Monday, February 11, 2019

From the "ain't gonna happen, but I don't blame 'em for trying" department - Online headline: "Armed with new power, Democrats push for stricter U.S. gun laws" -- Not on the National level anyway.. There may be some more "new laws" in uber-lib states (don't blame them there as many of the uber-leftists worry about some of the more saner leftist worried about their own 2020 re-elections), Nationally, even the US House cannot overrule a veto.
Dems.. they still haven't figured out the that if they could outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.... at least I hope they are concerned about that...
From the "what happens when Socialist/Communists rule" department - Online headline/story: "More than 50 polar bears invade Russian village, sparking government to declare state of emergency * Despite the siege, residents have been warned they face prosecution is they shoot the endangered species." -- Do you see the pattern.. and in the US, the Socialist-Communist-Democrats don't even want you to have a gun to defend your family to begin with...
As the scenes of Pebble Beach faded away into the pre-Grammy show on CBS, my bride and I watched the Red Carpet pre-Grammy show...I believe Comic Con costumery will pale to what was being worn at the Grammys. I also wonder if Barnum&Bailey's bought some of those outfits for the clowns? How about PHIL! He's leading by 3 with 3 holes to be played today!
From the "semantics" department - Online headline/story: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt' * Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has blasted the GOP for being “intellectually bankrupt” after unsubstantiated rumors were spread online about her finances. * This stuff is really sad. The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt that they no longer engage to debate issues in good faith, but instead seek to lie, distort, name-call, target, & destroy people/communities w any means possible. It’s a virus and a race to the bottom.” * She had previously retweeted a post from controversial figure John LeFevre who wrote: “@aoc has a 430 credit score, two evictions, and an empty résumé. Just two months ago, she couldn’t afford an apartment in DC. Now, the Democratic leadership has put her on the Financial Services Committee & the media is saying that her Green New Deal will ‘reshape’ the economy.” -- I was going to say that Ocasio-Cortez was just mincing words, because Democrats are morally bankrupt and intelligence challenged when it comes to governance, but Ocasio-Cortez makes a good stab at also cementing Democrats at "intellectually bankrupt" as well.. John LeFevre is something.. but a GOP politician is not one of them.

Hey.. remember the much ballyhooed Bill & Hellary speaking tour? Well, the Clintons are hoping you won't...
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Average tax refunds down 8.4 percent as angry taxpayers vent on Twitter" -- Good grief! Hey taxpayers.. there are no such thing as "tax refunds".. when you get a check BACK from the IRS, it's because IRS is sending you back YOUR money you stupidly sent them during the year that the government used without paying you ANY interest! Getting smaller refunds is something you should be THANKING TRUMP about!
From the "let's see how gullible they are" department - Online headline/story: "Nearly 60 percent of Virginia's African-Americans want Gov. Northam to remain in office: poll * The Washington Post-Schar School poll, conducted Wednesday through Friday, found Virginia's broader population to be split evenly about Northam’s fate, with 47 percent wanting him to stay and the same percentage wanting him to resign. * African-Americans, however, prefer that the Democrat remain in office, 58 percent to 37 percent. Whites are more evenly divided" -- Hmmm... a WaPo poll? I'm sure we can probably find a WaPo poll that says 120% of VA African-Americans were AGAINST Confederate statues, too, yet 60% are "OK" with Democrats wearing "black-face" and Klan hoods? When are black American citizens going to "woke" about what Democrats really think about them?
Elizabeth Warren has announced she is running for know, I'd vote for PeLOUSY before voting for Warren.
Veterans Parkway Eyesore of the Week: 1928 Veterans - Parcel ID 06 016 014
This is a jewel.. it's owned by a person from Akron Ohio.. and until 2015, paid less than $2.00 in property taxes Someone from the City obviously took a look at it in 2015 and did up the tax to almost $125.00 then upped it again in 2017 to a shade over $500.00.. then last year to $564.00 (which has not been paid!) This is a pretty valuable speculative piece of commercial property yet retains its "R3-Residential Lots" rating...
Two pics: one from 2015 and one from 2019

From the "this is what happens when you put Democrats in charge" department - Online headline/story: "Omar calls for defunding Homeland Security -- 1 hour after insisting that TSA workers get backpay * But just an hour before calling for DHS to be defunded, as Fox News anchor Rob Schmidt points out, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn tweeted her outrage on behalf of TSA workers in Minnesota who haven’t received back pay due to the recent partial government shutdown." -- Good grief.. they HAVE received their "back pay" (actually just delayed pay" whether they actually worked or not) yet really wants to abolish their jobs altogether.. I assume with severance pay, annual vacation pay, and.. of course.. retirement pay. Hey Union bosses.. you taking notes?
Notes from the "River Road Roundabout" - Our pixie decorators haven't missed a beat.. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, and now Valentine's Day decor adorns the port-a-pottie.. I guess you really have to "feel the love" to go in there late in the day. Hopefully, traffic engineers can now see first hand how the effect of having a sweeping uphill right turn followed by a left swerve and another right swerve by a logging truck traveling south on River Road is not going to fare well.
Has anyone addressed the issue of why a City debris truck would have been leaving a business address when it wrecked with the Mercedes on River Road and killed the driver?
From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online headline: "Hillary Clinton Praises Nancy Pelosi: 'It Often Takes A Woman To Get The Job Done' * The former presidential nominee also said that standing up for women's rights "is the unfinished business of the 21st century." -- Praise be to Trump! Look what we'd have had if Hellary had won!
Online "headLIE" : "The Supreme Court Upholds a Grave Violation of the First Amendment" -- What a lie! Alabama law requires a person to be a prison employee to be in the death chamber...had nothing to do with religion or 1st Amendment rights!
From the "one rotten Apple" department - Online headline: "Apple Gives Mueller Access to Roger Stone’s iCloud, After Protecting Privacy of San Bernardino Terrorists * Apple, the company that refused to violate the “privacy rights” of the San Bernardino terrorists, have turned over access to Roger Stone’s iCloud account to the Mueller investigation." -- Good grief! If you buy or pay for your own iPhones, maybe it's time to abandon Apple. How about a 21st Century sequel to "Fahrenheit 451" ... "Fahrenheit i451"
M/C L-E headline: "As downtown grows, so do parking challenges" -- Hmmm.. you know, Council could enact a law that requires anyone renting/selling residential units be required to demonstrate that 2 (or more) parking spaces are available (and in proximity) for each piece/unit sold/rented, and are included in the rent or sales price. CSU could help by requiring all downtown campus students use the parking garage it's co-owns off Front Avenue.
M/C L-E commentary headline: "Limited government needs limited president * BY GEORGE WILL * Washington Post Writers Group" -- Where was George Will when Clinton and Obama were in office?
Whoa! Did you see it? It was right in front of you.. and you probably missed it.. There was no babbling from Leonard "The" Pitts in Sunday's L-E!
From the "MSM-13 'doom and gloom' prognostication" department - Online headline: "The Latest: Physician says Trump is 'in very good health'" -- More good news for America!
From the "life wasted" department - Online headline/story: "Dingell's farewell message to America includes dig at Trump * On the day of his death, longtime Rep. John Dingell dictated a farewell message to America and used some of his final words to criticize President Donald Trump." -- How pathetic... to live 92 years, and die with unresolved bitterness rather than joy..
Art Linkletter was right.. kids do say "the darndest things" -- Lat week my granddaughter was staying with us as her mother and new dad honeymooned.. One morning when she got up, she came to me for a morning hug.. as she held on to me, she sneezed.. I said "Gesundheit". Then she sneezed again, and I responded "Gesundheit" again. She hen turned her face to me ad[nd said, "Sorry, I got some "Gesundheit" on your robe"
All Points Bulletin! Be on the lookout for "Black Lives Matter"! Racism is out of control in the Virginia Democratic Party but "Black Lives Matter" is nowhere to be found.
I tell you what, if I'd been the Republican who followed Sheila Jackson Lee in the House Committee interrogation of Attorney General nominee Matthew Whitaker, I'd have given her my 5 minutes so she could further embarrass herself and the Democrat Party.
Looks like Governor Cuomo has even more revenue issues to be concerned about than he thought.. Changes in the Federal tax code presented by the Trump tax cuts have revealed how NY's tax breaks for wealthy property holders are no longer available and wealthy New Yorkers are moving to lower taxing states..and now, Amazon has stepped back for another look at it's new plans to build another HQ building there which would bring 25,000 new jobs to NY. Bezos might want to take another look at Amazon's plans in Virginia, too.
I'm looking for a new TV series later this Spring.. "Real Democrats of the Virginia Statehouse", based on the real Democrats of the Virginia Statehouse...
There was a shooting death at Castlegate Apartments here in is listed as 3700 Bridgewater Road (intersects with Southlea) yet there's no information in the tax database for that address... with all the money ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son spent on new tax database software, it should be easy to find.. It's rather weird since the person killed owns other properties yet had the tax bills on those sent to him at 3700 Bridgewater. Where can I get the Parcel ID number for these apartments? Update: Property owned by Atlanta firm.
It wasn't Chief Justice John Robert's vote on the Louisiana abortion bill itself that threw me, but the fact that Ruth Ginsburg voted at all. How do the rules of the U S Supreme Court allow non-participating Justices to vote? I mean, reading reports of court interchanges may inform you of the details, but reading reports does not mean you understood the issues as presented. I do want to ask why any of the judges voted against the Louisiana law.. all along, one of the main issues of abortion advocates concerns women's health, yet, the US Supreme Court judges just ruled that women who might need hospital care because of n abortion related complication may not be able to get admitted to a hospital in a timely matter.
Now.. even with John Robert's vote, had Ginsburg not voted, the overall vote would have been 4-4, and, basically, thrown back into the hands of the states where it should have been.
Online "headLIE": "Empowered Dems flex muscle with host of new tax proposals" -- "empowered"? Empowered to do what...spin wheels, blow hot air, look stupid? Good grief...the House Dems are only empowered to be either obstructionists or contributors to a greater America ... and right now, they ain't helping.
It doesn't bother me so much as what Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez doesn't understand about economics, but it scares the hell out of me what would happen if the government acted on her beliefs.
You know, I'm waiting for any of the MSM-13 organizations to ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez why do we need to change anything we're doing since she feels the world will end in 12 years.
From the "the times may be a changin'" department - Is it just me, or have you noticed that MSM-13 is focusing more on true Democrat dalliances than alleged ones about Trump since the SOTU speech?
MSM-13 needs to look at why it supports the Democratic Party.. Democrats whine loudly about what they would do when they are not the majority, yet when they get it, they have no plan to get anything done that actually improves America.
Wow.. the SunTrust merger with BB&T will necessitate renaming the Atlanta Braves baseball complex.. Hmmm... BB&T.. Baseball, BS, and Taxes?
Looking at the "plans" for the proposed development in Midland, I see huge access and traffic issues. From the south, the only easy access will be driving north to the J R Allen Parkway so you can take right-turn exits into the complex.. but if come from the east or drivers from the south try to access it from the eastern side, left turns across the divided highway will become a nightmare.. New overhead access ramps/bridges will have to become a priority, and unless the ramps have very extended length, cars will be backed up into the west bound Parkway lanes.
M/C L-E story: "The National Enquirer’s alleged attempt to blackmail Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos with intimate photos could get the tabloid’s parent company and top editors in deep legal trouble and reopen them to prosecution for paying hush money to a Playboy model who claimed she had an affair with Donald Trump." -- "Blackmail"? That's certainly in the eye-of-the-beholder, but another way of looking at it was that the National Enquirer was doing Bezos a favor by not just printing those pictures unannounced. The sad thing is if Bezos had such pictures of President Trump, he would not have hesitated in running them. The National Enquirer should be praised for not doing what Bezos would have done without remorse.
M/C headline/story: "Director Spike Lee boycotts Gucci, Prada products * Director Spike Lee said Friday he will no longer wear Gucci or Prada until the brands hire some black designers following a pair of blackface fashion fails from the major Italian fashion houses." -- Good grief.. most of us already "boycott" those "houses".. While we don't have that kind of money to waste of fashion frivolity, we do have common sense not to do so even if we could.
M/C L-E guest commentary headline: "The Stacey Abrams revolution * BY JAMELLE BOUIE * New York Times" -- Hmmm .. you know, here's another NYTimes writer that has made a "rush to judgment" error.. Just look at the headline.. "The Stacey Abrams Revolution".. in effect, she turned $40 Million dollars of out-of-state funding into a wake-up call for Georgia not to fall asleep at the ballot boxes.. "Revolution"? No.. more of a "Stacey Abrams Abortion".
Rob Lowe nailed Elizabeth Warren.. he said she would bring a new aspect about being the Commander in CHIEF... but think about vegan candidate Cory Booker... he'd become the Commander in CHEF.
From the "what happens when Socialist/Communists rule" department - Online headline/story: "More than 50 polar bears invade Russian village, sparking government to declare state of emergency * Despite the siege, residents have been warned they face prosecution is they shoot the endangered species." -- Do you see the pattern.. and in the US, the Socialist-Communist-Democrats don't even want you to have a gun to defend your family to begin with...
Online headline: "Amy Klobuchar joins 2020 Democratic field, promising to win back Midwest voters from Trump in snowy speech" -- Hmmm.. I guess "climate change" froze over!
Good grief.. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants for the TSA agents to get their back pay.. first, they already have, but it's not "back pay", it's "delayed pay" because that wasn't the issue... but then Ocasio-Cortez said she wanted to eliminate the Department of Homeland Security altogether.. which is the agency that TSA agents work for.. but then again, TSA agents wouldn't have to worry about pay anymore as Ocasio-Cortez wants to guarantee pay for everyone regardless of whether hey work or not.
M/C L-E headline/story: "California border town swept up in Mexico’s waste * Noxious sewage filled with feces, industrial chemicals and other raw waste regularly comes in through the New River, which flows from Mexico’s Mexicali Valley and through Calexico, leaving neighborhoods along the waterway engulfed in pungent fumes. And it’s not just the river: From above, smoke billows from Mexican factories, illicit medical burn sites and tire pits, fueling widespread asthma in the region. * As Washington debates spending billions to shore up barriers along the 2,000-mile Southwest border, many residents in California’s Imperial Valley feel at least some of that money could be spent to address the region’s public health threats. Just feet away from Calexico, Mexico’s lax environmental rules and enforcement pose a regular menace." -- You know, California could probably have enough money to lean up the Mexico waste if California eliminated the money spent on illegal aliens in "sanctuary city havens".
Columbus Council Agenda: "15th AVENUE CLOSURE AND ABANDONMENT: Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the official street maps and tax maps by officially closing and abandoning a section of right of way for 15th Avenue beginning at the north right of way line of 55th Street and 15th Avenue and running northerly for a distance of 150 feet as shown on map or plat titled “Part of 15th Avenue Right-Of-Way”; authorize the disposal of the said right of way in accordance with applicable state law; reserving easements; and for other purposes." -- Is this really enough information for Council to vote on? How about "who asked" for this, and what the predicted need for such is planned?
Columbus Council Agenda: "Purchases: Traffic Incident Management Services (Annual Contract)" -- Hmm.. how about giving us a report from said vendor about the accident ex-Mayor Tom-LYING-son had before renewing this contract...
Columbus Council MUSCOGEE COUNTY JAIL SHOWER REPAIRS: "There are 36 showers located in the south tower which was constructed in 2003. * Showers are constructed of tile walls and floors with no waterproofing membrane." -- You know.. for shower construction done just 15 years ago,, surely there was "code" for waterproofing.. how was this given a certificate of occupancy? And for public safety. who was the 2003 contractor?
There's a list of the 50 worst action movies.. don't waste your time.. the absolute worst.."Ishtar" didn't make it so it's not a well researched list.
Another more telling list featured the 50 States' "foreclosure" rankings.. The worst 5 were NJ, DE, MD, FL and IL (1st-5th)NY was 13th but with the new tax laws, NY should be in the worst 5 next year,, also MA was the 15th worst.. I mention these because of where most of the Democrat presidential wannabees live. Painfully, GA slipped in as the 14th worst, but seeing how Columbus floundered under ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son, and then there's Stacey Abrams, who the GA Dems are putting all their hope in future, so we must be diligent in getting more conservative voters out on 2020!
And still another list.. this time, the worst states for burglaries. GA .. no earnest surprise here, is overall 14th worst per 100,000 people, but.. and a BIG but at that, GA had the 6th HIGHEST rate of burglaries in the country.. And it's inflated by Columbus' floundering economy and education rankings.. combined with it's political allegiance with Democrats ( it's no surprise when the Chair of the School Board, the Minority Whip in the GA Legislature, and Columbus' City Manager all share one family name...
Online story: "California Gov. Gavin Newsom will announce plans Monday to pull back all members of the National Guard who have been deployed to the border with Mexico, saying the state would not be part of the Trump administration's "manufactured crisis." -- Good grief.. whatta doofus.. It's as simple as this nephew of Queen PeLOUSY was having a tough time 'splaining his use of CA National Guardsmen being deployed at the border of a Sanctuary State.. Now, since Trump is SENDING 3,700 troops to the border, I hope he sends some Corp of Engineers to California to remove the fences at Tijuana and transplant them to place that are being overrun elsewhere.

M/C L-E story: "The Financial Efficiency Star Rating for the Muscogee County School District remained at 3.5 stars on a 5-star scale in the Georgia Department of Education’s annual release of the statewide results." -- Parsing this ranking into actual numbers is east.. 20% for each star.. so 3.5 star's are a 70%.. a "D-" in any rating system... Now.. particulars.. only 9 of 32 Elementary schools scored 3.5 Stars or better, and only 4 of 12 Middle Schools did , and while 7 of 9 High Schools showed average or better scores it brings us to a startling reality.. Dr Lewis has been on the job for 5 complete years so Elementary school rating are the only one purely reflected by his programs and leadership.. and the Elementary school score are considerably worse that the overall scores. The Middle Schools also reflect poor elementary school foundation. What was it that Pogo said to Porkypine..."We have met the enemy and he is us."

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