Tuesday, November 8, 2016

This is it! Today is the first day of the rest of your life and your family's, and... America's, and you have something you can do about it.. Vote "FOR" America's future.. Vote Trump!

I'm going to vote today with confidence I didn't have during the last previous 6 presidential elections. Trump has delivered his message against everything the Democrats and mainscream media and the Obamas have thrown at him.
Hey.. you "never Trump" idiots.. if Kasich or Bush or Graham or Rubio or even Cruz was on the ballot.. you'd have never had the chance you have today to keep the Clintons out of the White House... oh.. and you Bernie Backers.. you'll be stuck with Hellary for 8 years if you don't hold your ground today!

If you support our military, your only true choice is Trump....if you're concerned about the Department of Justice holding all criminals equal in the eyes of the laws of our country, vote Trump.

There are 225,000,000 registered voters this year...In 2012 there were 215,000,000. yet only 127,000,000 votes were cast, and every voter wanting Obama went  (or was carried - dead or alive) to the polls. In 2012, there were some 88,000,000 who did not cast a vote! Don't let that happen to you or your family.

Hellary will get "her votes", but if you're just not voting, you are voting against yourself, and have no one to blame but yourself if Hellary wins.

It's amazing that mainscream media and Hellary and her spinmeisters were still out yesterday (and will be trying today, too)  trying to dampen Trump voters/supporters. The only question is why...why, because they can't only get so many people to vote for Hellary, so they are trying to discourage Trump's .

Today..people will walk into the voting booths of America and make an on the spot decision to determine the future of America...how can anyone of average (or higher) intelligence want to put the Clintons back into the White House?

I find it  hollow..even offensive.. to hear Obama making a plea to black voters in Florida that "if we win" here, "we win the election". What does he mean by "we"? What has he done in 8 years to combat poverty, poor education, and crime in the black community... in any state?

The list of celebrities promising to leave the US if Trump wins is growing, and they all have one thing in common..none of the "flight" folks has mentioned going to Mexico.

You know, Hellary may have outsmarted herself bringing in Jay-XXX, Beyonce, Lebron, Katy, Bon Jovi, Springsteen, and Madonna... for all she knows, those who came to see them may write-in for them as well.

If there's one thing we should have learned from this election is.A - Democrats will run the most vicious ads, B - Mainscream media is not interested in discussing Democrat candidates' records, C - Polls are not gospel, D - Karl Rove, Juan Williams, and Geraldo Rivera are idiots, E - All of the above.

This month alone, we've lost 6....6 American soldiers in Jordan and Afghanistan and Africa while Obama campaigns for Hellary or golfs. Is this one of the things Hellary wants to continue as her tribute to Obama's legacy?

I'm getting a little PO'd st Obama..while we've never seen eye-to-eye, I find it unbelievable that Obama is putting the wants of Hellary over the needs of our country..Hellary is panicking over base deterioration in Michigan, so she sends him.on an errand for her, while he's ignoring the killing of 6 American soldiers this past week..3 in Jordan, 2 in Afghanistan, and 1 in Africa.

Regardless of the outcome, Hellary will have an uphill battle convincing historians that she is worthy of being called the first woman to run for or become president of the US..while she can argue she's a female simply based on gender identity, there's no way she'll be remembered as a lady.

Oh, that "Republican" who was taken down at the Nevada Trump rally is actually a huge Hellary supporter and his mother has been absentee voting from his address since 2002 in spite of being dead.

Maybe it's time to revamp our voting registration...make everyone register with their Social Security Number. Then all votes be screened through IRS for addresses, and the Social Security for life/death status, and be contacted via an e-mail missive addressed to said voters via SocialSecurityNumber @ gov.state.US

I am more than curious...I understand that the MCSD SPLOST "items" are, by necessity, a guesstimate.. but since an architect was involved in the preliminary process, and there has been more than reasonable time for a detailed architectural plan to have been made and a reasonable cost expectation projected, why aren't actual bids be taken before any groundbreaking?

Janet Reno died...guess the guilt of prolonging the Clinton curse finally caught up with her.

Guess what...the election does not end the dirty politics of mainscream media and the Democratic Party..regardless of the results! It just begins the name and blame strategies of the 2018 and 2020 elections.

How is it that states allow students to use their college addresses to register to vote, but do not recognize them as "in state" students when figuring the tuition bill they send to the students' parents?

LIV's L-E "soundoff": " If Trump wants to bring jobs back to the U.S., why doesn’t he make the first move and bring jobs back from his overseas companies?" -- Well vote him in and he'll remove the excessive regulations and taxes that caused his and 1000s of other US businesses to do the same.
SUPER LIV's L-E "soundoff" : "If nothing else comes from this election, evangelical Christians have been exposed for what they are. Pitiful, ignorant hypocrites." -- If this is not a rally call for Christians to take back our country, what is!
L-E "To Do Pick!" -- "Chamber’s Young Professionals will meet for Cocktails and Company with Billy Blanchard. 5:30-7 p.m. Green Island Country Club, 6501 Standing Boy Road." -- It looks like a "Thaw The Freeze" "better luck next time" post-election party is scheduled.. Maybe we should stage a "Thaw the Ice Cubes" rally.
L-E "headLIE/story": "Council may ask lawmakers to protect taxpayers from paying legal fees * Columbus Council may ask the Georgia General Assembly to make sure constitutional officers such as the sheriff and clerk of Superior Court can’t sue their city or county governments on the taxpayers’ dime." -- "Council"? Good grief.. everybody knows that this is initiated by Queen-wannabe TomLYINGson who thinks she's entitled to whatever she wants just because she wants it.. Now, the truth is, the GA laws governing this were put in specifically to keep the TomLYINGson's of the state from doing exactly this!
On the local front at the polls today:
My recommendations...basically Republican except for Sheriff, Clerk of Superior Court and GA District 133.
In the Sheriff's race, I support John Darr as an Independent.. in the Clerk of Superior Court, I support write-in candidate, Mike Garner, a Democrat lawyer, and in GA District 133, I recommend another write-in choice, "Benedict Arnold".. unopposed incumbent Pezold is an advocate/co-conspirator for TomLYINGson's assault on our Tax Freeze, and does not deserve Columbus' support.
Oh, and from the "poetic justice" department -- Burger King is building a new unit across the way from Pezold's McDonald's unit on Bradley Park Drive.. ironically, both principles donated $5,000.00 to take away our "Tax Freeze"... boycott both units, buy Wendy's burgers and Chick-fil-A's chicken and let Schuster and Pezold fight over what left... Maybe both will go away..none-to-soon.
My predictions for tomorrow's headlines:
"America/Trump Wins"
"Columbus Wins - Freeze Stays Frozen - Darr Stays - TomLYINGson Sulks"

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