Saturday, November 19, 2016

Have you seen this: Sean Hannity has purchased this painting of Obama stomping on the Constitution, and has offered it as a gift to Trump to hang in it in the White House.. I seriously doubt that this will happen, but the painting really nails the situation we've had to endure.

What's wrong with Fox...bringing on a liberal to discuss solutions should be limited to non-agenda spokespeople. I just turned from Fox to CNBC because Fox's "analyst" only wanted to speak to her talking points, yet on CNBC, the conversation about the same Trump appointees was civil and penetrating.

Online headline/story: "Steve Bannon: 'I'm not a white nationalist... I'm an economic nationalist' * "The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what's wrong with this country," Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter. "It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no [expletive] idea what's going on. ... It's a closed circle of information from which Hillary Clinton got all her information – and her confidence. That was our opening." * It wasn't just the mainstream media and the liberal elite. Right-leaning Fox News also misunderstood Trump's appeal to voters. * "They got it more wrong than anybody," he says. "Rupert [Murdoch] is a globalist and never understood Trump. *  "That's what the Democrats missed, they were talking to these people with companies with a $9 billion market cap employing nine people. It's not reality. They lost sight of what the world is about."" -- Steve Bannon nails this.. Fox was so intent on appearing "fair and balanced" that it overloaded discussions with liberal agenda-ists that were only on Fox to distract the discussions with "talking points" rather than offer alternative comparisons/options. And Fox is going to have to revamp its "invitee list" for liberals and get rid of uber libs like Geraldo, Shepard Smith and Juan Williams... and Megyn Kelly, too, from its staff to maintain any credibility going forward.

Isn't it great to have a president-elect who gets things done, has set up his HQ and travel capabilities on his own dollar versus tax dollars, and isn't concerned with kowtowing to the media.. of course, mainscream media is lost and screaming because Trump is making them work for a story versus being spoon fed Democrat pablum and Kool—Aid.

Liberals are their own (and America's) worse enemy.. they cannot accept the idea that individuals are able to think and do for themselves without having liberals tell them what they must think and do.

From the "proves my point above" department - Online story: "Vice-president elect Mike Pence went to see the hip-hop musical "Hamilton" on Broadway Friday night, and the performance was disrupted when the audience wouldn't stop booing him. *  Many pointed out the irony of Pence, who has a record of opposing gay rights, going to see a show about a Founding Father featuring homosexuals, immigrants, revolutionaries, and people of color." -- You know.. this just encapsulates my above opinion.. While there are some extreme bigots on "the right", there are more on the left.. and that includes "the tolerant as well as extreme left". Being a Christian means we have a core value of inclusion, but it also means that while we must make our best efforts at embracing all people, it doesn't mean we have to accept it as a lifestyle to the point that we must give bonus entitlement status to rights that conflict with individual rights which God has endowed us all.

From the "is this some kind of April Fools' Day headline or just stupidity" department - Online "headLIE": "Swearing may actually be a sign of intelligence" -- Good grief.. only in Liberal Land could the lyrics of a Jay-XXX hip-hop or rap song be considered "intelligent".. My grandparents, my parents, were right, and I am passing it own to my own children.. incessant or unnecessary swear words are a sign of limited words and people skills.. the inability to carry on a discussion in a civil and productive manner... PERIOD!

Online headline: "Trump supporters are demanding Starbucks employees write 'Trump' on their cups" -- Don't worry liberals, this, too, will pass.. just be thankful customers at Starbucks are not asking their cups be identified with "#NeverHillary".

The Democrats pretty much blew their hold on the black vote over the last 8 years..sure, the Democrats gave them Obama, but didn't help him help the black communities gain anything.

Democrat spinmeisters are not going to get that they have regain their balance, they just believe this year was a simply a fluke, and Trump will fail to create jobs because most of the old manual jobs are now done by robots. I hope they continue to use this reasoning.. and when 2020 comes around, who do the Democrats have to nominate...Bernie... yeah, right.. Kanye.. Jay-XXX/Beyonce.. Elizabeth Warren...Al Franken..KAINT.. the list goes on....

Kellyanne Conway shredded Juan Williams on The Five yesterday afternoon. Williams snidely tried to connect Trump with Putin, and Conway just asked him where ever he got that info (Hellary campaign crap) from because, like so much other stuff, there is no truth in that. Williams had no place to hide.

Oh.. locally. A vote for John Darr in the December 6th runoff is one for efficiency, and continuity our Sheriff's Department. As a bonus, it will allow you to let off steam from Mayor TomLYINGson's assault on our security as homeowners... you get a chance to kick her butt.... again! Let her know she works for US!

What arrogance! A TV commentator was whining about the press pool being ditched when Trump took his family out to eat the other night and not being allowed in to take pictures of his meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister... The commentator's "EXCUSE" was that the press NEEDED to be "there" in case something horrible happened and they could record it. Gimme a break...having an entourage of press people actually adds peril to the situation as they cause too much attention being paid to what's going on, and  SECURITY is weakened.

Just as Kellyanne Conway "shredded" Juan Williams. Eric Bolling did the same to Geraldo! During an episode “The Five,” Bolling took Geraldo Rivera through last week’s presidential election demographics and compared them to the presidential election in 2012. Specifically, he compared Trump’s numbers among minorities to those of 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. * He pointed out that on gender, Trump was up with the males by 5 percent but only down with women by 1 percent. * On race, Trump was up with whites by 1 percent, but his increase among the black community was up a whopping 7 percent. The Hispanic community also showed a significant rise in voters, with an increase of 8 percent. * With voters 18 to 29 years old Trump saw a 5 percent increase from the Republican tally in 2012. The number of voters 65 and older who voted for Trump was actually down from previous Republican numbers.

Watch the video and see it for yourself.. its "gratification": for being subjected to Geraldo's
Al Capone's Vault" scam..

From the "how arrogant can a "nobody" be" department - Online headline: "S***** Th******t vows not to dress Melania Trump, asks other designers to do the same" -- Who the hell is "S***** Th******t".. I'm not going to mention her name as I wouldn't want you or anyone else find out from me.. but as far as I'm concerned, why would anybody other than Hellary use such an arrogant nobody seeking unwarranted attention? Besides, who thinks Melania Trump would even consider her ideas to begin with?

Online headline: "Mall Santa loses job for telling girl Hillary Clinton on naughty list" -- Well, he should have lost his job for being there BEFORE Thanksgiving!

L-E editorial commentary headline: "Electoral College is not a voter-proportional count" -- Good grief.. all we need is college.. associate college.. professor telling us our Forefathers were wrong... The system still works even though communication levels have increased.. what.. thousands-fold.. since the days of horseback and carriage travels made having any kind of national runoff elections impossible at the time. Oh, and this less-than-informed..factually dismissive .."professor" fails to include is that the reason smaller area/population states, a.k.a. the liberal New England states,  also demanded that blacks in the South be counted ONLY as 3/5ths of a "person" for the population counts. Thank goodness the Republican Party corrected that!

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