Thursday, July 26, 2018

From the "Yoo hoo, HuffPOOPOO.. it's Canada!" department - HuffPOOPOO story: "After a mass shooting left three people dead, including the shooter, in Toronto on Sunday, the city’s conservative mayor backed a proposal that even the most liberal American politicians wouldn’t dare support ― a total ban on all handgun sales." -- After knowing it's "just Canada", calling a Mayor proposing a handgun sales ban a conservative has to be an attempt at raucous liberal humor... except for one thing.. liberals have no sense of humor. Besides, when handgun sales are banned, only felons will buy and sell guns, and the government won't get any of the sales tax revenues.
Online headline: "Jerry Jones will require Dallas Cowboys players to stand for the national anthem" -- WooHoo! Now I can watch Dallas and Dak Prescott.... oooh... maybe not... since no other team will honor the flag, I won't be watching Dallas either... well .. maybe Dallas will schedule an intra-squad game.. ..
A fellow BCer sent this to me last week when I was traveling.. This is one of those "too funny not to pass along moments":

Looks like America's soy bean farmers won't be having any marketing problem..President Trump has made a deal with the European Union...and at same time cut the legs off China's retaliatory tariffs..At the same time, China has just lost a huge amount of soy beans it can buy to feed it's own citizens. Trump 2020!
I don't care what the NY law says about it being legal to intentionally conceal one person recording another, for a lawyer doing so to an unknowing client should be an automatic disbarment, and reimbursement of any fees to clients he's ever recorded.
HufPOOPOO headline: "Michael Cohen not seeking pardon from Donald Trump, attorney Lanny Davis says" -- No hock Sherlock!
Let's look at Lanny Davis.. in liberal media words and his own:
"he once wrote to Hillary Clinton that “The honest to goodness truth is … aside from Carolyn, my four children, and my immediate family, I consider you to be the best friend and the best person I have met in my long life.”
Oh, let's not forget Lanny was the "go to" guy to make Bill Clinton less slimy during the Monica Lewis scandal..
Davis has been known to wade into even murkier waters. He was on the payroll of the former president of the Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, who tried to steal an election that he had already delayed to keep himself in power. (Thousands died in the ensuing conflict.) He also worked for the president of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang, who has committed major human rights violations for almost four decades. Other Davis clients have included Penn State during the Sandusky scandal, Harvey Weinstein, and for-profit colleges. More recently, he has given unpaid advice to Steve Bannon.
He similarly explained his work as one of three foreign agents for the government of Equatorial Guinea, which has been governed for three decades by Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Rights groups and anticorruption activists have accused Mr. Obiang of embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars from his tiny oil-rich West African state, while most of its people scrape by in dire poverty.
“I’m a liberal Democrat,” Mr. Davis said, referring to his work for Mr. Obiang. “I’ve been a liberal Democrat all my life. I haven’t changed my values. But what am I supposed to do if the leader of a country comes to me and says he wants to get right with the world, and get right with the United States? Am I supposed to say no, and let him go on doing what he’s doing? Or should I try to help him get right?”
Lanny Davis told the truth...well at least a dreaded half truth...when he said nowhere on the Cohen tape he played did Trump say "don't pay". Of course Davis abruptly stopped the tape before it was over.
Where are the FISA judges? With what's been revealed about the FISA applications being falsified, any FISA judge should feel violated. Unfortunately, the judges were "shopped" by the DIMocrats and had to been complicit in the scheme to undermine Trump.. The House Republicans should file impeachment charges on those judges unless they issue charges against the FBI execs who presented the falsified applications.
From the "hypocrisy..thy name is DIMocrat" department - We listen to DIMocrats concerns about Russians being in other countries illegally, yet they jump to the defense of illegal aliens in our country.
I know it not just me, but after watching DIMocrat Senators fail miserably in contributing pertinence to the inquiry of Mike Pompeo, it's obvious there is no leadership in the entire DIMocrat Party ...who will the DIMocrats run in 2020?
When DIMocrats were complaining to Pompeo that they didn't know what Trump discussed with Putin, I wish Pompeo had responded that DIMocrats KNEW that Obama told Putin he "would be more flexible after the election" and didn't seem interested in what Obama meant.
The GA Primary runoffs were just completed...amazingly, voting results showed about 90% of statewide voters from the May GOP primaries came back to vote in the GOP runoffs..Trump voters are driven to help Trump complete his promises and mission to Make America Great Again!
Before Tuesday's results, I had advocated Cagle in the GOP runoff, because I thought Kemp may have been too damaged to win in November. I was startled at the margin Kemp with even though he'd been my initial choice. What this showed is that GA Republican and independent conservatives will be motivated to show up in November. Trump Rules! TRUMP 2020.
You know, I hope school and City issues brought to the Board/Council are determined by 5-4 votes on the MCSB and 5-5 (with the mayor casting the deciding vote) on Council. As citizen, a close vote on new issues indicates that there had been adequate and informed discussions, and our elected officials are concerned with the future of of city.
Another of my Breakfast Clubbers made a good observation about the City wanting to spend $4.5 MILLION on a roundabout at River Road rather than a few hundred dollars a year on electricity to run the traffic lights. He suggested that it would be better..and cheaper.. to build a bridge on River Road over the intersection and eliminate all the safety arguments the Mayor has spieled to justify it.
Hmmm...did I see..hear.. right..that Nancy Pelosi is going to present clues/answers on "Jeopardy" this coming Monday night? Guess she'll be at ease doing this with all the practice she's had at presenting all the answers she makes the DIMocrat representatives in Congress repeat.
Online headline/story: "California city OKs jail time for defying plastic straw ban * Santa Barbara earlier this month passed the ordinance authorizing hefty fines and even a possible jail sentence for violators who dole out plastic straws at restaurants, bars and other food establishments. * According to the ordinance, violators on their first offense will be given a written warning notice. But the second time a purveyor of plastic straws defies the ban is when the heavy hand of the law could clamp down. * In that case, the ordinance cites penalties from the city’s municipal code for a “fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months.” -- Hmmm...guess restaurant/food service owners will now only hire illegal aliens to work since no local law enforcement officer will arrest an illegal alien in a "sanctuary city"..
Online headline/story: "New York Gov. Cuomo pardons illegal immigrants facing deportation for crimes * The New York Democrat, who is up for re-election this year, pardoned seven people who had minor criminal convictions, ranging from petty larceny to drug possession, his office said." -- You know, if Cuomo wants to pardon criminals for crimes against New Yorkers, that's between him and NY voters...but damn if he has a right to pardon anyone for a crime against a federal law.
Oh... one thing Cuomo's act indicates is that he's probably knowledgeable about illegal aliens being registered to vote, and this is his appeal to them.
From the "no DIMocrat saw this coming" department - Online headline/story: "Republican challenger pulls even with anti-Trump Democrat in solid-blue Oregon's governor's race: poll * If there's a "blue wave" coming in 2018, someone may have forgotten to tell Oregon's voters. A Republican challenger has pulled even with blue state Oregon's Democratic incumbent governor, according to a new poll. * The news comes as a surprise in a state that hasn’t seen a Republican governor since late 1980s, sparking fears of the end of Democratic Party’s total domination of the state." -- From the "no DIMocrat saw this coming" department - Online headline/story: "Republican challenger pulls even with anti-Trump Democrat in solid-blue Oregon's governor's race: poll * If there's a "blue wave" coming in 2018, someone may have forgotten to tell Oregon's voters. A Republican challenger has pulled even with blue state Oregon's Democratic incumbent governor, according to a new poll. * The news comes as a surprise in a state that hasn’t seen a Republican governor since late 1980s, sparking fears of the end of Democratic Party’s total domination of the state." -- Guess Oregonians have woken up and realized they are stuck between California and Washington, and have seen what's happened to those 2 states.
Tomorrow will be the highly anticipated announcement of how the economy soared in the 2nd Quarter... we've already seen some fantastic profit results from early reporting companies, so expectations are high. Dined with one of my nephews last week who has a major financial management franchise, and he said that as soon as Trump was elected that their corporate research department stated that we would be seeing a major surge because... because companies who had been spending major dollars on lawyers to research how to best work with and around Obama's EPA and Financial regulations would now be spending that money on marketing and promoting company growth. It's happening! Trump 2020!
From the "can't you EASILY see this happening here?" department - Online headline/story: "Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor * Seattle’s anti-Trump mayor, Jenny Durkan, may be on track for a political backlash: Her city’s $52 million money splash on public transit appears doomed because new taxpayer-funded streetcars apparently won’t fit the existing tracks. * But the new streetcars also are reportedly heavier and longer than the ones currently in use, raising concerns about whether they'll be used at all. * “It appears the error will require either a change order for design of the streetcars or incur new costs for construction of new or retrofitted maintenance barns,” City Council member Lisa Herbold wrote in the city’s blog post last week. * Durkan had to temporarily stop work on the project after revelations that it may cost 50 percent more than previously estimated, the Times reported. The estimated total cost has already increased from $150 million to $200 million. -- Hmmm.. wonder if Columbus, GA's "anti-Trump Mayor has checked her high-speed rail figures already?
Remember "Dobie Gillis" (a.k.a. "Ziggy Incarnate)? He's 84 today.. Happy b'day, Dwayne Hickman!
Basically, to be a "city" in Georgia, the local taxing authority(s) (a.k.a. "government"), citizens must be provided police, fire, garbage, and education services. To pay for those, property taxes can levied.. as a compensation, the federal government allows us to deduct what we pay in property taxes on our Federal Tax forms. Tha brings me to this.. my last water bill was for a shade over $15.00... but by time fees for Sewage, Combined Sewer Overflow, and garbage collections are thrown in, my "water" bill is over $56.00. I'm really not complaining about the water bill itself..or the C.S.O fee, but it riles me that my sewage fee is more than my water can it cost more it send LESS water that I take in from an elaborate pressured water pipe system than to return it through a gravity based sewer system? Now, the item that angers me is the garbage fee.. when I pay my taxes, I can deduct my property taxes, but I can't deduct this garbage fee. How about one of you non-City Government lawyers checking out why the City can charge us directly for garbage, when the state says the City must provide such as a condition of existence?
About the rush of DIMocrats to force the immigration services to pair off children at the border with adults in a time restrained period.. yet, the DIMocrats do not demand that proof of parentage is a condition of accomplishment.
M/C L-E story: "Police charged a Columbus teenager Tuesday with firing a gun into the air on 19th Avenue. * Alan Joshua Jenkins, 18, faced one count of reckless conduct and discharging a firearm in the city." -- Hmmm... charged with "discharging a firearm in the city"... Hmmm... I cannot remember the last time I saw anyone who was arrested for shooting or killing someone in Columbus having the charge added on to their other crimes..
M/C L-E headline/story: "DeVos proposes to curb relief for student loans * Education Secretary Betsy DeVos proposed Wednesday to curtail Obama administration loan forgiveness rules for students defrauded by for-profit colleges, requiring that student borrowers show they have fallen into hopeless financial straits or prove that their colleges knowingly deceived them." -- You know.. without proper vetting of students capabilities, and colleges' credibility, no loans should be given on "signature" even with co-signers.. Not every degree offered is going to have a pathway to higher income levels which make it good bet that the loan receivers will be able to meet their obligations. All indiscriminate loans have done is raise the costs of education for all.


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