Monday, March 19, 2018

Amazing... like Comey, McCabe took notes when he talked with Trump. Amazing, because neither took notes.. nor recorded... their INVESTIGATIVE talks with Hellary. Sounds to me like they were already colluding...
Online story: "Five Manhattan doctors were paid more than $800,000 by a pharmaceutical company to prescribe a spray version of the highly potent and addictive opioid fentanyl to more and more patients whether they needed it or not, * The money was earmarked as "speaker fees" for educational lectures on the drug that the doctors had agreed to give to medical professionals. In reality, according to federal prosecutors, the "lectures" were just booze-fueled social gatherings, and the fees were kickbacks paid to prescribe the drug, Subsys." -- "$800,000.00 in "speaker fees"? Hmmm.. I can smell Slick Willie's brain churning now.. wondering if he can get Harvard to bestow him an honorary medical degree.. imagine.... "Dr Bill" , and maybe with an honorary OB-Gyn specialist/Sex Therapist degree.
Went shopping over the weekend at a grocery store on "the Gulf"..I was upset when juices I use to buy in half-gallon sizes suddenly became "59 ounces", but I was really taken back that the Florida grocery stores are now peddling those juices in "52 Ounce" bottles..
From another missing video from Hellary's "trips" in India.. There was video of her second deplorables "trips".. there was video of her "trips" on the steps there.. fortunately there were NO videos of her bathroom 'trip', but what there was no video at all was where Bill Clinton had "tripped off" to...
Can't let the university pedestrian bridge that collapsed go by without another comment/reminder. Once again.. government wasteful spending is highlighted under the rubble of a travesty.. The university spent $14 Million (another source said $9.2 Million) on a pedestrian bridge at a traffic-light-controlled intersection.. For that kind of money, the University could have hired peak hour monitors to be there, and could have spent $100,000.00 annually for either 140 or 92 years.. which would far exceed the life of the pedestrian bridge even if it was built satisfactorily..
Had a lull Saturday, and watched a bit of the Tenn- Loyola Shicago game.I thought basketball was a team sport, and teams wear matching uniforms in team unity... but 3 different Loyola Shicago players were wearing white, black, and nude shoes. When I played, we all wore the same color shoes.

NCAA Update.. 3 Top 16 teams LOST in the first round.. another fell Saturday.. 5 fell Sunday.. This means less than half of the teams ranked in the Top 16 will not be moving into the "Sweet 16"..And only 4 of these were seeded #1 or #2.
I love the drone... the rants... coming from he top echelon of FBI execs who were there before Trump took office.. it just shows how corruption has crept into the FBI via political appointments. It also shows how much Trump has been needed.. American citizens need... NEED to know that our security and future are not in jeopardy. Let's all pray for eventual peace.. and silence in the future.
Saturday night, there was a club in Louisville, KY that had a gunfight break out, and 7 people were shot.. no reports of death... yet... but for all concerned that metal detectors are a cure-all for school security... they did not stop this from happening.
For some reason, Amy Bryan , Chamber exec, and mayoral candidate is being allowed to run even though the Chamber gets funds from the Development Authority which is funded by our tax dollars. Mike Edmondson was drawing pay from the MCSD but he had to resign because the MCSD is funded with tax dollars. This is a legal issue that needs to be delved into, but one clear thing was Amy Bryant and the Chamber were leaders in the Mayor's assault on our tax freeze.. She and the Chamber would have directly benefited if the Mayor's attempt had been successful.. we do not need a tax and spend rep in Council Post 10.
Interesting...while crossing the 13th Street Bridge into Phenix City, I saw 3 big Ft Benning buses parked out in front of WhiteWater. Has Mayor Tom-LYING-son so damaged relationships with Ft Benning that they drive extra to use the Phenix City facility which cuts Columbus and Georgia completely out of the revenue cycle?
Geraldo Rivera sort slipped into the Fox Saturday conversations and I heard him talking before I had time to reach for the remote to change channels. You know, Geraldo use to be a reporter..not a particularly good one, but a reporter nonetheless. Now he's nothing more than a paid DIMocrat Kool-Aid influenced parrot who is paid to say what the party's mantra of the day is.
Excuse me, but why would people go to Puerto Rico and get abandoned/abused dogs to bring them to our mainland to put them into our already overflowing adopt-a-pet system?
From the "deja vu" department - Online headline: "'This Board Should Be Taken Apart': NY Lawmaker Blasts State Board for Paroling Double Cop Killer" - Wait a minute.. didn't a deputy in Tennessee recently get killed by another cop-killer out on parole? Shooting a law enforcement officer should carry a life-without-parole sentence.. at a minimum..death should be the "go-to" sentence.
From the "huh?" department - Online story: "Adrian Lamo, the notorious computer hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning to the FBI and was arrested for hacking into The New York Times and Microsoft, has died in Kansas at age 37. * Sedgwick County spokeswoman Kate Flavin said Friday that Lamo’s body was at the morgue in Wichita. The Wichita Eagle reported Lamo was found dead in his apartment Wednesday. * Charley Davidson, a Wichita police officer told the media outlet there was “nothing suspicious about his death.” It was not immediately clear how Lamo died." -- "nothing suspicious about his death"? The fact there was "nothing suspicious" about the unexpected death of a 37 year-old is suspicious in itself.. Hmmm.. where was Bill Clinton.. we're pretty sure he wasn't in India.
From the "good grief!" department - L-E story: "To pay for the expanded scope and cost of upgrading some athletics fields, the Muscogee County School District wants to take all of the $7.2 million voters approved for these projects at five high schools and spend it on two of them while seeking additional money for the rest." -- Good Grief.. the MCSD has never before been interested in a proper landscaping program.. nor maintenance... of any of the public school grounds, but now wants to pour $7.2 MILLION "upgrading" two schools baseball/softball facilities? And then come back asking for more for the 3 schools being cut-out of the promises made to get parents to vote FOR the SPLOST? No way, Jose! The existing MCSB should make a stand on such waste...
While we're talking about government wastefully spending money on programs that have no maintenance programs included in the plans.. I remember back in the late 80s/maybe early in the 1990s, the Columbus Parks and Recreation Department spent $100,000.00 re-sodding and installing a manual sprinkler system on the football field at Belvedere Park. I was attending a Little League Baseball Tournament there, and walked over to see the work.. The sod was completely burned out.. the City put in the sprinkler system, but there was no one put in responsibility of TURNING IT ON AS NEEDED! I can already see this happening at the two schools the MCSD has picked out "to favor" over the others.
L-E commentary headline/content: "Education spending consumes new state revenues" -- I tell you what.. when local school systems spend local money.. whether SPLOST related like the $7.2 MILLION to be spent dressing up high school baseball fields, or a University building a $9.2-to-$14 MILLION dollar pedestrian bridge from donations, why should the state be overly concerned about how much money it delegates to public schools/colleges? Maybe it would be better if the STATE had its OWN state-wide Education-SPLOST in addition to the normal revenue sources, and that tax be used to supplement state education distributions.. and once classrooms are "sufficiently" run/endowed, then the "extras".. like baseball field upgrades and pedestrian bridges could be addressed.
L-E headline/story: "Revised federal rules make it easier to hire unpaid interns * The new policy consists of a seven-part test that focuses on whether interns are the “primary beneficiary” of an intern-employer relationship. If the interns are judged to be the primary beneficiary of the job, they can legally perform work without being paid." -- "if the intern is the primary beneficiary of an intern-employer relationship, they can legally perform work without being paid"? You know, an intern will benefit with some on-the-job experience.. maybe with even a college class credit, but.. BUT.. what employer would bring one on that is not going to benefit him/her more? I mean, what employer is going to add an intern that either he/she.. or another paid employee is going to have to "wet nurse" an intern? While the intern DOES get benefit in a field of interest, federal minimum law should apply... after all.. interns are generally already skilled individuals.
Think about this.. Nancy Pelosi stood at the House Speakers lectern for 8 plus hours defending illegal aliens' "rights", yet did not stand up at all to honor our military during Trump's SOTU speech..
Once again, what is happening in the investigation of the garbage truck that the train load of Republicans collided with following the SOTU? Evidence shows explicitly that the garbage truck was maneuvered onto the track AFTER the warning signals were activated. That, and since none of the 3 men got out of the truck.. adding reason to believe it was an intentional suicide terrorist mission.
Not trying to take away from Rory McIlroy's 8-under par round which propelled him to a 3-stroke win yesterday, but Rory McIlroy just defined his future..and it doesn't look good...McIlroy just complained about 2 "sacred cows" of the PGA..he complained about having to play with Tiger Woods (gave him headaches) at the Genesis Tournament...then complained about excessive alcohol sales at the courses. Hey, Rory, Tiger and alcohol bring out a lot more fans than you do... and they are Americans! Go home!
BTW.. hey, golf announcers.. we love Tiger, too, but he's not quite back yet.. almost, but not quite.. stop fawning over him... or his past.. let him win back his edge.
When DIMocrats pop up their "October Surprise " 2 weeks before the November General Elections, the Republicans should flood the TV channels with a replay of Trump's SOTU speech when ALL the DIMocrats refused to stand up to honor our military. In fact, the Republicans should also book time on all the new Fall season shows aimed at the millennials to run it also.
Online headline/story: "Some officials wanted Stoneman Douglas suspect Nikolas Cruz committed in 2016, documents show * Some school counselors and officials were so concerned about the mental stability of Nikolas Cruz, accused in last month’s Florida school massacre, that they decided to have him forcibly committed more than a year before the shooting. * However, the recommendation was never acted upon." -- "the recommendation was never acted upon"? This... this is.. was... the weakness of "political correctness".. Thank God we do not have to be "politically correct" anymore.
From the "dangled with our own carrot" department - L-E headline/story: "Additional studies, concerns threaten plans for Mott’s Green rehabilitation project * In 2016, Columbus Council approved plans for a $1 million project that would rehabilitate green space near the old Mott House historic site. * The Mott’s Green property, located on the north side of the 14th Street pedestrian bridge, was to be spruced up in partnership with the Georgia Department of Transportation, which committed to providing $800,000 of the funds as long as the city contributed the remaining $200,000. " -- You know.. The GA DOT is dangling $800,000.00 to the City for something not needed but only if "we" cough up another $200,000. Excuse me, but the $800,000.00 the GA DOT is dangling to Columbus is already $800,000.00 from tax revenues we've already provide to the GA DOT!
Glenn Davis finally realized that Mayor Tom-LYING-son IS "duping" him.. this is no different than the Roundabout scheduled to be built near Davis' home driveway.. the GA DOT is paying for its share (about 50%) with tax dollars already collected from Columbus taxpayers.
Did you notice that there was no mention in the L-E of the box office receipts of "I can Only Imagine"? Well, I guess mainscream media isn't to keen on showing that a Christian themed movie brought in over $17,000,000.00 it's first weekend out. It's a really good movie.. family worthy!
Carlton Gary is now "gone"... finally..... what may never be "gone" are the memories of how terrified Columbus families were at the time of his reign of terror.. Damn him!
From the "hey, GA Legislators,, remember this when you're debating a return to paper ballots" department - L-E headline/story: "Putin heads for big win in fraud-tainted Russian vote * The vote was tainted by widespread reports of ballot-box stuffing and forced voting, but the complaints will likely do little to undermine Putin." -- And don't forget, the DIMocrats goal is for Socialism..where everyone is equal... except some.. the officials... are more equal than others...

L-E headline/story: "Fire destroys part of Columbus playground * The playground equipment was just installed last year according to Jermaine Billingsley, program assistant at the nearby A.J. McClung YMCA. * “It was around 2:45 to 3 p.m. when the fire started. It was lost quickly,” he said on Sunday. * Billingsley said much of the material used in the construction of the playground was hard rubber. * “It is recycled tires. Once it caught fire there was no stopping it,” he said." -- and not one word about the "cause" of the fire..we know that material had to be intentionally set on fire, but I didn't see the mention of "arson" nor "crime" in this story.. only that Parks & Rec installed it, so we taxpayers will be getting hit with costs and replacement costs..

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