Friday, July 20, 2018

One of the saddest changes in our lives is mainscream media no longer caring about whether what they report resembles 'the truth'.
From the "poll truth and nothing but the poll truth" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Here's what Americans made of Trump's meeting with Putin, according to the polls * President Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday drew widespread condemnation from politicians, including some Republicans." --"drew widespread condemnation from politicians, including 'some' politicians"? Good grief, Trump could appoint Hellary as Secretary of the EPA and Pelosi and Schumer's DIMocrat puppets would not stand up nor applaud...and of course, liberal pollsters love the word "some".. as in "including some Republicans".. As long as more than 1 "disagrees" (like a McCain or Flake), mainscream media can use "SOME". Now, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story" is that 83%.. 6 out of 7 Trump voters approve of his tactics in negotiating for a safer America and World.
Oh... and only 79% of Hellary voters "disapproved" so Trump has "reached" 1-in-5 of Hellary supporters. DIMocrats HAVE to be worried about November.
Online headline/story: "Whoopi Goldberg abruptly ends fiery debate with Fox News judge Jeanine Pirro: 'Say goodbye!' * “Listen, I don’t have Trump derangement, let me tell you what I have. I’m tired of people starting a conversation with ‘Mexicans are liars and rapists,’ … Listen, I’m 62 years old, there have been a lot of people in office that I didn’t agree with, but I have never, ever seen anything like this. I’ve never seen anybody whip up such hate. I’ve never seen anybody be so dismissive … What I suffer from is the inability to figure out how to fix this. That’s my issue.”" -- "What I suffer from is the inability to figure out how to fix this. That’s my issue.” Hmmm.. I do believe that Whoopi just NAILED HERSELF to the floor! This is the number one issue of dysfunction liberals suffer from, and it's contagious between them.. DIMocrats must learn there are 2 ways to look at history.. There are events that are stumbling blocks, and we can use them as either stepping stones or anchors. As stepping stones, they offer a path to get through troubled waters... used as anchors, they weigh us under the turmoiled waters.
Online headline: "The Dolphins could suspend players for kneeling during the national anthem" -- "could"? Good grief, it ought to be mandatory.. and it would on our team... America!
You know, you can look at the past and get one of two results...if you think of events as stepping stones, they propel you into the future.... unfortunately, too many people look at past events... history.... as an anchor, and their ship never leaves the dock again...
Think about this.. how can the City of Columbus, GA be considered one of the "best run" when it's mayor agrees to share 20% of the cost of a $244,000.00 bathroom on a public Riverwalk project, and it's rarely..if ever.. open to the public?
M/C L-E headline: "Columbus teen dies of multiple gunshot wounds on Winston Road, coroner says" -- 21...or 22 in my book... wait a minute.. Gang problem? We ain't got no stinkin' gang problem until Tom-LYING-son says we gotta gang problem.
Online headline: Tucker Carlson: Why Do 'Reckless Partisans' Like John Brennan Still Have Top-Secret Security Clearances?" -- The question should be, "How do ANY former employees.. especially appointed ones.. have ANY "clearance" once they are fired, replaced, or retire?
M/C L-E headline/story: "Petition calls for Myers to resign after accusations of sexual harassment * The sexual harassment and bullying accusations come from what Myers posted about Reese after she had defended chamber executive Amy Bryan in a Facebook post. Bryan is a candidate in the July 24 runoff election against John House for the vacant citywide seat on Columbus Council." -- Reese defended Amy Bryan? Case closed.. Reese stuck her..... uh.. "toe" political waters, and Myers showed her "toe" ..this is politics, and if she wants to jump into the swamp, she better be aware that there are 'gators" in the water.. No resignation here... I should not have to remind you of Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy?
I voted for Kemp in the GA Republican primary, but have decided to vote for Cagle in the runoff.. While Trump and Pence have joined Kemp's efforts.. I still do not believe Kemp has as good a chance to beat Abrams in November... and that, my friends, is the goal.
M/C L-E headline: "Most Democrats refuse to take a stand during House vote on ICE" -- Hmmm... I see that Pelsi and Schumer are still pulling the strings of their DIMocrat puppets.. You know, the 133 DIMocrats who voted "present" did not represent the people who elected/re-elected them.. what a shame ...

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