Monday, February 25, 2019

Apparently the Oscars was "host-less" this year... sorta makes 2019 a trifecta.. combined with "tasteless" and "classless".
Will someone tell Senator Kamala Harris there was no lynching of Jussie fact the last political "Lynching" we had was when Loretta LYNCH put a noose around the neck of justice for putting the Clintons!
What is it with DEMentiacrats this year? Now the Virginia Lt. Governor is also comparing himself to a lynching business. Fact is the only "lynching" in America of recent years has been the LYNCHING Loretta gave to JUSTICE when she wrote off Hellary's crimes in an airplane with Slick Willie.
From the "hey,, Democrat base, are you really listening?" department - Online headline/story: "Bill Maher mocks Middle Americans as less 'affluent and educated,' saying 'they want to be us' * We have orchestras and theaters districts and world-class shopping. We have Chef Wolfgang Puck, they have Chef Boyardee.” “The fly-over states have become the passed-over states, that’s why red state voters are so pissed off. They don’t hate us, they want to be us." -- "they want to be us"? Hey. union and blue collar workers, blacks and Latinos... Like Hellary, Bill Maher is is saying you are "deplorable" as well..
From the all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" department - Online story" ""Fox & Friends" weekend co-host Pete Hegseth said Sunday that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-N.Y.) move to cap higher-level staff incomes in order to pay every member of her staff an annual salary of at least $52,000 was an example of communism and socialism." -- Hmmm.. so... regardless of skill level.. regardless of effort... everybody will make the same wage.. in Real World 101, this means the most productive will leave first.. followed by those who make a genuine effort. and soon only the unskilled and slackards remain thus making $52K the new minimum wage for minimum effort. Of course, only the Queen Bee will get $174K and all the perks of office.
I heard former Senator Humphrey of New Hampshire on Joe Pag's show..He's working with Tom Steyers to get Trump impeached..Humphrey says Trump is not defending the Constitution. WHAT! If anybody is not defending our Constitution, start with PeLOUSY, then Schumer and every politician against building the Wall, and maintaining citizenship.
Nike must have really spread money around this weekend...after the Carolina/Duke game when Williamson's left Nike "blew out" in front of millions watching on TV, yet Saturday when Duke played Syracuse, it was almost moot.
Looks like the number one question for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ... doe s she even have a legal residence in New York? Seems no one has seen her come or go when she was in New York last week when she was there in "the City".. We know she lives in an upscale trendy condo unit in the Washington area that goes for over $4.00-per-foot-per-month
From the "and how does this actually matter?" department - A judge in NC has ruled laws on Voter IDs and capping the State Income tax are unconstitutional because r=-their are districts in NC he feels are gerrymandered.. I think the judge forgot that both the referendums passed statewide with 55%-to--57% voter approval.. Judge,, a statewide vote is not determined by how many districts voted yea or nay but by the total statewide voter on each side. How can the statewide numbers be unconstitutional?
Online headline/story: "5 House Democrats took $60,000 trip to South Africa for Beyoncé concert, records show * They attended the “Global Citizen Mandela 100” concert from Dec. 1-3 to celebrate the centenary birth of the late Nelson Mandela and raise awareness of global poverty. * The lawmakers appeared in a photo that the Rev. Al Sharpton, who also attended the event, posted on his Twitter page." The trip was paid for by Global Citizen, a nonprofit that lobbies for anti-poverty programs around the world, the Washington Examiner reported." -- I do not care who paid for , I want to know if all of them declared the trip as "income"... and I want to know why they were lollygagging with tax-evader Al Sharlatan.
M/C L-E headline: "Clashes erupt as aid trickles into Venezuela" -- Pop Quiz! How many Hollywood elitists and DEMentiacrats were at the border trying to help aid get INTO the people of Venezuela?
M/C L-E headline/story: "Metra, riders frustrated by frequent breakdowns with equipment, service * Metra shows that the more than 4,000 riders using public transportation daily must deal with the potential for multiple breakdowns and delays. * Records provided by the agency show that in a six-month period, the transit system recorded three to four breakdowns daily or 539 calls for its fixed route buses" - How many buses have taxpayers bought for Metra? If 4 breakdowns a day occur for 539 daily calls, it sounds like we have between 135 and 180.. Of course, these figures have been provided by Ben Wright,,, you know.. Hasn't Ever Been Wright?
C'mon Council.. surely one of you is interested in letting Columbus taxpayers know about the wreck ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son had or in why Zeph Baker has never turned in his donation/expenditure figures
M/C L-E headline: "Counting starts in Nigeria’s delayed poll, after attack" -- Oh! Did the paid attackers on Smollett get to turn in their absentee ballots?
From the "maybe we should call them 'DEMentiacrats'?" department - Online story: "In town halls, television interviews and social media posts, Democratic presidential candidates are touting their support for "Medicare-for-all," higher taxes on the wealthy and a war on climate change. But foreign policy, one of the chief responsibilities of a president, is largely taking a back seat on the campaign trail. * Former Vice President Joe Biden is seizing on that opening to position himself as the sole global policy expert in a crowded Democratic field if he decides to run for president." -- Good grief.. has MSM-13 forgotten that Bleep Veep Biden's foreign policy experience was limited to him being the unplayed back-up for the Apologist-in-Chief.
From the "maybe we definitely should call them 'DEMentiacrats'?" department - Online headline: "Sen. Feinstein debates children over climate change" -- Oooops,, I first thought she was defending herself against the current group of freshman DEMs, but she was actually debating children... and not winning! Maybe Sen Feinstein should take another look at what k=]liberals are teaching in public schools.
From the "wrong lesson learned" department - Online headline/story: "The Jussie Smollett case's far-reaching consequences * Smollett’s alleged fabrication “is the worst possible thing at the worst possible time,” said Brian Levin, who directs the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino." -- You know, what libs are saying is that Smollett may keep victims from coming forward.. WRONG! What Smollett has done has embarrassed MSM-13, liberalism, too, within it's own world of LA-LA-LAND, but the real lesson that should be learned is HOAXES will be exposed!
From the "we CAN cure Climate Change" department - Have I ever told you I love lists? Well, I do, and especially this one: Online headline: "The 15 Most Polluted Cities in the United States" -- Hey, PeLOUSY! Read'em and weep! Well, assuming you CAN read.. the "weeping" will be unavoidable.. California has 8.. yes, 8 (including 1,2.3 and 4) of the top 15 most POLLUTED CITIES IN THE descending order: Sacramento, El Centro, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Modesto, Visalia, Fresno, and Bakersfield. Yes, there is a cure.. an obvious cure.. impeach every California Congressperson who ran on a :clean air" platform, and have President Trump appoint new sane ones.
From the "maybe it's time for Warren Buffett to walk away" department - Online story: " Warren Buffett on Saturday appeared to fault U.S. President Donald Trump for taking too much credit for the nation's economic growth, while acknowledging that market conditions are making it tough for his Berkshire Hathaway Inc to find more big companies to buy. * Buffett lamented these states of affairs in his widely read annual letter to Berkshire shareholders. * Accompanying the letter was more bad news, that sinking stock prices and a big writedown for the company's Kraft Heinz Co investment fueled a $25.39 billion fourth-quarter net loss, and caused Berkshire to post its lowest annual profit since 2001." -- Blaming Trump? I don't think companies doing better under Trump so Buffett can buy them "cheap" is a problem for the US.. the world for that matter.. but Buffett should look deeper in the mirror and see the man who supported Democrats.. and particularly John Kerry, who probably influenced Buffett but into Heinz for too much.
Hey Columbus! The "Pain Center"... what sparked the multi-department raid, and why has publicity been snuffed? Pass along what you KNOW...
Another "Veterans Parkway EYESORE" - Everyone's seen this.. and for too long! What's the ordinance for signs ? 13 (one is hidden by entry wall) seems to be a bit much...
Sam's Club may be thinkin' it's adapting to the market, but it's really not when you think about overall shopping experience. I'm willing to check myself out, but it's getting so you have to retrieve a cart in the parking lot in order to shop. This is not how I want to shop...something's gotta give.
Hey, Columbus Council... Let's not put Kadie the Cow on the back burner. Has Council acted on this? Can't think of a better solution than entrusting Kadie with Chick-fil-A.
With the recent influx of new as well old cases of sexual harassment or abuse in the news, I find it hard to understand how Jehmu Greene has returned to TV talk shows but no one asks her about her charges of sexual abuse that happened to her at the 1996 Democrat National Convention. She should either get satisfaction or apologize.
Online headline: "Bernie Sanders Announces He’s Running for President, Has 100% Pro-Abortion Voting Record" -- Do Democrats realize they are eliminating future voters?
Online headline: "ISIS bride's dad suing Trump, US to let her back into the country" --
What kind of influence does her dad feel he will have AFTER she's been indoctrinated by ISIS when he couldn't control her before she left for there?
It personally offends me that Democrats are trying to associate Smollett as an icon in the level of Jackie Robinson. Do current Democrats even KNOW who Jackie Robinson was .. or why he's important? Every baby boomer should be indignant!
Patriot owner Robert Kraft seems to have been uncovered in a Hail Mary situation ...wonder if the receiver noted whether the 'package' was delivered under-inflated.
What is it with Democrats? All they've done during the Trump years and Kavanaugh hearings was to demand investigations, yet when they have Democrats in Virginia involved in acts of racism and sexual assaults, none of the Democrats are interested in getting an investigation initiated.
From the :if you didn't feel Democrats could be so stupid.. now you KNOW!" department - Online headline: "Transgender Actor Asserts Existence of ‘Biologically Female Penis’ -- Good grief... wonder if they march around locker rooms seeing who does.. or doesn't... measure up?
I don't care what the specifics are concerning the birth of that Alabama ISIS bride, but joining an enemy army and destroying her US issued passport were her declaration of abandoning all her rights for consideration as an American citizen....period!
From the "big reveal" department - Online headline/story: "Statue vandals seem to have mistaken WWII hero for Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, museum officials say * A white marble monument of U.S. Army Maj. Gen. William C. Lee, who commanded the 101st Airborne Division's "Screaming Eagles" during World War II, was doused with flammable liquid and set on fire last week, museum officials said. The statue bears black scorch marks running up its left side. * The suspects seem to have confused Lee with Gen. Robert E. Lee, who led the Confederate army during the Civil War some 80 years earlier, officials said. * “I was surprised that anybody would do that to this museum statue,” Mark Johnson, curator of the General William C. Lee Airborne Museum in Dunn, told Goldsboro's WNCN-TV. “This is not a Civil War museum and this is not Robert E. Lee.” * (General William C.) Lee was known as the father of the U.S. Airborne Army and an international war hero of World War II, he told the station." -- When it comes to stupidity, liberals burn that candle at both ends! Forget that the vandals obviously have a poor education.. that's by liberal design, but it's unforgivable for a museum curator to feel it would been OK if the vandalized historical statue had been General Robert E, Lee.
I really didn't think I'd agree with PeLOUSY on her assessment on what the border wall represents, but she's right... it IS about PATRIOTISM! Sadly, PeLOUSY has demonstrated her complete lack of it.
It's sad that our Columbus Council isn't doing its job. If Council wants public input, it ought to be on a November General Election date with a question restricted to whether or not...yes or no.. the public feels Council should do anything other than demand existing building maintenance be the primary concern and that new projects only be allowed from funds not allocated to maintenance.. oh, and that all new projects must include a maintenance escrow account.
What about the latest illegal alien shooting in California...the perp was deported 3 times, and released from CA jails 5 times afterward even though ICE put a "detainer" notice that ignored 5 times. Thank God the police officer escaped unscathed.
After Trump created his prison reform policy, blacks in America should be really PO'd at California Democrats for absolving Hispanics of consequences via "sanctuary" status.
Was so glad that a judge ruled that the FBI was wrong when it made a plea bargain deal with Jeffrey Epstein without telling the victims of Epstein's lust. Not just because Epstein deserved this, but it reflects the depth... and lengthy time frame the FBI has been covering up Bill as well as Hellary Clinton. You know.. Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein give "a can of worms" a whole new definition category.
From the "interesting concept" department - Online headline: "'NOT U.S. CITIZEN' | Proposed law could put legal status on Georgia driver's licenses * A bill introduced by Rep. Jeff Jones would require anyone who gets a license in Georgia - and isn't a citizen - to get a special license." -- Interesting concept... but... why not just arrest anyone who applies as an illegal on the spot!
From the "Talk about lip service" department - Online headline: "‘With those rights come lots of responsibilities’: Woodall cosponsors bill to provide $30 million for nationwide civics education" -- Good grief! There are 98,000 public schools in the US.. allocating $30,000,000.00 would be giving about $300.00 per school...not per class.. not per student.. PER SCHOOL! Besides, by the time administrative costs were determined/assigned, schools probably wouldn't receive a dime of the money...
Hmmm.. you have wonder how many Nike shoe displays/ads were pulled after Zion Williamson's Nike shoe "blew out" on National TV...
M/C L-E headline/story: "Venezuelan forces shoot civilians at border * security forces fired on a group of indigenous Venezuelans protesting the government’s vow to block aid deliveries from outside the country." -- Hmmm... Hey PeLOUSY.. how about reminding us how proud you were when Venezuela banned civilian guns in 2012, and how much the homicide rate has increased since...
Let's see.. by decree of President Ford, February was officially declared Black History Month... in 1983, President Reagan signed a bill creating Dr, Martin Luther King Jr., Day... in 2018, President Trump made the MLK Center in Atlanta a National Park.. Maybe February should designate Presidents Day as Republican Presidents Day.
In a commentary by Tribune News Service's ANN MCFEATTERS, she(well .. unless she's decides to be a male this week) says: "We have dozens and dozens of examples that prove Trump is a bad president, wrong for these times and, indeed, wrong for any time. We know what abuse of power looks like. We know what incompetence looks like. We know what obstruction of justice looks like. We know what misogyny looks like. It looks like Trump" -- "We have dozens and dozens of examples that prove Trump is a bad president"? This is what is wrong with MSM-13. MSM-13 ONLY focuses on what it determines to be what's wrong with Trump.. The public might give MSM-13 some credibility if it at least mentioned some of (preferably ALL) the good aspects Trump has created and wants to create within our country. Fairness creates credibility.. MSM-13 has no credibility.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Democrats warn of subpoenas, lawsuits over Mueller report * Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Sunday that House Democrats were prepared to go to court to force the release of the final report from the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and subpoena Mueller to testify if it was not made public." -- Good grief.. Schi** happens!.. but in this case, DEMentiacrats may just regret it... Mueller has leaked about everything he could all along to keep the funding flowing, and still hasn't found anything on Trump... and all the other principles are Democrat pawns.
Hmmm... do you wonder why Ocasio-Cortez, Gabbard, Omar, Tlaib and Bernie haven't rushed to Venezuela to help bring attention to their cause?
Now the M/C L-E is trying to outdo the Chamber.. the Chamber wants to rebrand Columbus with "mottoes/slogans" and the M/C L-E wants to do so with symbols.. Christopher Columbus, Fountains and Viagra Falls didn't do it so now the Shoal Bass that being thrown into the frying pan... I want to suggest one myself.. how about the Albatross! It just makes sense.. With so many DEMentiacrats here keeping the City suppressed in a Republican run government, we feel like an albatross has been hanging around our necks... besides.. it would compliment the Phoenix bird on the other side of the river.
M/C L-E headline: "Shooting is city’s 7th homicide of 2019" -- Whoa! After a slow start, it looks like we may be on schedule for a record breaking year,, If 7 holds steady for Jan/Feb, then we're on track for 42 for 2019.
From the "well, isn't that special" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "M/C L-E headline: " Cuba votes on updated constitution * Cubans voted Sunday on a new constitution that expands recognition of private property and updates a Soviet bloc-era charter for the socialist nation." --- Hmmm.. so now the Cuban Communists are going to sell back confiscated property to different people it took it away from..
Dustin Johnson is back and on track! He won the WGC Tournament in Mexico this weekend.. Did you notice that Mexico has a wall built around the course? Walls work!


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