Thursday, March 22, 2018

From the "fair's only fair" department - Online headline: "Mueller homes in on obstruction of justice as he gears up to ask Trump about 4 key events" -- Hmmm, and rump and his lawyers should get a chance to ask Mueller about his actions under Obama .. under oath as well.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Elizabeth Warren introduced a bill aimed at dramatically increasing the affordability and reliability of health care coverage" -- Hmmm.. and for identification purposes, everyone should have to get a DNA test, starting with Pocahontas Warren, to help establish where everyone was born.
Oh, and why was she not on board the last 5 years with getting rid of OObamaCRAP and replacing it with her bill?
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Footage shows the moment cops fatally shot unarmed black man Stephon Clark * Two officers with the Sacramento Police Department shot at Clark 20 times on Sunday night after police received a call about car break-ins. Clark, a father of two young children, was armed only with a cellphone when he died, and was in his own backyard. * Disturbing helicopter footage of the incident, released Wednesday, shows thermal images of Clark running through his neighborhood and hopping fences as two officers begin to close in on him. He stops at the home he shared with his grandparents and two sons. Seconds later, officers shoot him dead. * In body camera footage also released Wednesday, officers can be seen talking to neighbors before pursuing Clark in a foot chase. * “Hey, show me your hands!” an officer yells at Clark as they continue to chase him. As the two officers round the corner, one yells out “gun!” * “Gun! Gun, gun, gun!” he shouts. Both officers unleash a hail of gunfire on the unarmed man." -- Tragic.. but.. avoidable...running away when asked to stop by police officers created this situation. Don't you know the two officers weer just as concerned over their own while chasing an unidentified runaway suspect carrying something in his hand...Pray for the officers, their families, and the family of the dead man.
Local update: Nearly four years after it was suppose to have begun, preliminary site work has been done at the River Road "roundabout" location.. None of the Current/former Councilors have come forward with the now projected costs. The last "estimate" was given in February of 2016 as $2,700,000.00 ($1.5 Million by the State, and $1.2 Million straight out of our City taxes). I'm not going to embarrass the one candidate... at least not YET... This candidate said on Feb 7, 2018, that the City had not put the project "out for bids". What BS.. Who among us has ever authorized a project at our homes where a reasonably close cost was not discussed PRIOR to starting? BTW, I haven't heard back and it's been 6 weeks now.
I want to apologize to Mayoral Candidate Henderson.. I previously wrote he had not answered a single e-mail question of mine in 10 years.. I was wrong.. I found a response he made in 2011. It involved commercial property ( PARID: 008 002 008 ) being bought for $1,400,000.00 in 2010 and being "Moratorium Valued at $578K and Moratorium Assessed at $231K, and taxes went down by $1,500.00. As to why, Skip said, "Not completely sure, Hal but I'll check." Of course he never did check (to my knowledge) and let me know.. BTW, that property today is FMV'd at $599,770.00.. Hardly seems fair for property bought for an agreeable amount of $1.4 MILLION.
Online story: "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said "I'm really sorry that this happened," in his first interview on the massive Cambridge Analytica data scandal that has roiled the social media network this week." -- 6uckerberg's apology would be more accurate if he cut out the last three words of it.
There's a list out naming the 19 worst sports chokes.. this one names the Falcons loss to the Patriot in the SuperBowl, but we all n[know that that was not as big a choke as Greg Norman's loss in the '96 MASTERS, nor when Bill Buckner let a roller go between his legs in the '86 World Series. My guess is that too many of the "voters" weren't old enough to have seen those two events.
From the "Have you thought about this?" department - Why are so many "experts" ripping apart businessman/President Trump's economic recovery path? Did any one of these
"economic geniuses" ever figure out why Obama's "economic policies" were bring America to its knees..
I tell you what...I hope every sitting "establishment" Republican has an opponent in the primaries, I want a choice this time. I've seen too many blasting Trump for calling Putin to congratulate him. Trump has to work and deal with Russia, and like him or not, Putin is the president there.
Getting Trump elected has not solved everything we need to do..Too many of the establishment Republicans still haven't gotten the message..They complained that they couldn't get things done with a DIMocrat in White House, and now they still aren't getting things done..and it's because they liked the old way of doing business in Washington.
California officials claim they don't keep illegal aliens for ICE to pick up because of laws about keeping criminals incarcerated longer than their laws permit. Excuse me, but isn't it illegal to release an illegal alien out of jail so he/she is illegally breaking the law again for being in the US illegally?
From the "see what a little communication does" department - Mentioned how sad.. and BAD... it was that the MCSD hired someone from Atlanta to be the new principal at one of our schools yesterday.. one of the MCSB members took the time .. and effort .. to let me know that the man in question had actually worked here for 14 years before moving to a similar position as a principal in Atlanta. It's more of a "homecoming".. This is a much better picture of what happened than was released in the L-E.
L-E headline/story: "Downtown open container law headed to Columbus Council after slight change * The change was suggested by Columbus Police Department to control areas where people are walking around with open containers of alcoholic beverages in the entertainment district. The boundary is limited to Broadway from 10th Street to 14th Street and Front Avenue bounded between 12th Street, Bay Avenue and 10th Street" -- Good grief.. reducing the range is like putting a band-aid on an amputation.. it'll stop the bleeding for about 2-seconds.. to boot, it also creates a barrier to expanding places new restaurants can be created, and.. it doesn't do anything to curb the abuses that will surely happen from DT residents, cars that get parked inside the confined area, nor from minors getting their hands on a cup marked by the bar that sold it originally. Our police department will have it's hands tied checking ID's from the abundance of CSU students who are mostly under-aged.

An interesting point is the picture the L-E has used.. the Rankin Courtyard.. with the "new" smaller control area, the Rankin Courtyard would have to close 3 of the 4 access points.. the ones on 11th St, 1st Ave, and 10th Sts all fall out of the new area the Uptown Drinking Club bill specifies .
You know, the Junior League of Columbus is holding what it advertises as "kid friendly, an outdoor movie of "Sing" tomorrow night at Woodruff Park. Woodruff Park is one of the areas that "wandering drinkers" will have access to if the Uptown Drinking Club gets it's new law approved by Council... there won't be anything "kid friendly" about future events.
From the "Don Quixote jousts again department - Online headline/story: "GSU leading effort to get U.S. Civil Rights sites on the World Heritage list * An exhaustive effort is underway to catapult the international recognition of the modern Civil Rights movement in the South. * Georgia State University is shepherding the effort to get about a dozen Civil Rights landmarks to be nominated as World Heritage sites." -- Good grief.. While America has made great strides, the rest of the world could really care less.. There are more civil rights issues ongoing in China, Russia, all of Africa and in all Muslim countries today than in the worst of times here in America.
One of the issues to be on the local table this or next year will be about whether Columbus is OK with a gambling Casino being built here.. I hope this is a topic at every political forum between now and the May election dates.. Every Council/Mayoral candidate should be up-front on this issue.. One thing all candidates need to understand that :it's not about potential money" such a facility may provide, but on all the crime and family damages that come with such an addition.

While I'm not happy with the Republican spending bill of $1.3 TRILLION, but I have to admit, a lot is necessary to reverse the downward spiral created by the Obama programs and Executive Orders. Like I said earlier, the establishment Republicans still don't understand why the American voters sent Trump to the White House..and Republicans need to embrace the wishes of the American voters who will turn them out over time unless certain issues get done.
The Washington Post just published a "meet and greet" story on the women who have sued President Trump... does anyone remember a favorable story about ALL the women who came forward about Bill Clinton's sexual assaults/affairs?
L-E headline/story: "SOUTH COMMONS *Blighted tank farm could come down but costs and more remain * Mayor Teresa Tomlinson said Wednesday that the city has been in negotiations with the Georgia Ports Authority, which received the state docks site from the city in the 1960s to operate a port for barges along the Chattahoochee River * But not everybody is as optimistic about the pending agreement. Local historian Virginia Causey said it’s her understanding that the Ports Authority is paying half the costs to remove the tanks, but nothing for any of the other structures on the site. * “There are four rail lines, there are dilapidated sheds, there’s one big building and there’s a huge state docks site,” she said. “So, there’s a lot to be removed from that site. It was all built by the Ports Authority. * “The city of Columbus never got any rental income from the Ports Authority or their tenants; it all went to the Ports Authority,” she continued. * The results were that there was no contamination related to the tanks or otherwise the dispensing of the fuels ... ,” Tomlinson said. “There was one area of contamination, and actually it was as a result of the city - Columbus, Ga. - back many decades ago having used that as a dump site." -- Good grief.. we need Trump on board the negotiating team! Why does Columbus have any responsibility to pay for removal, but one thing the Mayor revealed that should open up an old discussion.. the one about building the tanks on an old landfill...and there not being any problems with the structures.. How about Spencer High.. the one they built on another landfill property.. sounds like the structural problems could have been avoided if the plan and construction methods had been proper. Think about it.. those tanks held 1000s of gallons of liquids which are the hardest structures to stabilize from motion and settling, and the fact that no structural damages have occurred pretty much exposes the Spencer High failure as avoidable
Stories are rampant about the death of "the last white rhino".. One question.. in today's time.. don't tell me DNA and sperm cells haven't been gathered and stored and available for clone procedures..

L-E guest commentary - Headline/content: "Not always like this * BY WALTER E. WILLIAMS *
Gun ownership is not our problem. Our problem is a widespread decline in moral values that has nothing to do with guns. That decline includes disrespect for those in authority, disrespect for oneself, little accountability for anti-social behavior and a scuttling of religious teachings that reinforced moral values. Let’s examine elements of this decline." -- I like Walter Williams commentaries, but here, he doesn't go far enough.. I consider all he listed as pertinent, but the real issue has become one of people who just don't respect life itself..

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