Saturday, December 31, 2016

Online headline: "'This is borderline treasonous': Liberal activists accuse Trump of flirting with treason for praising Putin" -- Good grief.. on his way out the door, Obama pretty much spit in Putin's eye, but Trump is the "bad guy" for smoothing over Obama's naany-nanny-poo-poo claims?

Well, Gretchen Carlson will reappear of TV in January... on NBC... I'm curious.. curious as to whether NBC will lose it's base or Gretchen will placate it to keep what ratings NBC does have?

4.... that's the "magic" number Chicago has until it hits 800 homicides for 2016..and it has today/tonight.. New Year's Eve, to get there

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Santa Monica synagogue smeared with feces and food during Hanukkah" -- Was John Kerry accountable for his whereabouts?

Sacrilegious..that's what it is pure and simple...there's no more Gator Bowl... now it's the TaxSlayer Bowl at Everbank ..

The SEC's overall performance wasn't the ugliest thing the nation saw during the bowl was those U-G-L-Y Tennessee uniforms.

Hurry Jan 20th!

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