Hillary Clinton to seek a recount. * According to the group, Clinton's numbers were down 7 percent in Wisconsin in areas that used electronic voting machines as opposed to paper ballots or optical scanners, resulting in the possibility of 30,000 votes that were not attributed to Clinton. She lost the state by 27,000." -- Good grief.. if there was a drop in Hellary votes between paper and electronic voting precincts, it was simply because Democratic Party voting officials could not "stuff" electronic voting boxes like they could with paper ballots.

The mainscream media is in hysterics! In one election, Trump has eliminated both "PCs".. "political correctness" AND "political CORRUPTNESS"!

I heard a TV talking head say we need some inflation to spur the economy as we haven't had any inflation in so long... ?.......what BS. What we haven't had is honest reporting of excessive inflation...look at what insurance, medicine, groceries, housing, and restaurants now cost versus 8 years ago.

Online story: "President-elect Donald Trump is set to nominate Betsy DeVos, a billionaire and school choice advocate, as his secretary of education. * "Betsy DeVos is a brilliant and passionate education advocate," Trump said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. "Under her leadership, we will reform the U.S. education system and break the bureaucracy that is holding our children back so that we can deliver world-class education and school choice to all families." -- Hmmm.. and our MCSD/MCSB could be the "Poster Children" for her first mission.

Online headline: "Cuban gives gift to veteran who was denied at Chili's" -- Well.. actually, Cuban gave the Veteran TWO gifts... season and bonus Maverick tickets, (typical Liberal's response to "I'm hungry" -- "here's something I don't need and you can't eat"), but the SEcond one was most valuable.. Cuban gave the veterans TRUMP!
From the "tidbit" departmeny-t - L-E story: "Turkeys have great hearing, but no external ears. They can see in color and have a wide field of vision (about 270 degrees) which makes sneaking up on them difficult. Turkeys have an excellent sense of taste but a poor sense of smell." -- Good grief.. the L-E actually got something right... Turkeys TASTE better than they SMELL...well, they do "smell" great coming out of the oven..
L-E's "Thought for Today": “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward, American writer (1921-1994). -- Add one more thing.. gratitude can...did...  to God can send the Clintons packing!

From the "stuff won't REALLY hit the fan for about 3 years" department - L-_E story: "How many students will be enrolled, and how will their selection be determined? * The (new) arts academy is designed to educate approximately 500 students (275-300 in middle school and about 200 in high school)." -- Hmmm.. the "stuff" will hit the fan when the MCSD "panel" starts culling out middle-schoolers not advanced enough to "fit" in with the elite high school classes. Look for the return of both "PCs".. Political Correctness.... AND Political Corruptness!

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