Monday, November 21, 2016

You know with Donna Tompkins running for Sheriff under the wings of Mayor TomLYINGson, and knowing her #1 "platform plank" is to drop the lawsuit, shouldn't she reveal whether or not the Mayor has committed to fully fund her budget requests? We know TomLYINGson has fought Darr to create this bad situation.

Chattanooga did something not many schools have managed to do..not only did Chattanooga have the lead at the end of the 1st Quarter, Chattanooga shut Bama out for the 1st Quarter.

Though probably not noticed, Wisconsin beat Purdue and Michigan beat Indiana U. this past Saturday. I say "not noticed" is that Purdue and Indiana are universities in Mike Pence's home state, and they lost to Wisconsin and Michigan which Trump-Pence won the previous week. I'm guessing Pence considers this a good exchange...I know I do.

From the "maybe...but don't hold your something will get done" department - The grandson of a U S Congressman from Chicago was killed during a home invasion regarding a pair of sneakers. Street killings in Chicago are over 700 this year... so far.. against 509 in all of 2015.

One Saudi sheik has 'warned us' that "they" still have the oil. Hmmm.. I foresee a Trump/Sheik collision coming, and it looks like it will be a case of the  "Sheik hitting the fan".

Our universities should be ashamed! Trump's election is a wonderful opportunity to teach about a political phenomenon and transition of Americans and our students have experienced, but what the universities have done is encourage students to be nothing more than 'cry babies'. Yes, our universities SHOULD be ashamed... but they aren't...

Hey, Libs!.. You're really only a bigot, or racist, if you look at someone and see/say only one negative thing..about him/her and label him/her. What you've really done is label YOURSELF as a bigot/racist.

Online story: "Earlier this year, when a Donald Trump victory still seemed a long shot, former President George W. Bush said he feared he would be the last Republican president." -- Hmmm.. and as it turned out, WE actually elected the FIRST Republican president SINCE Reagan..

You know, the most awkward moment for the booing moments at VP-elect Mike Pence's attendance or the Broadway musical, "Hamilton", is that the booers were condemning themselves for not accepting diversity or tolerance. If they truly wanted to "send a message", they should have been gracious and appreciative of the opportunity to show Pence what they claim he doesn't show them.

HufPOOPOO headline/story: "Photo of House Republicans has people outraged *  House Republicans seem to have a lot in common. * It appears that nearly every person who posed for the photo is white." -- Hmmm... oh... does anyone ever remember the HuffPOOPOO.. or even the NYT EVER complaining about "zero diversity" in pictures of the  Congressional Black Caucus?

While I feel strongly Trump should not consider.. much less appoint Romney for Secretary of State.. or any foreign relationship post.. I do recognize that Romney might be a reasonable.. perhaps a "preferred" choice to head up the VA. In 1996, Romney took over the floundering US Olympic efforts and turned in around in a hurry. The VA needs this kind of "happening".

L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT * Superintendent releases district’s progress report * Lewis says the report shows “we’re making strides to get better.” -- "making strides to get better"? Hmmm. you'd think there would be "evidence" that things had already gotten better than when he got here...

Soapbox Moment: What is it with our Mayor...and Council...and Legislative Delegation? They tried to turn neighbors against each other with a two-tiered property tax scheme, and now they are pushing to make us decide  whether or not to legalize the destructive nature of casino our community!  We truly deserve better leadership from our elected officials!

From the " this actually makes sense in some circles" department..Bernie Sanders says he will continue ti be an Independent despite being the head if the Democratic Party Outreach.

Obama says he's going to be active about defending his policy/legacy. It appears that there is a "vacuum" at the top of the Democrat Party..I agree .. he and the Clintons created it.

Fox really does need to review it's policies concerning "fair and balanced". To begin with, I didn't think there was any relevance to what either the liberal Fox personnel nor the liberal guests really injected, yet during the election cycle, hearing two viewpoints was "reasonable", but.. that America has picked a direction to go forward, I have no need to hear liberals' complaints about conservative views no longer being relevant.

You know, when I was 'young', there was a reverence when describing an university as an institute of "higher learning". Nowadays, when you hear the term "higher learning" , it means that the university allows marijuana on campus.

Online headline: "Report: Details on unusual Trump White House family living situation * Melania Trump and her son, Barron, may not be making the big move after all." -- Good grief.. a man wins the presidency on the basis of "Make America Great Again" and mainscream media is upset that Trump wants what's best for his family, too?
From the "huh?" department - L-E headline/story: "Obama suggest Trump follow his example on business conflicts * the president said he’d been served well by selling his assets and investing them in Treasury bills.
 * “It simplified my life,” Obama said. “I did not have to worry about the complexities of whether a decision that I made might even inadvertently benefit me.” -- Good grief.. the man had no job other than a "community organizer", and no wealth until his campaign jump-started sales of his existing books.. and the fact that he "invested" in Treasury bills just magnifies his lack of acumen and knowledge of the business world.. which... highlights his lack of ability to get the economy moving again...
From the "why waste a tree reporting this" department - L-E headline/story: "Man reports being shot as men steal his car * A man told Columbus police he was shot by one of two men who stole his car. * According to a police report, the incident occurred around 7:40 p.m. Saturday on Veterans Parkway. The victim said he was shot in the left hand by one of two black males highjacking his vehicle. He said he was shot as he grabbed the gun of one of the suspects." -- This is the "WHOLE" report...verbatim...there's not one bit of info that helps Columbusites deal with their safety.. on another angle, there's not one bit of info that might jog the memory of a witness that could help solve the case .. WHERE did this happen!
There was a reason the Founding Fathers created the United States of America as a Limited Republic versus a pure Democracy.. With a Limited Republic, our future is controlled by the will of the states, while a Democracy controls things by the "want" by the number of individual voters. The Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, removed the destructive concept that when people learn they can get elected by promising other people they can have "things" that other people will pay for, they will promising any and everything they can... and as a result, and even though liberalism has dented this protection on occasion, our Nation is still the longest continuing form of government ever created...


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