Thursday, March 1, 2018

Soapbox Moment: From the " male #metoo " department - -- What is Dick's Sporting Goods CEO thinking...well not thinking..maybe "feeling" giving up selling "some" semi-automatic rifles...does the CEO believe that the anti-gun groups will take up the slack? Maybe trade in their protest signs for outdoor gear.. good luck with that.. Does the CEO "feel" that if he "gives in" on one issue, that the antifa will be grateful? Fat chance.. all concessions to liberals do is "stoke them" to ask for more and bigger concessions. How about raising the drivers license age to 21.. We know more teens die ..way more teens die... annually in teen driven car wrecks that are killed in all homicide events.. Ah.. but like underage drinking, underage possession of firearms, teens will steal... "borrow".."get access" to someone else's car and take a joyride.. No, Dick's CEO is not helping with a solution, he's politically correctly "kicking the can down the road" feeling liberals will like him and stop bothering him. WUSS! .. Now, some of you are "up in arms" over the drivers license issue.. make exceptions.. passing school grades.. limited "to work and school" permits.. 10:00 PM curfews, no more than 1 passenger at a time, "Teen Driver" decals on rear windows.. And like all other attempts at legislation of morals, only the morals will obey them.. Oh.. just tore up my Dick's Rewards Card.
Of course Trump should question Sessions on using Obama appointed Inspector General Horowitz to "investigate" the FISA court...Horowitz has known for 6 years what's been going on and hasn't done anything about it.
Online story: "A Native American burial site hidden for 7,000 years beneath the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida has been unearthed in what archaeologists are calling an "unprecedented" discovery. * Florida Secretary of State, Ken Detzner, said in a news release on Wednesday the unmarked site near Venice, which measures roughly 0.75 acres, was first discovered by a diver in June 2016, who then reported possible human remains on the continental shelf to the Bureau of Archaeological Research." -- Fascinating! Of course, liberals will declare that "weather change" caused by "fossil fuels" and MAN caused this..
Online headline/story: "Lifelong New Yorker joins students in Kansas gov run that has ‘no rules’ * Andy Maskin has been to Kansas once * now the 40-year-old lifelong New Yorker is seeking to add his name to the growing list of long-shot candidates running for governor of Kansas. * Maskin told Fox News recently that he was inspired to run for the Sunflower State's gubernatorial seat after reading an article about the seven teenagers – none of whom are eligible to vote – who are also running. * In Kansas, there are no minimum age restrictions to run for office and, as Maskin went on to discover, there are no residency requirements, either." -- How about residency to vote? Hey Kansas.. send me an absentee ballot so I can vote for Maskin!
Online headline: "President Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination being investigated as a possible fake" -- Hmmm.. yet none of the mainscream media raised an eyebrow when Obama WON a Nobel Peace Prize without doing ANYTHING.. period...
Online headline: "NFL to take action on uptick in player concussions" -- Hmmm.. and maybe the NFL should also take action on the "concussion" to viewers "knocked out" by NFL players disrespecting our Flag, our National Anthem, and our Military/Law Enforcement Patriots.
Further thinking out as to why companies cut relationships with the NRA leaves me even more confused at their "thought processing". Let's take airlines and car rental folks specifically..NRA members who fly to attend the annual NRA meeting are pretty likely people who do a lot of flying elsewhere during the year. Does Delta or United feel that NRA members are going to rationalize that Delta or United's intentions were just to keep them from attending the annual NRA meeting? When it comes down to the bottom line, Delta and United are messing with NRA member's 1st Amendment rights, and Delta and United are going to lose all the other non-NRA-discount business of millions of NRA's 5 MILLION members.. and Hertz. Avis, and Enterprise will suffer more. Me. I'm not even a NRA member, but I will boycott Delta, United, Avis, Enterprise, and Hertz on the premise they do not feel gun-owners have 1st Amendment protection as well!
Online headline: "Starbucks opens new Reserve store, serves booze and pizza" -- Hmmm.. guess the CEO figures that if 18 year olds can buy guns, he can serve them alcohol as well... well, as long as they don't wear "Make America Great Again" hats.
Online story: " A Rhode Island city has issued more than 12,000 speeding tickets in the first 33 days of a new school-zone speed camera program. * WPRI-TV reports 12,193 tickets were issued in Providence between Jan. 16 and Feb. 22 from five speed cameras. * Tickets are issued for vehicles traveling more than 11 mph above the speed limit between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. * The city plans to install six more cameras next week." -- Shhhh... make sure Mayor Tom-LYING-son and School Super Lewis do not learn about this!
From the "disgusting" department - Online headline/story: "Man sentenced to 300 years for child sex crimes freed on technicality * news broke that 46-year-old Michael McFadden was released from prison Tuesday, * McFadden appealed his conviction, claiming pre-trial delays violated Colorado’s speedy trial statutes. * This past June, the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled in McFadden’s favor, throwing out his conviction and ruling he could not be retried. * McFadden does not even have to register as a sex offender." -- and "does not have to register as a sex offender"? I better see his name chiseled in stone above the door of wherever sex offenders have to register in GA!
Oh.. and here are the 22 Colorado Court of Appeals judges..I cannot find a listing of the ones that ruled in the McFadden case, so when each of these judges comes up for "retention elections - (every 8 years)", urge Colorado to replace them all until we know the exact panel that did this.
The Colorado Court of Appeals, located in Denver, has 22 judges. The judges serve eight-year terms and are subject to retention elections. Each of these judges has his or her own separate chambers located in the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center.
Chief Judge Alan M. Loeb
Judge Daniel M. Taubman
Judge John Daniel Dailey
Judge John R. Webb
Judge Dennis Graham
Judge Robert D. Hawthorne
Judge Gilbert M. Roman
Judge David Furman
Judge Steve Bernard
Judge Diana Terry
Judge Jerry N. Jones
Judge Nancy J. Lichtenstein
Judge David J. Richman
Judge Gale T. Miller
Judge Laurie A. Booras
Judge Terry Fox
Judge Stephanie Dunn
Judge Anthony J. Navarro
Judge Karen M. Ashby
Judge Michael H. Berger
Judge Elizabeth L. Harris
Judge Rebecca R. Freyre

Saw this online headline, "The Untold Truth of Rachel Maddow", and wondered... you know, this is a very cryptic.. perhaps even oxymoronic.. headline.. can anyone even recall a moment that Rachel Maddow has actually TOLD the TRUTH?
From the "another jury fail" department - L-E headline/story: "OPERATION HIDDEN GUARDIAN * Man caught in child sex sting not guilty * Kim’s defense was he did not know the girl was 14 and that she led him to believe by an online photo and a phone conversation that she was much older." -- Good grief.. with as difficult a time it is to KNOW what age some girls can be with the amount of make-up that's available, how can a jury not realize that when a girl says she is 14, that a only sick person would believe otherwise and make the trip.. SMH.
From the "shoe is on the other foot now" department - L-E headline/story: "COLUMBUS COUNCIL * Sheriff to councilors: You need to pay for safety * “More importantly, sir, I’m just going to have to get real here,” she said. “... I need people to work in the county jail. The safety and security of both my employees and my inmates is paramount in my mind." -- Whoaaaaaa! Hmmm... isn't this sorta "deja vu" on my the mayor worked so hard to discredit Sheriff Darr that he had to file a lawsuit against her/Council? And didn't current Sheriff Tompkins curry favor with Mayor Tom-LYING-son to run against Darr on the premise she could run the Sheriff's Office on the Mayor's budget whims? Darr for MAYOR!!!
Did you see the Full Page ad Piedmont Healthcare ran in the Columbus L-E? Well, with Piedmont taking over Columbus Regional, we have two issues that need to be addressed.. first, will Columbus Regional rates be raised to the limits that Piedmont can get in Atlanta, and 2nd, and certainly not least, is will Piedmont still get the property tax millage that Council gives Columbus Regional to cover local indigent care. The 2nd issue is definitely a campaign issue to be addressed/answered by those running for Mayor and Council.
L-E headline/story: "Pizza Hut takes Papa John’s place as NFL sponsor * The NFL has a new favorite pizza joint. A day after Papa John’s said it was ending its sponsorship deal with the league, Roger Goodell announced Wednesday that Pizza Hut has stepped in as the new official pizza of the NFL." -- Hmmm.. guess I'll reinstate Papa John's back into my "speed dial" lineup.
From the "I'm taking the Missouri approach.... "show me" " department - L-E headline/story: "The ‘Stocking Strangler’ killer terrorized Columbus; now he has an execution date — again * Convicted serial killer Carlton Gary’s death by lethal injection is to be 7 p.m. March 15 at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson." -- It's been 40 years of terror this man has wreaked upon this community.. why wait until March 15th.. why not TODAY! Otherwise, he could die of old age before then and cheat us all again!
Who doesn't... well.. at least from most of the age group this message reaches... remember certain love poems penned by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning? "come grow old with me".. "how do I love thee, let me count the ways"... Think about this.. if texting and e-mail existed in their days, we would not have these immortal poems.. we'd have nothing but "sound bytes".
Blaming guns for deaths is like blaming computers for dumb e-mails people send.

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