Thursday, March 8, 2018

You know.. the Parkland,FL High School shooting (_@_)'s demeanor in prison is being described as "disturbing".. How much has that cost US for doctors and lawyers? I pretty well knew that from what he did before being incarcerated.. Too bad school and local officials who also KNEW this didn't stop him BEFORE his actions.
Did you miss it yesterday? You know, the "sound of mainscream media silence" over the Texas election results... The only thing the party of "BLUE" did was "BLEW" time and money.
Online confirmation story: "In the Republican Primary of 2018, Senator Cruz received 1,317,450 votes in a race with four challengers. * Figures from the Secretary of State’s office show that just over one million voters turned out in the Democratic Primary in general across Texas. Cruz alone exceeded the entire Democratic voter turnout by nearly 300,000 votes." -- The mainscream media silence is deafening...
Looks like the DIMocrats are abandoning 7 term Illinois District 3 Congressman Dan Lipinski.. seems the "party" doesn't feel Lipinski is sufficiently "left enough" for re-election during the DIMocrat primary and is looking close at one of his competitors. Guess the DCC feels just sitting calmly in your seat during Trump's SOTU speech when Trump praised our military is too centrist to qualify for the DIMocrat endorsement.
George W. Bush was trying to claim that Trump makes his term in the White House look good.. Hey, "W" can you think your term of office was "good".. you created Nancy Pelosi's legacy with resounding Congressional losses in 2006, and paved the way for Obama to win in 2008.
Looks like there's at least one.. and only one, Bush family member that "get's it".. It's another "George Bush", but this one is George P. Bush, son of Jeb.. he won the Republican primary for Texas land commissioner on Tuesday after touting his continued support of President Donald Trump. He also endorsed Trump in 2016.
Online headline/story: "The White House just hinted 2 of America's biggest allies could be spared from Trump's massive new tariffs * The tariffs, which act as a tax on imports, are set to be enacted using a little-used provision of trade law that allows the president to act to curtail imports of a good on national security grounds. * "There are potential carve outs for Mexico and Canada based on national security and possibly other countries as well based on that process," Sarah Sanders told reporters Wednesday. * "That would be a case-by-case and country-by-country basis, but it would be determined whether or not there would be a national security exemption," Sanders said." -- You know... what is an "ally"? To me it's someone who "has your back"; "stands loyally in there with you regardless"; "answers your phone calls at all hours". How does Mexico fit in this mold?.. It doesn't.. It didn't during WWII. it didn't during the Cuban Crisis or Russian Cold War, and it surely hasn't in keeping drugs or it's citizens from coming into America illegally. Hey, Mexico...Build that WALL... with your money and your steel, and on your land... then come back to the table.
Online headline/story: "McDonald's is flipping its iconic arches upside down in an unprecedented statement * People driving by a McDonald's location in Lynwood, California, might be baffled by a sign that has been turned upside down. The golden arches, typically standing as a proud "M," have been flipped over to serve as a "W." -- Good grief.. You know, when a flag is flown "upside down", it's a sign of distress... or surrender... Sounds like McDonald's is suffering both.. what a weak excuse.. "W" for Women" on one day.... McDonald's should go back to the time when every Mom knew the "M" honored MOTHERS.. especially Mothers of small children.. and EVERY day!
What's with the "David Dennison" name some porn star is using as a pseudonym for Trump? Even if her other claims are "true", why would he use a pseudonym... would he think that there was ANYONE who wouldn't recognize him for who he was/is? If anything, her using "David Dennison" in a suit, just gives mainscream media something to gnaw on while she is "protected" from a retaliatory suit based on her slanderous and libelous claims.
You know, it's no surprise that the CNN anchors are obsessed with a possible Trump affair. Who among them has a clue at what men see in women, and women see in men.
Say what you will. but Peyton Manning selling off his 31 Papa Johns in the Denver area two days before the NFL announced that Pizza Hut would take over as the "Official Pizza of the NFL" sounds a bit like "insider knowledge". Too bad.. Hey, Peyton.. I just added Papa Johns phone number BACK to my speed dial lineup.
In a weird way, I've always like actor Steve Busemi.. he had a way of gaining sympathy from the audience.. Now I like him even better for his real life character.. He was a fireman before "fame" set in, but during the 9-11-01 turmoil, he returned to active duty as a fireman to help out.
Online headline/story: "Roy Moore accuser Deborah Gibson leaves GOP, launches bid for office as Democrat * A former Republican who spoke out against failed Senate candidate Roy Moore announced her plans to run for the Florida House as a Democrat. * “I am proudly running as a Democrat,” she added, before pledging her support for gun law reform, education, single-payer healthcare, and protections for dreamers." -- Something about "proudly running as a Democrat" sound suspiciously like mainscream media brainwashing.. with Kool-Aid.. The truth is that the Republican Party wouldn't support her even if she was running against Hellary for a job as "hog castrator".
Once again.. partly as a reminder of the false jubilance DIMocrats felt about winning a senate seat in Alabama certainly didn't catapult DIMocrats in Texas to new heights, we mist not forget that in Alabama, the DIMocrat candidate in the special Senate election won only ONE Congressional District there..but by an overwhelming percent.. enough to really question the validity of those who cast cast votes. And how DIMocrats spent over $30,000,000.00 in outside donations to win the GA District 6 special election to replace Dr Tom Price, but lost by even a larger percentage than anybody projected the day before the election.
You know, Uptown Columbus's director wanting to make public drinking a daily reality would increase under-aged drinking to record easy will it be for a 21+er to buy a beer in a marked cup and give the empty cup to an under-aged friend who probably won't be challenged by the bar that originally dispensed it when presented for a refill.
It's alarming that the Uptown Director asserts a new law governing daily public drinking could get passed in the next week or so.. We need a law that prohibits new laws form being passed in Columbus once the qualifying period starts and the new Council/Mayor officially take office for the new term. Too much pressure can be exerted on a candidate to get support (or condemnation) by people with special interests.
While on the subject of local elections, we definitely need to get ours moved from party primary dates to the General Election date in November.. in fact, we also need any local referendums to also be contained to only the General Election date.
News Flash: The Conservatives swept the Italian elections..the losers blamed it on the Russians.. anyone surprised?
Leave it to our School Administration to mangle it's leadership of students.. Now the MCSD has sent out a message to all (assumedly) parents about an alternative "activity" scheduled for March 14th during a "national" protest event. First, the "national" event is a farce.. it's a political move orchestrated by adults using children as their foil.. The MCSD is correct in blocking any local participation., but to schedule an alternative event is not leadership... To make matters worse, the MCSD leaves it up to the parents to "opt out" for their children.. how embarrassing for kids.. either way...

L-E headline: "TSYS employee arrested at work after helping 2 inmates escape from jail, officials say" -- I wanna know one thing.. did she have access to my credit/financial information while she was employed at TSYS... and what TSYS is doing about it..

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