Saturday, November 26, 2016

Online headline: "US breaks record for Black Friday spending in 2016 * Stores across the country racked up an enormous amount in sales this Black Friday, and experts say it could be one of the busiest shopping sprees in history." -- Hmmm.. see what a REAL "Hope & Change" post-election attitude can do for our economy...

Online headline: "Jill Stein submits a presidential recount petition to Wisconsin" -- Hmmm aside from demonstrating that libs not able to accept rejection with grace.. the good thing about this is that $1,00,00.00 FEWER dollars are available for liberals to pay for protesters on the streets.

Online story: "CNN viewers got an eyeful Thursday night when Anthony Bourdain's show was reportedly replaced by 30 minutes of hardcore pornography. RCN customers in Boston were apparently the only ones affected, so the mistake was probably on the cable provider's end — not the news network's." -- "CNN viewers got an eyeful Thursday night "?  Apparently. it took 30 minutes for the first viewer to turn on to the CNN channel.. just proves that no one watches CNN.. not even in Boston.  You know.. maybe CNN in Boston decided to "turn on " Boston since Boston doesn't "turn on" CNN.

Mainscream media is still crying that Trump is the "most hated" person as well as politician.. You know.. among mainscream media folks, I'm sure he is.. bet they took a poll amongst themselves, too.. and were suckered into their own egos.

Online story: "NBC News reported Wednesday that the (Trump) family's Florida Thanksgiving was guarded by a contingent of at least 150 Secret Service personnel. A Homeland Security official told NBC News that the cost to the taxpayer of that operation alone would reach $7 million.Trump's security is currently running at than $2 million a day, according to internal Homeland Security and Secret Service documents reviewed by NBC News. That number that is sure to increase whenever the president or the first lady travels — or when the threat level rises." -- Hmmm.. and what does it cost to "protect" the Obama family and the Clinton family? Betcha NBC cares not.. I guess it's because mainscream media believes the Obamas and Clintons are "national treasures" ..

Online headline: "Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro dies at age 90" -- Oh,, now Castro is referred to as a "leader".. I hardly associate despotic rule by fear and retaliation traits of a "leader". Hmmm.. this pretty much applies to Obama as well for his use of the DOJ and IRS to curtail Constitutional rights..

Online headline: " Trump eschews Ivy Leagues in favor of business acumen for cabinet" -- Mainscream media just doesn't "get" Trump.. Trump plays to win, and hires good people.. capable people.. "grinders" to surround himself with... and their collegiate pedigree is not the important aspect..

Online headline: "Trump's team reportedly wants Romney to publicly apologize" -- You know.. it's not whether Trump wants Romney to apologize.. Romney OWES America an apology for his words ad actions. For 8 years I supported Romney.. basically because he was the only alternative choice to beat Obama in 2008 and 2012, but this year, a scraped my Romney 2008 and Romney/Ryan bumper stickers off my rear windows because of his breakdown.

From the "somebody cut this person's Kool-Aid off...NOW!" department - Extreme LIV's L-E "soundoff": "If the government is so convinced guns are safe, why did Congress, in 1996, ban federal funding for research into guns and violence? You’d think they would want to prove their point." -- Excuse me.. what point is this lib trying to support? Our Founding Fathers penned our Constitution to protect American citizens FROM a government that could appeal to misinformed... under informed people who can vote.
L-E's "Quotable": "" CHANGE IS THE END RESULT OF ALL TRUE LEARNING. - Leo Buscaglia, American author (1924-1998)" -- Hmmm.. we certainly cannot fault this thinking.. we got Trump because of all we learned about Hellary and Obama...

L-E headline: "Oil pipeline: Trump’s stock in company raises concern" -- Good grief.. mainscream media and libs in general are "alarmed". This explains a lot about their inability to grasp an economic turnaround.. On the other hand, mainstream excited.. a leader who believes in American companies and wants the US to become the world leader in energy that we should be,

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