Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tis true.. tis true.. anybody CAN grow up and become president!
America truly won last night.. In January, we'll have a Republican president, a Republican Senate, and Republican House, a Republican Attorney General... and a Republican Supreme Court!

My wife pinched me.. it's NOT a dream.. just a dream come true!

Trump dumps Frump

This is bigger than the '69 Mets or the '80 US Olympic hockey team!
Remember when Jesus went into the Temple and up heaved the money tables? Deja vu!

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

And in Columbus, GA, we beat the assault on our property tax freeze!

November 8, 2016 is a day that will go down in history!

And as the l'il girl in the 1950's ""Shake 'n Bake"commercial said, "And I helped!".

Where's Hellary this morning.. when she skipped out last night, my first thought was if Obama had revoked her passport.

Have you seen any "Go Fund Me" one-way-tickets-out-of-America pages for celebrity Hellary supporters?

If you wondered why "Drain the Swamp" was part of the victory movement, all you have to look at is the Washington, DC vote...93% voted for Hellary.

What libs don't understand is that it's Red Blood, not Blue Blood, that makes America work for all people.

Juan Williams is an elitist as well as a racist! Yesterday morning he called Trump supporters mainly uneducated whites.. In 2008/2012, Juan Williams praised all the uneducated white voters of Iowa who voted for Obama, yet now when those same voters favor Trump over a lying, cheating Hellary, are uneducated racists. You just can't please liberals!  But we knew that!

Instant repeat from yesterday: If there's one thing we should have learned from this election it is: A - Democrats will run the most vicious ads, B - Mainscream media is not interested in discussing Democrat candidates' records, C - Polls are not gospel, D - Karl Rove, Juan Williams, and Geraldo Rivera are idiots, E - All of the above.

Online headline: "Atlanta Boasts The Most Expensive Utility Bills In The Country, Says Housing Site Trulia" -- Hey Atlanta.. and your electric rates are going up.. GA Power just lost $3,500.00 backing our Mayor TomLYINGson's failed assault on our property tax freeze!

Refresher course: You know, how does Comey know anything about what Hellary can or will be charged with? By his own admission, he didn't sit in on any of the interviews with Hellary nor were any of those recorded, and Deputy Director McCabe's wife was the recipient of over $500K donations from Hellary supporters.

From the "Forrest Gump Stupid-is-as-stupid-does" department - Online story: "Proposition 64 allows adults over the age of 21 to use, possess, and transport up to an ounce of marijuana for non-medical purposes, and grow as many as six plants at home. * The bill also imposes a 15% tax on sales of the drug, generating up to $1 billion in new tax revenue annually, according to the state's nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office." -- Good grief, if they can grow 6 plants at home, nobody will need to buy any and there will be zero (instead of a billion) sales tax dollars generated!

Online headline: "Katy Perry admits her parents voted for Donald Trump at Hillary Clinton election night party" -- Yes.. and did you know Katy Perry use to be Katy HUdson who was a Christian song writer and singer. My .. the apple fell far from the tree.

As much as my votes for Trump for president, and "NO" on the THAW" meant to me, neither were as satisfying as my write-in vote for Benedict Arnold against John Pezold in District 133. The local Republican Party should cut all ties with him!
L-E headline: "Company wants to put cell tower in Lakebottom area" -- Good grief.. Hey, "Trees Columbus".. and "Keep Columbus Beautiful" ride up River Road between Bradley Park Drive and Mobley Roda and look at the cell tower "they" disguised as a tree.. it looks more like a "camouflage covered  bristled bottle brush".
L-E "head-LIE": "Drought conditions take toll on number of Chattahoochee River rafters" -- Well.. maybe, maybe not... my guess is the high cost per trip and the novelty has worn off for repeat riders.
Obama went from a "lame duck" president to Hellary's "errand runner" during the election, and now will be begging Trump for discount greens' fees at Trump golf course in this retirement.

Oh.. did I mention... AMERICA WON last night!

One last thing.. In 1992, my yellow-dog-democrat Arkansas cousin, Dr Fred Gordy.. told me something immediately following the 1992 Democrat National Convention... He hauntingly prophesied, "I just sent a check to the "Re-elect Bush Campaign", because I can't wish the Clintons on the rest of the country." I imagine he voted for Trump yesterday.. even though he died in 2001. Oh.. I woke up this morning, and his words no longer haunt me!

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