Thursday, March 29, 2018

Soapbox Moment: We have been bombarded with elements of FBI scandals "at the top" since the summer of 2016...and we still do not know the depths and breadth of how bad the FBI has tainted our trust... can you imagine how little we would know if Hellary had won and redirected the US Attorney General and mainscream media to move on?
From the "a tad bit over reactive" department - Online story: "A British Paralympic athlete says she is furious after she was asked to prove that she was disabled by an employee of budget airline EasyJet. * Sophia Warner, a 43-year-old track and field Paralympian who has cerebral palsy, was flying from Milan to London when an EasyJet worker raised doubts about her need for special assistance. * Warner, who earned a silver and a bronze medal at the 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships, took to social media after the incident to lament the way she was treated. * "I’ve not complained on twitter before. The order to publicly prove my disability incident by @easyJet yesterday was beyond devastating," wrote the athlete. * "I was told ‘you look completely normal. Why do you need help’ I cried all the way home. I don’t even know where to begin with a complaint." -- There's something not right about this person's reaction/response... With my layman's knowledge of cerebral palsy, I would wonder.. no .. maybe marvel, at a victim being able to race in sprint events, and probably would marvel and wonder if she was maneuvering around in an airplane with agility? Now, if I were the cerebral palsy athlete, and someone said to me, "you look completely normal, why do you need help", I would be flattered, and would take the time to educate "my new friend" on the disease and what the issues are.
Mainscream media and liberals are incredibly biased.. Now they are attacking Fox for a commentator's words of thanks.. "working the streets for us and Sean Hannity" to an investigative female reporter. I guess two things have contributed to mainscream media's reactions... first... mainscream media has no investigative journalists anymore.. it relies on "leaks" and "DIMocrat facts".. secondly, mainscream media does not know HOW to recognize a woman who actually prostitutes herself.. Stormy Daniel has become a celebrity while, in fact, her everyday job constitutes of her having to "fake" it.. Talk about the picture Webster should include in its dictionaries to showcase "Fake News"!
The NFL is changing rules on the field DURING the games.. after it failed to enforce rules prior to the games.. yet, the NFL.. the NCAA for that matter... have not touched a rule I think needs to be included.. It's already a penalty for a defensive tackler to put his hands on a runners "face mask", yet it's not an infraction for a runner to stiff arm a defensive tackler's "face mask". Do I want to take the "stiff arm" away from runners? No way.. it's part of the game, but it was included long before face masks were mandatory equipment..and runners get a definite advantage being able to do it.
Online story: "More than 30 suspected illegal immigrants have been detained by federal agents at a home in Phoenix, Arizona, according to government officials. * The Homeland Security Investigations unit of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Phoenix responded to the home late Tuesday evening for suspected human smuggling, according to Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman." -- BUILD THAT WALL!
Online headline/story: "Mateen originally wanted to attack Disney Springs before Pulse * Pulse gunman Omar Mateen planned to shoot up the Disney Springs resort in Orlando, not the gay nightclub where he murdered 49 people. * Prosecutors made the revelation during closing arguments Wednesday in the case against his widow, Noor Salman * The killer may have been scared off by a heavy Orange County sheriff’s department presence around the complex, federal prosecutors said in court." -- "the killer MAY HAVE BEEN SCARED OFF BY A HEAVY ORANGE COUNTY Sheriff's department PRESENCE"? OMG! Good people with guns DID MATTER.... DO matter!
Online headline: "Colorado seeing rise in rabid skunks" -- Ooops.. thought this was going to be a story about marijuana or DIMocrat voters moving from California...
ABC took it on the chin when it took "Last Man Standing" with Tim Allen off the air, but really got a "left hook" from liberals who felt they have been suckerpunched by RoseAnne.
From the "progress is not static" department - Online headline: "Budget analyst: Georgia's decision to lower taxes leaves budget shortfalls" -- "Budget analysis"? Good grief.. when you put politicians in charge of analysis, they do not think out of the box.. maybe they don't think AT ALL! None seem to realize that too high taxes STAGNATE an economy, nor that lower taxes "STIMULATE" the economy, and a properly stimulated economy brings about increased tax revenues.
From the "proof is in the pudding" department - Online headline/story: "Online headline/story: "Education, transit to benefit from state revenue hike * Georgia's growing economy is continuing to pay dividends to the state budget. * Gov. Nathan Deal announced Tuesday he is increasing his revenue projection for fiscal 2019 by more than $194 million, a move that will increase next year's proposed budget to $26.2 billion.
* Working with Georgia House and Senate budget conferees, Deal is recommending 11th-hour spending additions to both K-12 education and transit." -- Yeah, those political budget analysis wonks really know what they are talking about... NOT!
Online headline/story: "Ex-presidents praise Zell Miller as friend, servant, example * Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush drew laughter, applause and an occasional “amen” at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church as they recalled the remarkable and sometimes paradoxical public life of a man who rose from Appalachia to become a Georgia icon." -- Hmmm... wonder if Carter and Clinton "chuckled".. Bush43 for that matter, if anyone mentioned that Zell Miller blasted the DIMocrat Party for "leaving him"?
ALERT: Word is out that FACEBOOK gets most of its private information from you if you have "Messenger" activated on your cellphone.. Mine is not.. you would help yourselves by shutting this off on yours as well.
You've heard my opinion of Chamber of Commerce exec Amy Bryan running for Mayor without resigning from her current job, but here is another view expressed bu=y one of the other Council Post 10 candidates..

Weaponization of the Chamber of Commerce
March 25, 2018
Regardless of the outcome of the election for Council Post 10, we have seen for the first time the political weaponization of the Chamber of Commerce. In the past, the Chamber has required any paid employee to resign should they want to run for political office. By allowing Amy Bryan to remain as a paid employee in charge of community development, the Chamber has taken a stand in the political process. That is a concern for a couple of reasons.

The city provides money to the Development Authority that then provides money to the Chamber to assist in economic development for the city. This laundering of taxpayer dollars apparently provides sufficient separation to ensure that no laws are broken. Nonetheless, our money is supporting an organization, the Chamber, with a full time employee running for office. If Ms. Bryan wins, the Chamber will then have an employee in a position to influence directly the amount of money going to the Chamber through the Development Authority. Even if someone makes the argument that Ms. Bryan works community support and not economic development, the money still is going to some part of the Chamber so that the Chamber can use other money to pay her salary. Do we want an employee of any organization receiving local taxpayer money voting on the provision of that money to their employer?

Another problem with this goes to Ms. Bryan’s community support duties. Membership falls under this. I joined the Chamber on February 7, 2018, about a month before Ms. Bryan declared her candidacy. I have not received any notices of events related to the Chamber since I joined. I do not know if I am even in a database of members. However, the person from the Chamber who took my money knows that she did so. My credit card and bank know as well. So now, an employee of an organization I joined in order to show my support of their mission is opposing me in a political forum. The lesson is that the Chamber will gladly work against a member in the political arena. Anyone considering membership should keep this in mind before joining.

Allowing a full time employee of the Chamber to run for political office is at least interesting if not unwise. Precedent is being set. The Chamber is not apolitical any longer and should be treated as such. I do not know if this will help or hurt Chamber membership or its interactions with political or governmental bodies. Regardless of those effects, everyone should now realize that the Chamber has changed. The Chamber is now a political weapon. -- By John House"
Like I've said many time previously.. already.. we were blessed to have such good candidates like Tollie Strode, Jr and John House stepping forward and competing for one of the "at-large" Council Posts, and that I personally am supporting Tollie Strode because I've worked with him during the "Keep the Freeze" campaign and am impressed by b=his focus, love of Columbus, and his ability "to-get=things.... and the right things... DONE. but, I would not be disappointed if John House won..what I don't want is for those two be thrown into a run-off because of a "spoiler candidate" who is being allowed to keep her taxpayer funded job as she campaigns.. Let the race be determined by the main election..
L-E headline/story: "COLUMBUS * Police target distracted drivers in 2 locations * Columbus police targeted distracted motorists in two high-profile locations Wednesday morning and issued more than 100 traffic citations, Lt. Clyde Dent said. * As part of an ongoing operation that started in June of last year, police used roadside spotters looking for distracted drivers and other violations. * “This morning there were a total of 111 citations,” Dent said. “Thirty of those were distracted driving citations. The others were miscellaneous citations — seat belt, tag violations, people running red lights and other various violations, even littering. There were three people arrested during this time." -- Hmmm .. 30 out of 111 citations were for "distracted driving".. I'm going to assume.. right or wrong.. this means some sort of "cellphone use" and that there were 111 violations written up from stopping 30 vehicles with drivers using cellphones. .. so while other "crimes" were "caught", it boils down to several police . "teams" being isolated at two points that no violent crimes were occurring .. Now, how many vehicles passed either of those points that trained lookouts could see no cellphone "distractions" stopped? What was the percentage of all those that got stopped?
From the "isn't it nice" department - Mainscream media explodes into euphoria whenever Trump sends another government head out of the building.. but.. the way I see it, is that Trump allow people to shine, and when they don't he gives someone else the opportunity, and that.. my friends.. is a blessing compared to past presidents who let incompetent people to just hang around until they can retire on the taxpayers' money.
Mainscream media's bias is showing - From the "way it ought to have been all along" department - L-E headline/story: "Trump plan would penalize immigrants who use tax credits, other benefits * Immigrants who accept almost any form of welfare or public benefit, even popular tax deductions, could be denied legal U.S. residency under a proposal awaiting approval by the Trump administration, which is seeking to reduce the number of foreigners living in the United States." -- Since when is looking after the best interests of American citizens a "penalty"? America loves immigrants.. we are a nation of such.. but.. a nation does not thrive when being a citizen of America subjects you to higher taxes to support illegal aliens.. or even "legal aliens" who are not trying hard enough to become American Citizens.
L-E headline: "Justices troubled by partisan gerrymandering" -- You know.. "gerrymandering" is not possible by political party leanings.. it's only possible by racial demographics.. If districts were balanced.. percentage wise by a state's overall racial demographics, who can say what would be fair... it certainly is not in the eyes of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr's "dream" that we see everyone by their character rather than the color of their skin.

Hmmm... Mainscream media's bias is showing - L-E headline: "As Trump targets immigrants, many brace to lose caregivers" -- Hmmm.. what a wonderful opportunity for Americans.. and legal immigrants seeking American citizenship.. to find a job.

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