Thursday, November 10, 2016

Online headline: "What Donald Trump's first 100 days could look like" -- "what... it COULD look like"? Good grief.. Speculation from mainscream media which couldn't see .. or COMPREHEND.. Trump even being elected.. Hey, mainscream media.. sit back and learn... and REPORT rather than DIRECT.

Hmmm...did anyone ask Obama when he learned about Trump's victory? I bet he said he read about it in yesterday's newspaper.

Obama promised "Hope and Change", but Trump will DELIVER hope and change.

Hellary may win the popular vote "raw numbers" by 200,000 votes, but since LA, Philly, and NYC gave her 3,000,000 more votes than Trump, then Trump won the rest of the country by 2,800,000.

You know.. Trump won about 30 +/- states to Hellary's 20 +/-.. that's why the Founding Fathers put in the Electoral College,, to make sure no one state would wield too much influence for the other states to have a decision in the future. How fair is California.. 26 of it's 53 Congressional Districts voted for Trump over Hellary..yet population-wise, 2,500,000 more Californians voted for Hellary (1.6 M in Los Angeles alone). and California voted all of its 55 Electoral votes for Hellary. Don't talk to me about "fair".. talk to me about the Founding Fathers' insight of preventing unforeseen changes in population not controlling the whole nation.

Democratic Party protesters took to the streets in 7 cities yesterday...guess they were the group that felt November 9th is their day to vote

You know, as disappointing a day as Hellary had, I really think Mayor TomLYINGson had a worse one.... 5 taxpayer paid years working on her "legacy" up in smoke. Ironically.. this is what people will remember about her..

You know, it's not just that liberals can't be pleased,.it's more like liberals don't WANT to be pleased,.. like what would they have to complain about and make excuses with...

The pundits are still scratching their heads wondering what the voters heard that they missed....The pundits missed that Trump listened to and addressed voters' concerns. He told the voters what he would do, rather than what he thought voters just wanted to hear..

I disagree with liberals lamenting Hellary's loss because of her history as a child advocate. She's lying and conniving, and a horrible role model for all of our daughters!

Here's a question mainscream media hasn't even thought about yet..who will take control of the DNC?


Liberal Fox News commentator Shepard Smith still doesn't get it..Sure, there's a healing process ahead for the Republican Party but it's not Trump that has to bend.. he's figured out the direction, now it's up to the unbelievers to figure out how they fit, and how they can contribute.

Let's put Trump's rise to the presidency in terms that even liberals.. even RINOs.. might comprehend.. For example America IS the Chicago Cubs. Not since 1945 have the Cubs appeared in the World Series.. for that matter. not since 1908 have the Cubs WON a World Series. The Cubs have had numerous managers and lots of good players over the past century plus, but.. the combinations haven't "clicked". Finally the Cubs bring in a new manager.  say Donald Trump.. who knows how to get the best from the players.. the players respond and start making themselves VALUABLE to the Cubs. Having a group of players which decide to work harder for the new manager, the team begins to support each other, and the team begins to win.. All of a sudden, the Cubs have a WINNING SEASON. Trump is the new manager of :the Cubs" and responsible players accepted him to be so.. therefore, it is the obligation of any wannabe players to adopt and accept Trump's attitude to be a part of the winning team.

Online headline: "Clinton makes her first remarks since conceding election"  - and as far as I'm concerned, it's the thing I want to hear from her unless she's under oath.

My wife pretty much nailed it again yesterday.. she said Hellary will grieve a while, but will then turn angry! One other thing.. no one will ever believe her if they ask her what she felt when it was first announced that Trump won.. She may say. "I don't recall".. but we'll know better.

Hellary has one record that probably won't ever be equaled by another First Lady of Arkansas..she lost Arkansas when she ran for prsident.

Think about it... both the Clintons and the Bush family have been eliminated from future political relevance on the same day .

You know, I'm more proud of America this year than Michelle Obama said she was in 2008.

Hellary.. Bill for that matter, too,  are going to have more need for their Secret Service now than if she'd won. Now they'll have all the "Jihadist refugees" from the countries of her Foundation donors roaming the streets looking to collect refunds now that she's not going to be able to keep her clandestined promises.

You know, God was with us as we went to the polls yesterday, but I am disappointed that locally, we had so many voters and politicians, even preachers,  who ignored Matthew 22: 36-40  by advocating that they deny their future neighbors the same tax protection they voted for themselves.

(Matthew 22:36-40New International Version (NIV)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”)

The biggest disappointment in GA voters' rejection of the "failing school" amendment is that having it wouldn't hurt any school system that was conscientiously doing its duties.

While the concept is now 'moot', one Democrat was explaining how Hellary would work with the Senate and House Republican majorities. She said "we'd" compromise.. "compromise"? RINOs compromising is exactly what has devalued our moral values..what we need is COOPERATION!

I am so relieved I do not have to explain Hellary to my daughters! The liberal world was trying to convince them of Hellary being the poster child of what they should strive to be. Now, they know their mother is the best role model of a successful woman.

You know... we will have a woman president one day, but now when we do get one, it will be one that actually deserves the office.

Watching the final returns was like watching "Rocky" again, but with an even better ending!

Tuesday, with God's help, Christianity reclaimed America's future.

After his early Wednesday AM meltdown upon his realization that Trump was going to win, does Juan Williams still deserve airtime on Fox News?

Heh heh what are those states that allowed non-citizens to vote going to do to pay all their entitlements now that Obama's Executive Orders will be rescinded, and those states will have to pay them themselves.

Online headline: "Bernie Sanders on Trump: If he's serious, we'll work with him. If not, we'll 'vigorously oppose him'" -- You know.. Trump can work with this.. now it will be up to Bernie (and the "we") to prove they are serious about working with Trump.. (Hey, Libs, look at my "Cubs" analogy elsewhere in my blog)

Online headline/story: "Kellyanne Conway says Trump has not yet discussed hiring special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton * Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump's campaign manager, appeared on both CNN and MSNBC on Wednesday. * A question that came up during both interviews was whether or not the President-elect intends to actually follow through on his pledge to further investigate Hillary Clinton and her emails. * Conway declined giving a definitive answer." -- Two things here... 1 - Conway is notgoing to answer for the president-elect, and 2 - liberal media wonks should not ask theoretical questions unless their intent is to support Trump's actions on things.

From the "if liberals don't have something to carp about, they'll make up something" department - Online headline: "Trump is the first president-elect not to say 'God bless America' since 1984" -- Trump didn't HAVE to say this.. we already KNEW we were blessed with God's presence and wishes for America..

From the "liberals always pull their 'facts' out of thin air" department - Online headline: "Super popular cheese is actually not vegetarian" -- Good grief.. I don't of a single REAL cheese that's not made from animal milk/dairy product! There maybe some synthetic "cheeze" made from vegetable or chemical products, but what's healthy about that.. heck, "oleo/margarine" products are basically one chemical formula number away from being plastic..

Online "headLIE": "Trump did better than Romney with 2 unexpected groups" -- Hmmm Trump did do better with blacks and Hispanics (hmmm, have you ever wondered why libs are OK with not capitalizing the "b" in "blacks" but always capitalize the "H" in "Hispanics"), but he also did much better than Romney and Hellary with the Electoral College voters!

HuffPOOPOO headline: "California Voters Say No To Condoms On Porn Stars" -- Well, one thing we don't have to ask is "what're they smoking in California?".

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Mark Cuban's surprising response to Trump victory" -- Oh, to have been a fly on the wall when Cuban heard Anderson Cooper or Chris Mathews utter those words.. Trump won!

Hey Cuban.. you can fulfill your hopes of being penniless.. donate it all to the Clinton Foundation!

Soapbox Moment: The L-E needs to sit back and take a good look at itself and it's political direction....  and future..Why does the L-E continually try to punish Columbus with its liberal view? The L-E fully supports the liberal sides even though GA has moved to a more conservative format.. How does the L-E really expect the GA Legislature to relate to Columbus when the L-E berates/chastises every move of the GA government as a whole? And good grief.. backing Mayor TomLYINGson's every whim and the MCSD/MCSB's failures without looking out for the citizens needs and reasonable expectations is incredulous. Whether it is the L-E's choices of erroneously supporting the THAW, endorsing Hellary, of objecting to parents having the tool available that would let the State take over failing schools is just counterproductive to Columbus' growth.
Even sadder is that in spite of the L-E having to downsize, because of it's growing political irrelevance in the Valley, the L-E doesn't recognize the problems within or the solutions.

Well, at least the L-E printed the front page picture of president-elect Donald Trump in full color.. I really expected the L-E to print something like this in "black and white", because it's the only way the L-E ever looks at anything.
Oh, and look how the L-E looks at the Sheriff's Office..what the L-E should be looking at is the priorities.. or lack of them, that Mayor TomLYINGson considers in her budgets.. The Sheriff's Office and AquaCenter budgets are quite similar in her eyes.. she wants them , only she wants them to be run on what she FEELS is a reasonable amount of money rather than on the reality of what it actually takes.
L-E headline: "Snowflakes, Santa, reindeer back on Starbucks holiday cups" -- Hmmm.. even Starbucks saw Trump's win ahead of mainscream media!

L-E story: "Shifting demand from cars to trucks and SUVS is forcing General Motors to lay off more than 2,000 workers indefinitely at two assembly plants in Ohio and Michigan starting in January.: -- Hmm wanna bet this is not a union pleasing move that Government Motors is doing because Trump won Michigan and Ohio?

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