Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Wake up you sleepy heads.. today is the first day of Spring 2018!
From the "if you're explaining, you're losing" department - Online headline/story: "Clinton offers explanation for controversial comments on female voters, Trump supporters * Clinton offered a variety of explanations, including the suggestions that Trump supporters are more nostalgic than forward-thinking and female voters are still largely influenced by their husbands. " -- Her words and actions speak for themselves, there's only one conclusion.. Hellary's a LOSER!
From the "Deja Vu doesn't seem to matter" department - Online headline/story: "Nikolas Cruz's brother arrested for trespassing at high school * Zachary Cruz, 18, rode his skateboard through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas campus in Parkland despite being warned to stay away from the school, * The younger brother of accused Florida high school shooter Nikolas Cruz was arrested Monday for trespassing on the grounds of the school where 17 people were killed, authorities said. * Cruz reportedly told the deputies he went to the campus because he wanted "to reflect on the school shooting and soak it in," an arrest report obtained by the newspaper says." - There's one BIG question not answered in this story.. did authorities arrest him on the campus, or did hey just catch up with him somewhere else later? If security was improved..better than before.. you'd think the authorities would be bragging LOUDLY about catching him on the school grounds.
Another from the "deja vu moment" department - Online headline: "Florida school plans moment of silence for bridge collapse victims" -- Good grief.. don't you think the collapsed bridge has already "silenced" the victims? Maybe FIU just needs to hire Hellary to come explain "What Happened" to the victims' families in a court of law.
The first military parade scheduled in Washington, D.C. for Veterans Day this November will be interesting.. will Pelosi show up and stage another DIMocrat sit-in?
While we were in Florida, we came out from a delicious meal at AJ's of Grayton and found a note under the wiper blade.. a couple had seen the "Trump 2020" sticker on my back window and expressed how much the LIKED IT! Even better was they left their names and that they were from Illinois. Want Illinois be a real plum to add to Trump's Electoral College vote total in 2020.
There's a new list out... "The Worst School District in Every State".. I hate to admit it, but I had a sigh of relief to find it wasn't our MCSD.. Clay County was the "winner"
> Worst school district: Clay County School District
> Location: Clay County
> Per student spending: $13,091 (total enrollment: 308)
> High school graduation rate: N/A
> Adults with a bachelor’s degree: 7.4%
What's scary is that there is more spent per student in Clay County than Muscogee County.. it also confirms throwing more good money into a bad situation doesn't help much.
From the "when will mainscream media learn" department - Online headline: "Trump unveiled his opioid plan. Here's what he didn't say." -- Good grief.. mainscream media is desperate.. it cannot explain what Trump does say, so now it will focus on what Trump doesn't say..O course, if it was Hellary, mainscream media would be focusing on explaining what she meant....
Online headline: "Woman dies in Arizona after being hit by Uber self-driving car" -- Hmmm... watch the number of deaths rise when driverless UBERs start delivering McDonald's meals to people at home..
I mentioned a L-E story about recycled rubber-tire playgound equipment in Columbus burning up yesterday.. I was informed that such compounds were subject to spontaneous combustion.. I looked it up, and he was right.. I do suspect that the temperature in Columbus yesterday wasn't hot enough to cause this, but it is of concern for hot summer days.. While some other form of ignition is more likely in the case of this equipment breaking out into fire, the fact that such material CAN self-ignite brings up concerns as to why this material is USED at all in making playground equipment.
I am flabbergasted that I actually impressed with Alan Dershowitz's evaluation of the situation at the FBI. I remember him originally as a liberal defender of whatever the Clinton's did, and now he's done a complete reversal ...
From the "it is a collusion" department - Online headline: "Ousted FBI official McCabe offered jobs by Dem lawmakers so he can get full pension" -- Wait a minute! McCabe brought this on himself placating DIMocrat appointed/colluding Justice Department executives.. and in no way should the American taxpayer have to shoulder the responsibility of providing McCabe with a lifetime pension or "perks"
McCabe may have just got fired last weekend..but it was for his YEARS of corrupt behavior.
I tell you what, if anybody I can vote for criticizes the way McCabe was fired, I will support whoever runs against them. McCabe let down the FBI frontline agents, and every American who has to believe the FBI is the first and last defense against government corruption.
Florida will go Trump big in 2020...down on the gulf..new condo complexes are going up all over...Other than singles, and du&quad-plexes, very little been built in the last 8-10 years.
What is it with DIMocrats? They want to blame Trump for the DACA problem.. There wouldn't be a problem for Trump to fix if the DIMocrats hadn't created it to begin with.
One other thing.. how can courts support DACA.. DACA is not a legislative law.. it was an Obama directive...
From the "if the shoe was on a DIMocrat's hoof" department - Online headline/story: "Zinke defends 'konnichiwa' comment to Japanese-American lawmaker * Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke defended his use of the Japanese greeting “konnichiwa” when responding to a question from a lawmaker. * Zinke took heat last week after he said “konnichiwa” to a Japanese American congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa, D-Hawaii, who quizzed him over funding for the Japanese American Confinement Sites program. * Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., called on Zinke to apologize for the remark: “Zinke's comment betrayed a prejudice that being Asian makes you a perpetual foreigner. Intentional or not, it's offensive. He should apologize.”" -- You know, if Zinke was a DIMocrat appointee, he would be being cheered for his acceptance.. I say "konnichiwa" when dining at our favorite Japanese Steakhouse in Columbus, .. I learned it from the restaurants "menu" of Japanese phrases.. I've yet to see anyone working there offended.
McCabe, Comey and other politically corrupted FBI execs needed to be made an example of! I was watching the FBI crime investigation trucks roll into Austin, TX to solve the serial bombings going on there, and those Austin citizens need to have their faith restored in the FBI.
Have you wondered why mainscream media and DIMocrats are concerned about whether Russia interfered with our elections, yet isn't concerned about illegal aliens, dead people, and felons actually voting in ours?
Our Clerk of Superior Court just passed.. a battle with a recurring cancer was the culprit. Our L-E went desperate to inform us that "(Mayor) Tomlinson held a news conference to express sadness for Hardman’s untimely death and inform the public of her replacement. She was dressed in black " -- We all join in prayer and sympathy with Ann Hardman's family, but, excuse me, what does what Mayor Tom-LYING-son WORE at a press conference have to do with acknowledging Hardman's death?
Thank goodness for President Trump and his respect and love of America and out military.. a good general, just moved upward from his command at Ft Benning, and we have another good one who can step right into his job, and "the caissons keep rolling along"? Thank you General Wesley, and welcome General Brito.. look forward to meeting you in the celebration of Ft Benning's 100th Anniversary.
There was a fundraiser for the UNCF this past weekend.. Representative Calvin Smyre of Columbus.. affectionately known as "the Dean of the (GA) House" was a speaker. Hey.. L-E.. how is that investigation coming in exonerating Rep Smyre from the "#meetoo" charges of news spinmeister Jehmu Greene? You cannot let her get away with besmirching Rep Smyre's reputation.
L-E headline: "Trump opioid plan includes death penalty for traffickers" -- Hmmm... wanna bet the L-E .. and DIMocrats .. are against this?
L-E "headLIE": "Students expect 1 million at gun control marches" -- WRONG!.. Mainscream media and DIMocrats may bus in a million Students for a photo-op.

L-E headline/story: "Paper ballot voting system mulled * The proposal would move Georgia from its 16-year-old electronic touchscreen voting system with no paper backup, to either a touchscreen system that prints a paper ballot or paper ballots marked by pencil. * Republican Rep. Ed Setzler of Acworth, one of the bill’s primary backers, said it was needed to ensure that election results could be audited if there were claims or evidence of irregularities and to bolster voter confidence." -- Good grief.. didn't stories of the re cent Russian election and it's "suspected" ballot stuffing claims wake any of these people up? Proponents have got to be kidding that pencil marked ballots will improve voting integrity... only advanced identification of voters.. at the polling places... and especially in absentee ballot centers, will insure more accurate voting results.

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