Monday, July 30, 2018

From the "spoiled children's tantrum bias" department - Online headline/story: "Trump's war against the news media is rooted in some of his deepest fears * President Donald Trump has frequently asked White House aides to punish some reporters when he's unhappy with the way they approach him, The Washington Post reported on Friday. * Reporters who shout questions at Trump, or who press him with questions about the news of the day tend to get the president most riled up, The Post said." -- Good grief.. MainScream Media has "lost it completely".. "it" being the ability to separate their personal agenda bias from reality. MainScream Media as had 24 years of "Clinton, Bush43, and Obama "being their pushover daddy" that when a real man holds them responsible for being civil, they act like a street gang and team up to inflict personal damage.. hey, MainScream Media is using the same tactics as MS-13 gangs!.. Let's see.. we have NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the WaPo, the NYT, the LA Times, the Shicago Trib, and the HuffPOO that are leading mainscream media thugs, so from now on, MainScream Media will be referred to as the "MSM-10".
From the "some Repubs still don't get it" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Koch Network leaders blast Trump White House as ‘divisive’ * “The manner in which people engage public policy matters,” said Brian Hooks, the co-chair of the Seminar Network, the umbrella group that hosts the gatherings. “And it’s gone way beyond tone, way beyond tactic. The divisiveness of this White House is causing long-term damage.” * “When in order to win on an issue, somebody else has to lose, it makes it very difficult to unite people to solve the problems in this country,” Hooks said." -- Good grief.."somebody else has to lose"? Of course somebody HAS to lose.. it's the only way that direction is set and standards are raised. Participation Trophies and not keeping score at children's sports so that nobody wins shown us that "ties" means EVERYBODY loses. Thank goodness that Trump has "2020 Vision"!
From a perspective standpoint... name me a non-liberal who would have been satisfied if the Alabama-GA National Championship game had planned to ended in a tie so some people wouldn't be sad?
From the "what do you mean I have to live by the rules of hypocrisy I set for my employees" department - Can you believe the "oh, that was the old me, not who I am today" attitude by CBS's Les Moonves now that his philandering has been exposed? This is his "excuse/apology":
"In a statement, Moonves denied the accusations: “Throughout my time at CBS, we have promoted a culture of respect and opportunity for all employees, and have consistently found success elevating women to top executive positions across our company. I recognize that there were times decades ago when I may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. Those were mistakes, and I regret them immensely. But I always understood and respected — and abided by the principle — that ‘no’ means ‘no,’ and I have never misused my position to harm or hinder anyone’s career. This is a time when we all are appropriately focused on how we help improve our society, and we at CBS are committed to being part of the solution.”
This is the same guy that has vilified President Trump for his past.. and has not accepted any of Trump's apologies.. Hmmm.. a "Charlie Rose" by any other name is still a Moonves.
Online headline: "Chicago's gun violence is intolerable -- Trump should provide help" -- Trump "should provide help"? Good grief.. in Trump's 1st year as President, street killings in Shicago went down 15% compared to Obama's last year.. but it's not Trump's responsibility...besides, Shicago probably wouldn't allow Trump to come into Shicago. Now.. why didn't MainScream media (a.k.a. - the MS-10 gang) ask why didn't Obama.. who lived there, do something in his 8 years... especially since the current Shicago mayor was Obama's Chief-of-Staff in the beginning?
Ironically, if Shicago DID ask Trump for help, Trump could probably help..mainly by just replacing the DIMocrats in Shicago government.
The 2016 Election showed three things about Justice Ginsburg...she's racist, gender biased, and politically stupid. Imagine an 85 year-old woman not wanting to retire when Obama was in office, but calculating to retire when Hellary would win and appoint someone she approved of, and feels now she'll live through Trump's 8 years... but even if she does, she'd have to live another 8 years of Pence.
I use to look at candidates of both parties and try to pick the best one to vote "FOR". Now that Congressional DIMocrats have devolved into a single "bloc vote" based on a treasonous NY man or a delusional CA woman, I had to stop..Even looking at, much less considering a DIMocrat, reveals a thinking process flaw in any argument.
From the "isn't this counter productive to their goal" department - Online headline: "Chick-fil-A's Canadian expansion sparks pro-LGBTQ protests" -- You know.. the LGBTQ community thrives because of a pretty wide=spread acceptance of diversity for people in general, so, why does the LGBTQ feel that being intolerant of anything helps them?
Online story: "A Republican lawmaker is demanding some answers from the FBI after he says the bureau admitted to working with the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center.
In a letter obtained by Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., says the FBI has “admitted to working with the SPLC,” in a development he describes as “surprising and worrisome.” * “This is surprising and worrisome, as the SPLC is known to use its platform in order to denigrate and disparage certain groups by labeling them ‘hate groups,’” he said. * He said that groups such as the Christian Family Research Council (FRC) have been labeled a hate group, while members of “Antifa” -- a broad collaboration of left-leaning, anti-fascist activists -- have not been given such a label." -- And let's not forget the violence shown by "Black Lives Matter".. also unlabeled by the SPLC. You know.. any group that thrives on being a "labeler" is, by it's own definition, a "hate group".
M/C L-E headline/story: "Secret is out: Columbus gets big role in Kendrick Brothers faith-based movie * The on-location filming of “Overcomer,” a story of a high school cross country runner’s journey to find her identity and faith, concluded Friday." -- Look for my bride in the opening gym scene and in the stadium concession stand... she'll be the "the star" !
Fortunately for Columbus, we'll have a new mayor in Columbus when the movie is released so we shouldn't have to make too many more excuses.
M/C L-E headline: "Major remodel of Target store begins; will add Starbucks" --Talk about a dual death wish.. there's a Starbucks across the street already, and what value does Target feel it gets by adding one inside where Starbucks customers will pay $5.00 or more for Starbucks' fare which means the customers will have that much less to spend in Targets. Me, I'm smiling.. I rarely step inside of Target as it is... Targets AND Starbucks have thrown themselves into "the brier patch"...
M/C L-E headline/story: "Churches face new tax unless overhaul is fixed * “(Democrats and Republicans) are describing the problem in very different ways,” said Galen Carey, vice president of government relations for the National Association of Evangelicals. “One side is saying ‘this is an oversight,’ the other is calling it Republicans’ war on religion … overheated rhetoric probably won’t help us get a solution.” " -- You know.. What this really boils down to is churches having to reveal all sources of income/expenses ... especially donations from liberal organizations/foundations that are donated to influence voters.... and DIMocrats do not want the light of truth shining on those.
From the "and the rush is on!" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump * A week ago, Maine Democrat Zak Ringelstein wasn’t quite ready to consider himself a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, even if he appreciated the organization’s values and endorsement in his bid to become a U.S. senator. * Three days later, he told The Associated Press it was time to join up. He’s now the only major-party Senate candidate in the nation to be a dues-paying democratic socialist." -- Well the truth of the matter is that "DIMocrat Socialism" has solidified the nation FOR Trump, and what this Maine DIMocrat just saw was an unknown announced socialist in NY topping a major DIMocrat in the primary...
Now.. tell me this.. did Ringelstein use donations to pay for his membership in Democratic Socialists of America?
You know, DIMocrats better take a real close look.. not only at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but at their future as well.. If Kavanaugh doesn't win approval, the next Trump appointee will be even more of a Constitutionalist than Kavanaugh, and in Alabama Senator Doug Jones' case, the one Alabama Congressional District he won in won't carry him through for re-election in 2020...
From Columbus Council Agenda: "Tiny Houses Update - John Hudgison, Building Inspections & Code Enforcement Director" -- Whoa! The City is not considering a "Tiny House Village" again, is it? Seriously.. haven't we experienced enough failure in past "Tiny House Villages"? Baker Village was a crime enforcement nightmare for years before it was torn down and replaced, and aren't most trailer parks the blue print of what to expect if government gets back into "tiny house developments"?
Speaking of the Council Agenda.. I suspiciously note there is no mention of a follow-up on last weeks first reading of the $4.5+ MILLION roundabout contract.. it's especially obviously missing since it will be new Councilor House's first Council meeting... oh, and not to mention that there was no report of any discussion put in the M/C L-E last week.
And as we are speaking about Council and the $4.5+ MILLION DOLLAR Roundabout contract.. where's the money coming from? Tom-LYING-son already submitted her 2018-19 (and, thankfully, last budget), and there was no provision for any part of the $4.5+ MILLION mentioned..
Update -- today we finally see in the L-E that the roundabout WAS voted on last week.. Question: Why was this done before John House was sworn in and allowed to  =have input in the decision.. To me, an "at Large" Councilor.. one elected City-Wide should have a big voice in such.
From the "Kiss of Death" department - Did you see the supportive cover of "TIME Magazine" on Stacey Abrams?
From the "wow! somebody gets it" department - M/C L-E guest commentary headline: "Trump using tariffs to push a radical free-trade agenda * BY MARC A. THIESSEN * Special to The Washington Post" -- Trump... 2020 Vision for 2018!
Online headline/story: "Schumer calls on Bush to release Kavanaugh White House documents * Schumer pointed out that when the Senate considered President Barack Obama's 2010 nomination of Justice Elena Kagan, lawmakers from both parties asked the National Archives and the Clinton library to provide all documents related to Kagan's service in the White House under former President Bill Clinton and those papers were ultimately released." -- Are we talking about the same Sen. Chuck Schumer who recently said, "Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting stuck down. And it's always - always - the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don't think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it's time for that to end." You know, if Chuck Schumer had said this representing New York at New York ratification date of the Constitution in 1788, the Founding Fathers would have arrested him for treason and hung him from the nearest tree.
I want to repeat the above quote by Schumer: ""Time and time again, we find progressive laws getting stuck down. And it's always - always - the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don't think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says. And it's time for that to end." -- You know, the Supreme Court is not just charged to follow the Constitution's intents, the judges are charged... like even Chuck Schumer is, to UPHOLD the US Constitution.. this statement alone is an affront to everything that makes America GREAT, and Chuck Schumer should be brought up for impeachment or removed from he Senate.
From the "let's just blame Trump" department -- NBC headline/story: "Coca-Cola is about to cost you more — thanks to Trump's tariffs * Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey announced this week that rising costs were driving an unusual mid-year need to raise prices to consumers. The reason is "the freight, the metals, the steel, the aluminum going up, the labor going up," he said during a CNBC interview. He directly mentioned tariffs to the Wall Street Journal." -- You know.. inflation is a fact of life.. always has been... always will be.. I remember "nickel Cokes, 7-cent Krystals, and 10-cent gallons of gasoline".. So Coca Cola products go up a penny or two... it won't affect my taste or loyalty for Coke products. Blame Trump? Yes! In fact, I consider it a crowning moment knowing that tariffs on foreign metals have generated the rebirth of American steel and aluminum.. and 1000s of new American jobs.
If you thought the "watch your step" warning you get in an Francisco because of all feces "dumped" out on the sidewalks, just wait until you ride a trolley and get a "watch your seat" warning as well because of drug syringes/needles left on the seats.
From the "and the legal profession begins imploding" department - Online story: "Attorneys for Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer for U.S. President Donald Trump, are expected to ask a federal judge in Los Angeles on Friday to issue a gag order against the lawyer for adult film actress Stormy Daniels. * Cohen's lawyer, Brent Blakely, in a court filing in June asked the federal judge hearing Daniels' lawsuit to prohibit her attorney, Michael Avenatti, from speaking publicly about the case." -- You know.. I hope Cohen's attorney WINS! Just think, there'd be a precedence to get "gag orders" against all those obnoxious TV ad lawyers trolling for victims on TV!
From the "there's a list for about everything" department - A 24.& Wall Street "list" is out rating states by how much a teacher makes (average).. The top 5 are NY, Connecticut, California, Alaska, and Massachusetts.. The teachers average range is between $78,576.00 and $74,468.00. Then there's the bottom 5.. N. Carolina, Mississippi, Arizona, South Dakota, and Oklahoma.. where the average is between $39,306.00 and $45, 195.00. Now if you group the averages of each 5-state group, the highest paid earn $77,222 and the lowest earn $42,870. Hmmm the higher group earns 80% more that the lower group... but can the higher group claim that their students learn 80% more than the lower group students? And that.. my friends... is the REAL inequality in this scenario.
Online story: "Egypt's state-run media says a court has sentenced 75 people to death, including top figures of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, for their involvement in a 2013 sit-in. * Saturday's decision in Cairo Criminal Court will now be referred to the Grand Mufti — the country's top theological authority — for his non-binding opinion on the sentences. He usually approves the court's decision. * Sentencing for more than 660 others was set for Sept. 8, according to state-run Al-Ahram news website." -- Hmmm... maybe we should petition for Trump to ease entry requirements for Cairo Criminal Court judges, and give them green cards to run courts hearing the cases of "antifa" protesters.
For the first time since I was 14, I am considering getting a motorcycle...all of a sudden I realized I'd rather have something other than the Harley of my dreams.
From the "delusional destiny of DIMocrats" department: "Pelosi describes 9/11 attacks as 'incident,' suggests GOP weaker on border than Democrats" -- Hmmm.. I do believe that between now and November 6th, every Republican running for Congress should run this video as their primary ad for election/re-election.
Oh, and as an added benefit, we can look at all the voters who vote "DIMocrat" as needing to be vetted for their US citizenship, and get our voter lists and illegal aliens lists up-to-date.
55... It's happening...the remains of 55 American soldiers are finally coming home.. they made it to South Korea on Friday to begin their journey home. Trump 2020!
4-point-1...the GDP was just reported with 4.1 % growth for the 2nd quarter.. Two years ago, Obama said we probably would never return to even 3%....the American Eagle and Flag are SOARING Again!
From the "who's the racist" department - Online headline/story: "Bush-bashing Fresno State professor returns to Twitter, calls on 'white editors' to resign * The infamous California university professor who relished in the death of former first lady Barbara Bush is back at it again." -- And this is helping the racial divide? Well, in a sense it is.. she had DIVIDED the races even more!
From the "Big F***ing Biden Deals" department - Online headline: "Joe Biden's niece sentenced in $110,000 credit card case" - Good grief.. Biden has a son who divorced his wife after he started having an affair with his dead brother's widow, and has a niece who is a full-fledged DIMocrat .. she loves spending other people's money. No wonder the Obama-Biden team could never produce a balanced budget as they doubled the National Debt.
From the "let the purge continue" department - You know, one of the pleasures ...and "duties" of a grandfather is watching "Barbie" movies with your 6 year-old granddaughter. Was doing so the weekend. If you have "Barbie" DVDs, you know that they are front end loaded with "trailers", and 6-year-olds want to watch those, too. Being patient I watched with her. In these movies, one of the "trailers" is for "Curious George 2". Did you know the Matt Lauer...yes, the disgraced NBC talking head is the voice of Hank an announcer role. I think Universal needs to recall all the copies and destroy them. Yeah! Fair is fair!
Baltimore really suffered from the recession during the "housing bubble burst".. Property taxes dropped and really hurt the operations of the City.. You know, that the one thing Mayor Tom-LYING-son and her Tax Freeze Assault team failed to think about when she tried to end ours.. If it weren't for the "freeze" Columbus' property tax revenues would have plunged, and if they had, she would not have gotten re-elected in 2014..
M/C L-E headline: "Election security could be an issue for Georgia’s Kemp" --
Good grief.. there's only one important issue here.. and it's who will be the best for GA.. and GA's needs.. Starting with budgeting and Abrams brings disaster with her own personal financial chaos.
Amazing...the M/C L-E didn't report the finals of the Southeastern Invitation Amateur Championship played here in Columbus for the 89th time until 3 days AFTER the finish, yet keeps us up to date on the minutia of a bicycle race in Europe. And the M/C L-E wonders why Columbus readers aren't interested in subscribing anymore.
M/C L-E headline: "US economy on pace for best year of the decade" -- Why isn't this on the front page, above the fold on every US newspaper?
M/C L-E headline: "Mobile home park shooting on Veterans Parkway leaves man, 36, dead, police say" -- What a misleading.. actually DECEPTIVE headline..with the prominence of "our" Veterans Parkway, the M/C L-E should have mentioned Opelika in the headline.
M/C L-E headline: "MCSD board reacts to call for action in Myers case" -- It looks like a moot point...guess the voters of Columbus sided with Frank Myers on John House vs Amy Bryan.
M/C L-E headline: "12-year-old shot outside Ticknor Drive complex" -- What..21 deaths (22 in my book) so far..but how many more people have been shot..intentionally or randomly.. this year that could have been killed?
From the :the sky is falling, the sky is falling" department - M/C L-E headline: "Trade war with China might hit pecan growers" -- Good grief.. pecans for this year won't even be harvested until the middle of October, and MS-10 is already being a "nervous Ninny".
Online headline: "Planned Parenthood Tells Preschoolers: 'Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl'" -- Makes you think someone at Planned Parenthood may have advocated to "rusty coathanger" a male.
From the "he's baaccckkkk" department - "Sanford Bishop for Congress" signs are littering the rights-of-way leading to Green Island Country Club as he has a fund-raiser there today (Monday ). You know, Green Island is not in his Congressional District..wouldn't he be doing his District a favor by having such a fund-raiser WITHIN HIS DISTRICT so some of his voters could benefit?
Creating 22,000 apprenticeship jobs...that's what Stacy Abrams is campaigning on.. Hmmm...apprenticeships for what kind of jobs...My daughter had an apprenticeship job in Atlanta this summer...and hers, like most apprenticeships, paid her ZERO dollars..she just gets a taste of a career, makes some contacts, gets college credit, and an "experience" to put on her resume'. The trouble with Abrams' concept is that individual businesses determine if..and who, they will take on as an apprentice. Abrams promise is just further evidence of her lack of knowledge as to how jobs are created.
From the "some Repubs still don't get it" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Koch Network leaders blast Trump White House as ‘divisive’ * “The manner in which people engage public policy matters,” said Brian Hooks, the co-chair of the Seminar Network, the umbrella group that hosts the gatherings. “And it’s gone way beyond tone, way beyond tactic. The divisiveness of this White House is causing long-term damage.” * “When in order to win on an issue, somebody else has to lose, it makes it very difficult to unite people to solve the problems in this country,” Hooks said." -- Good grief.."somebody else has to lose"? Of course somebody HAS to lose.. it's the only way that direction is set and standards are raised. Participation Trophies and not keeping score at children's sports so that nobody wins shown us that "ties" means EVERYBODY loses. Thank goodness that Trump has "2020 Vision"!
From a perspective standpoint... name me a non-liberal who would have been satisfied if the Alabama-GA National Championship game had planned to ended in a tie so some people wouldn't be sad?
From the "says it all... no extra comments necessary" department - Online headline: "The unhinged anti-Kavanaugh left gears up to attack a Christian family man who feeds the homeless"
From the "average is a four-letter word with 3 extra letters" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY * District improves on half of state tests but lags Georgia average * for the second straight year, MCSD didn’t surpass the state average on any test. * The gap is as large as 17 percentage points in fourth-grade math (MCSD 30, state 47) and as small as 1 percentage point in high school economics (MCSD 48, state 49)." -- You know... I was taught that "average" is either the "worst of the best" or the "best of the worst".. and that "average" is neither a worthy goal nor satisfactory destination. Being "below average" is the pits!
M/C L-E headline: "Man charged in death of his 22-month-old son -- What's this murder number 22 (23 in my book) for Columbus, and we still have 2 days left in July
M/C L-E headline: "Trump threatens shutdown over border wall funding" -- Yes! I see "Trump 2020 Vision"


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