Monday, July 2, 2018

From the "hoisted by one's own "fake news" petard" department - Online story: "U.S. intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months — and that Kim Jong Un may try to hide those facilities as he seeks more concessions in nuclear talks with the Trump administration, U.S. officials told NBC News." -- "US officials (wink) told NBC News"? I haven't used the online term, "ROFLMAO" in a long time, but it certainly fits this. First, if it WAS news, no Trump official would approach NBC to get the word out.. they would have gone to Fox.. Secondly.. there is NO place in North Korea that the amount of power used/generated to create nuclear arms wouldn't be detectable by our surveillance equipment.
Wow! Did you see/hear President Trumps press conference on the economy and jobs Friday... Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer might as well pack up their Washington offices.
US unemployment is the lowest it's been in 44 years. Think about that .. since 1974..Jimmy Carter became president in 1976..Reagan in 1980, Bush41, Clinton, Bush43, and Obama couldn't attain this level. It's taken a man with true business acumen and leadership, a man who sets his own course of direction based on his goals rather than which way the wind is blowing at the moment, to do this.. Nothing magical or deceptive.. just his love of God, country and family.. TRUMP 2020!
Online "HEADLIE" : "Bill Clinton: 'Donald Trump Has Poured Poison Down America's Throat'
* Former President Bill Clinton has laid the blame on President Donald Trump for the 'lack of civility in politics' and suggesting he has poured “poison" down "America’s throat.” -- This coming from Billy Graham would be alarming, but Billy Graham appreciated Trump.. This was "coming" from the the man who soiled the Presidency and Oval Office.. and probably the carpet. "What Happened" is that America is experiencing beCOMING great=at again, and Slick Willie finds this too hard to "swallow".
From the "game, set, match" department - Online story: " U.S. President Donald Trump said he expects a second tax overhaul to be unveiled in October or a bit earlier, and he is considering cutting the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 21 percent. * We're doing a phase two. We'll be doing it probably in October, maybe a little sooner than that. * "One of the things we're thinking about is bringing the 21 percent down to 20, and for the most part the rest of it would go right to the middle class," he said." -- Talk about an "October Surprise" double-barrel aimed at the DIMocrats, and Pelosi and Schumer are giving their minions only "tax cut knives" in defense.. Looks like the "Blue Wave" will actually be more of "bye-bye waves" on their way out of Washington.
You know, just announcing this now has got to cause chaos and panic withing the DNC hierarchy.. we've seen the DIMocrats preliminary goals of attacking the existing tax cuts Trump initiated, but now the candidates for re-election.. some in primaries, but ALL in the November election, will have to tell all the voters.. again.. how they feel about tax cuts that have already experienced... and will be we reminded again, the joy of having more of their money stay in their wallets.
With the economy soaring, as is the confidence the voters at America's return to Greatness, the American voters are really seeing the DIMocrats are they are. DIMocrats put illegal aliens and street felons above our veterans and our middleclass... regardless of color.
Looking at a bleak moment in time... What is happening in the GA Governor's race runoff is that Cagle and Kemp are creating vicious wounds to be picked to death going into November, while Abrams is out spreading her socialist agenda under the radar of most Georgians. Kemp and Cagle have forgotten the job is to win in November.. Winning the primary is not the ultimate goal.
I went to see "Uncle Drew" Friday afternoon.. it was no disappointment.. laughter prevailed, and an appreciative audience clapped at the the end.. but what went on before the movie is alarming.. and discouraging.. the coming attractions were primarily race oriented (I guess the movie a operator pretty was profiling the expected audience). What I saw basically encouraged the immoral and violent behavior we see, hear, and read about in the news..
Had a challenging response from a well-informed City employee somewhat upset at how I compared Suwanee, GA's budget to Columbus'. I answered that it's not whether we are comparing apples to apples, but whether we are getting our money's worth.. why doesn't the City use more outside services when it's more efficient or cheaper.. I remind you of the more recent changes from that when the City purchased more cherrypicker trucks and stumpgrinders to do inside what use to be outsourced, yet you will recall times when I have brought up 3rd party contracts let out to remove limbs and stumps. I'm sure there would be other situations better served with with outside sources as well.
It's amazing.. our form of government is the longest continually running form of government in the history of the world.. Think about that..also think about what will happen if a majority of US Supreme Court judges ever came from the liberal/socialist ideology. It's our Constitution penned by our forefathers, and even amended by the format provided for future generations to do so, that has made us great.. Activist judges are wrong for US.. overruling the Constitution based on personal agenda is just wrong.. even for the those who praise such.. It is what we have that enables "them" to "feel and opine their feelings", and to eliminate these protections would eliminate their being as well.
From the way Dimon-Kendrick-Holmes described this past Friday as his last day at the M/C Ledger-Enquirer sorta indicated his job was being eliminated... but Saturday, his job was still being featured, but it had another name inserted.. Anybody know where Kendrick-Holmes has landed?
Looking at the Shicago Stats for the past 30 days, we see that on only 3 days were less than 5 people shot, and only on 5 of those 30 days did someone not die from a shooting.. Guess Shicago is grateful it has the most gun intolerant laws in the books.
From the "bias... what bias?" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Republicans propose using sales tax money for new tax cuts * A U.S. Supreme Court ruling making it easier to collect online sales taxes could yield billions of dollars for state and local governments – if they decide to keep it. * Rather than spend the windfall on schools, prisons or other government services, some Republican governors and lawmakers are proposing to give it away in the form of tax cuts. * Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, running for re-election this year, has suggested the extra revenue could be used to expand tax breaks for seniors or households with children. Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, also on the November ballot, wants to put it toward property tax relief. * Some Kansas lawmakers are eyeing a reduction in the food sales tax; the Tennessee House speaker wants to lower the state’s 7 percent sales tax rate; and a Missouri lawmaker plans to sponsor an individual income tax reduction to negate the sales tax expansion." -- Good grief.. Republicans should be PRAISED... and DIMocrats EXPOSED for their greediness! Seriously, does anyone in Columbus, GA.. feel,,, or more importantly, THINK.. Mayor Tom-LYING-son will alter her revenue plans to help out local property taxpayers?
I tell you what.. budgets for our City (Columbus, GA) and our School system should not be able to project revenue increases received from SPLOST/LOST taxes higher than they were coming in the year before to calculate a future budget. Our City budget is v=based on LOST revenues being over to $4 Million more than came in in 2018, and our School 2015-2020 SPLOST project revenues will fall $20,000,000.00 short over the 5 years of what should have been planned.
I tell you what.. when City or School LOST/SPLOST taxes generate higher than expected revenues planned/budgeted for in a given year, the overage should be placed in the Fund Balance. This will help Columbus maintain it's financial stability, and have cash available for "the rainy days" ahead.
The Inspector General's report just confirms Obama was collusive.. and obstructed justice when he expressed his opinion on Comey's opinion prior to the 2016 election that Hellary was careless with her e-mails rather than negligent.
M/C L-E story: "U.S. regulators on Friday approved the first drug developed specifically to reduce excessive sweating, a common condition that can cause people anxiety and affect their social lives. * The Food and Drug Administration approved Qbrexza for excessive underarm sweating and will be available in October. The drug is inside a cloth wiped over the skin daily to block sweat glands from activating." -- Good grief.. look for increases in people passing out from excessive heat prostration!
From the "the sky is falling.. the sky is falling" department - L-E headline/story: "GM says new tariffs could force job cuts * General Motors warned Friday that another wave of tariffs being considered by the Trump administration could force the company to scale back its business and cost American jobs." -- Straight out of the DIMocrat's playbook... GOVERNMENT Motors.. a predominantly union-owned entity (that still owes the American taxpayers $10,000,000,000.00 in Obama-forgiven loans) is.. basically biased and wrong! Trump has given GM a 40% TAX CUT this year from which it can reduce it;s costs to consumers... but GM hasn't.. and sales will suffer when other manufacturers are doing it.. Of course, part of GM's problems is that consumers like me.. will not even consider a GM purchase until it's DEBT to the taxpayers is repaid. Love my American made new VW Atlas.. and probably saved $25,000.00 in suggested list price over a comparable GM Yukon.
Even another week... that's 7 now, has passed that Zeph Baker has not provided his Campaign Disclosures which he VOWED he would do by Monday, May 21st of this year.. . It's about time the Election Board filed a lawsuit, and turned it over to the Court system to collect this.
The local election held in May revealed one thing for sure.. DIMocrat politics worked hard at political profiling in the predominantly black voting precincts.. I'm using figures gleaned from the official polling results from the Columbus Board of Elections..
I'm comparing two men, both black, in how predominantly black precincts received them. Both were running basically "at Large" so everybody voted for or against them in all precincts.
I'm talking about two men.. one with a sterling reputation for doing the right things and being highly involved in wanting growth for all Columbus, and one focused on quite a bit of deception and subterfuge.. one who followed the rules and one who still hasn't complied with the rules.
Question: How Tollie Strode did not get as many votes in the predominantly black voting precincts as Zeph Baker?
After counting the 12 most active black voting precincts.. Wynnton/Britt, Carver/Mack, St John's/Belvedere, Cusseta Road, Our Lady of Lourdes, Mt Pilgrim, Faith/Tabernacle, Rothschild, First African, Marianna/Gallops, and Edgewood Baptist.. Zeph Baker received 5,683 votes and Tollie Strode.. the man who SUCCESSFULLY co-chaired the "Keep The Freeze" campaign.. and has PROVEN to have more drive, and more passion for a better Columbus than anyone else in the elections, received only 4,809 votes.
What is it about black conservative candidates .. I remind you of the campaigns of Margaret Jenkins for State Legislature and Nate Sanderson for a MCSB post being clotheslined by their black communities, not fairing well in the communities that would benefit most...

Online headline: "Obama still backing Pelosi while other Democrats move on" -- Hmmm... "Move on"? How cryptic.... Move On is the name of the Soros backed protesters..
The antifa is back in the news... attacking a prayer group in Oregon..I have to wonder if the "antifa" even know what their own message is... To be "anti-facist", you would be protesting a fascist government that wants to control every aspect of your lives.. If
"antifas" knew... understood this... they would have been showing up at every Obama gathering in the 2009-2017 time frame..and at every Hellary book signing.
You know.. I wonder if the "antifa" thought about the squad of government officers standing to the side..waiting to protect them and other Americans should anyone become a threat to another... I wonder if they even thought about that if the police officers were part of a fascist government, that the police officers would have arrested them on "sight".. instead of "fight"
Online headline/story: "US ambassador to Estonia resigns over Trump policies and provocations * Jim Melville, a 33-year diplomat who has been posted in Tallinn since 2015, was approaching retirement but announced his decision to leave early to friends in a private Facebook posting" -- Good grief.. a career political puppet appointed to Estonia by Obama in 2015... "resigning"... is actually NEWS?To be honest.. if this guy had ever raised his head.. or voice.. and brought his existence to Trump's attention, he'd have been gone 18 months ago.
Online headline: "Best Children's Hospitals 2018-19: Honor roll and overview" -- Am posting this because children's hospitals such as St Judes, Egleston, Shriners, Scottish Rite, or the AFLAC Children's Cancer Center at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta were not mentioned. Would love to know why the ones I've named did not make "the list".
From the "unless" department - M/C L-E story: "Starting Sunday, Georgia is joining more than a dozen other states in banning hands-on cellphone use while driving. * Under the “Hands-Free Georgia Act,” drivers will not be allowed to hold a phone or use any other part of their body to support the device. Violators will face fines of up to $150 and as many as three points on their license." -- "drivers will not be allowed to hold a phone or use any other part of their body to support the device"? Unless... and be specific .. you're wearing a Dick Tracy wristphone.. I can only guess that the most popular cellphone of our GA Legislators is the iPhone... mainly because the new law they wrote and voted in concerning cellphone use in vehicles ALLOWS the Apple wrist phone.. yet other phones cannot be on your person.. not even in a pocket or on your lap. I don't know about most people, but I've seen two people I know who have such having to take one hand off the wheel, and both eyes off the road to fumble with the "buttons" on their Apple watches to answer a call. Again, since I use a non-iPhone, I plan to put mine in a glove box, and utilize the blue tooth answering.. but.. whenever I see a police car/motorcycle, I'm going to have an itch around my left ear (so it can be seen easily) and put my hand over to scratch it.. I wondering what the police reaction will be when they learn I do not have my phone in my hand.. or anywhere I can get to it.. Why.. because I'm already putting my phone in a glove box because I want to get use to the new rule which prohibits me from putting it in my pocket t keep me from forgetting it when I get out of my vehicle! Looks like a long hot summer ahead..
Did you know that the Soapbox Derby was run on Saturday.. well, if you saw a M/C L-E on Sunday, you'd have seen pictures.. of course, if the M/C L-E had run a story about it on Friday or even Saturday... more people could have been there to see it in person.
M/C L-E headline: "What we journalists do matters, more than ever * BY CHUCK WILLIAMS" -- "we journalists"? Hey Chuck, the jury is out deliberating about you including yourself in this claim.
M/C L-E "headLIE": "Trump’s tax bill is losing popularity * BY HEATHER LONG * Washington Post" -- Good grief.. is their no shame in the "fake news"? Obviously, this reporter(?) did not see the Friday Press Event at the White House concerning the SUCCESS of the tax cuts and regulations overrides.. In Fact, these are so impactful, Trump is making a 2nd round of tax cuts in October to highlight real life success in the face of DIMocrats promising to raise them again if you elect them.
From the "she musta switched from "Kool-Aid" to smoking" department - Online headline: "Maxine Waters 'surprised' by fellow Democrats' rebukes, says Trump won't intimidate her" -- "Trump won't intimidate her"? Good grief she's stupid.. Trump PLANS to HIGHLIGHT her as the replacement for the "jackass" as the DIMocrat's mascot and image...
From the "mainscream media hysterics" department - Online story: "Nineteen senior investigators at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have called for the government agency to be disbanded in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. * The massive law enforcement agency, which employs more than 20,000 people and was created in 2003 in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, is responsible for both homeland security investigations (known as HSI) and for the deportation of undocumented migrants (known as ERO, for enforcement and removal operations)." -- "19 senior investigators"? 19 government workers obviously about to "retire"... well, BE 'retired"? 19 out of 20,000.. talk about the perfect analogy of a flea climbing an elephants leg looking for love...
Soapbox moment: It's the week of July 4th..Americans celebrate our birth as a free nation. when you enter our neighborhood, you will be welcomed by 14 flags...13 smaller ones representing the "original colonies", and one large one represent all 50 states....I think about those flags...they represent our melting pot. I can see my ancestral flags represented there..My ancestors lived under many different flags...I know of flags of Ireland, England, Germany, France, Wales, Scotland, Spain, Confederate, Union, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Texas , South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Florida and New York that flew over my family throughout our history...but we all came together under one... THIS ONE... This week all my family will be flying our National's who we are, it's who our children and grandchildren are.. I.. we.. see our history of flags flying bravely, fearlessly, and proudly within the red, white, and's what binds us all..our past..the present.. and our future. And,... I'm talking about you, too.
Now that the "NEW..New Spencer High" is about ready to open for the fall school year, what's next for the "OLD New Spencer"? Will it be leveled and added to the onsite landfill area for stability... or will it remain an icon to show how inept government entities are about building and maintaining properties that were paid for by the taxpayers? Since it's probably still in better shape (according to Mayor Tom_LYING-son's assessment) than the Government Center, maybe it can become the new jail and court center...
The LA Lakers are going to pay the ex-Cleveland Cavs player how much? He has been around 15 seasons... and only has 3 Championships to his stats.. despite being part of the Miami Heat's Championships which the Heat basically stacked it's team, and yet he was there for 4 seasons and the Heat only won 2... and then once at Cleveland where he's had two "terms of service" totaling 11 seasons. Compare that to Bill Russell's of the Boston Celtics 11 championships in 13 seasons.. Of real interest is that 38 NBA players have been on teams that have won 4 or more Championships.. and only 13 have played more seasons than James has.. Hmm... LA-Bron WHO?
Hmmm... another list the 15 worst countries for crimes.. this time, guess where the US fits into it...Number 1? Wrong... in fact, the US is not even LISTED in the Worst 15.. but see who is... El Salvador is number 1...followed by Honduras, Venezuela, Mexico, and Guatemala to "round out the Worst 5.. in the other 10 listed, we find Jamaica, Colombia, Chad, Peru, Yemen, Pakistan, Guinea, Mozambique, Mali, and Italy.. Seems like these countries should added to the "banned list".. Of course, building the WALL would take care of random infiltration by 7 countries connected to our Southern Border by land..
From the "Bernie Incarnate" department - Online headline: " Leftist outsider Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won Mexico's presidential election handily on Sunday, exit polls showed, setting the stage for a government that will inherit tense relations with Washington and the scrutiny of nervous investors." -- Hmmm.. wonder how many MORE American companies will be moving back..especially since the new Mexican government is the ideal concept the American DIMocrats desire here.. Look for more government confiscation of private businesses like we see in Cuba. Betcha Trump's tax cut plans look even better to American corporations who sent their jobs to Mexico in the past.. Now, one more time.. "BUILD the WALL!"
M/C L-E headline/story: "StartUP Columbus aims to give edge to businesses * “What we found was in certain measures, like how many startups there are in a region or how many businesses there are that are five years old or younger — and the percentage of workforce that works in those businesses — we as a region were falling behind a lot of other communities,” he said. * “We are thankful for companies like Aflac, Synovus, TSYS and many, many others that are much larger. But small business runs the American economy. Ninety-plus percent of all jobs reside in a small business. That’s businesses with less than 50 employees,” said Brian Anderson, the chamber’s president and CEO." -- Hmmm... "we as a region were falling behind a lot of other communities"? Good grief.. and the Chamber and Columbus big businesses supported Tom-LYING-son for the past 8 years, and Henderson and Bryan for at least the next four.. Isn't "insanity" described as doing the same thing over and over expecting different results?
Oh, and one question.. what's the location in Columbus where the Sonic Air Flow product called an “AirJet” is actually manufactured, and how many employees have been hired?
M/C L-E headline: "Collins: Roe v. Wade opponent unacceptable" -- Good grief... what is REALLY WRONG is Collins vs Trump!
M/C "headLIE": "Trump attacks Democrats on calls to abolish ICE" -- No... Trump DEFENDS America which the DIMocrats are ATTACKING!
A syndicated political cartoon that is in the M/C L-E promoting the concept of retiring Justice Kennedy being a "swing vote" is as insulting as it is just WRONG.. "Swing Vote"? There should be NO "swing" voting.. the Constitution should only be changed by the method foreseen.. and provided for.. by our Founding Fathers... there is ZERO room for activism in the Courts to override Congress based on personal feelings or agenda.

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