Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Online headline:"Republicans come to Trump's defense after remarks with Putin get shredded as 'disgraceful'" -- Good grief.. it's about time ...Even Fox showed it's mainscream media stripes yesterday.. No one knows what was said in private.. and that's as it should be.. and Trump.. being a real negotiator, did what he does best.. not make the other side awkward during the public press conference following. Trump 2020!
Putin surprised me when he mentioned that Boston bought oil from Russia this winter...not that I'm surprised that Boston did this, but because I thought Venezuela had a lock on fuel oil in Massachusetts wrapped up in a backroom deal brokered by the Kennedy family.
From the "was it really suicide" department - Online headline/story: "Anthony Bourdain calls out 'rapey, gropey' Bill Clinton in just-published interview * In an interview in Popula which was published posthumously on Sunday evening, Bourdain called the former president “a piece of s—. Entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, disgusting, and the way that he — and she — destroyed these women and the way that everyone went along, and, and are blind to this! Screamingly apparent hypocrisy and venality.” -- Another on in the long list of deaths among Clinton discouraged circle members.. Bourdain... along with Vince Foster, and the recent woman described for "accidentally" killing herself in Huma Abedin's condo building trash-chute/compactor should be re-examined.. the three look more like Clinton "sewersides" than suicide victims.
Online headline/story: "Frank Thomas says he was 'the most hurt' player by MLB's steroid era * He’s well-known as one of the few sluggers to come out of MLB’s steroids era with a clean reputation, and many wonder how he would have been remembered if he had played his entire career on a level playing field. * Thomas has long been one the biggest critics of his colleagues who took performance enhancing drugs" -- Big Frank... knew him from Little League as a really good kid. My bride's brother coached him, and two of my nephews struck him out more times than he hit skyscraper home runs off of them. and his exploits on the field at Columbus High School were remarkable. Yes, he's a beacon for doing the right thing.. it's also surprising that now he's the spokesperson for an over-the-counter "performance enhancing" product..Regardless, all who know/knew him loved him.
Online headline: "California woman covered 'head to toe' with bees in critical condition after attack" -- Hmmm.. and not once in this story were the bees referred to as "Killer bees".. Maybe because California is a "sanctuary state" and no one mentions deaths caused by "illegal aliens" that crossed our southern border.
Saw some work being done on 54th St yesterday..unfortunately, it wasn't the much needed REPAIR work it desperately needs. The Water Works was cutting on one end, and a local contractor was cutting up the other end. I was hoping Domino Pizza might tackle it so drivers could make safe deliveries, but I think if Domino has seen the road it has probably told them to take another route. Seriously, is there another road in Columbus that has priority over 54th Street for emergency maintenance?...I do not believe one can drive more than 40 or 50 feet at a time without hitting a repair patch that needs repairing as well..
Athens-Clarke County GA has about 125,000 population.. It does SPLOSTS for construction projects..1% brings in about $28 MILLION. Columbus has about 200,000 plus Phenix City/Russell County is up to about 60,000, and we get but a maximum of about $35 MILLION per 1% of 3 SPLOSTS and LOSTs but only about $30 Million on the T-SPLOST (we get only 85 -cents for every $1.00 we pay into it) . In the Athens area, 1% generates about $224.00 per person, and in Columbus, 1% generates about $134.00 per person. Columbus really has suffered under current economic "leadership" over the past 7 and a half years.
Hmmm... looks like the Foreclosure Sections of the M/C L-E are back up to 11 pages worth.. Hey Mayor Tom-LYING-son.. make sure you include this figure in your legacy resume` when you run for statewide office...
M/C L-E headline/story: "Teen’s trial opens in 2016 killing * Fifteen-year-old James Oliver unloaded eight .45-caliber bullets at Bobby Jerome Seawright Jr. the night he gunned down the popular Columbus High grad on Branton Woods Drive, leaving him dead in the street beside his open car door. * That’s what Senior Assistant District Attorney Don Kelly told jurors during opening statements Monday in Oliver’s murder trial in Muscogee Superior Court." -- Let's not focus on anything but the eight gunshots.. it;'s not like a trigger was accidentally pulled and 8 rounds were discharged. it's a matter that a trigger was deliberately pulled 8 times.
For the record: There was another immigration/deportation injunction issued by another federal judge in California. I will no longer comment of injunctions issued by California federal judges until the WALL is built! or Trump gets some real.. versus activist... judges in the California district that recognize California is but 1 of 50 states.. not a kingdom of its own.


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