Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Online headline/story: "After Putin's warning, Russian TV lists nuclear targets in U.S. * Russian state television has listed U.S. military facilities that Moscow would target in the event of a nuclear strike, and said that a hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes. * The targets included the Pentagon and the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland." -- Good grief... Hey DEMentiacrats, if this doesn't tell you who Russia is concerned with, then let me explain it to you s-l-o-w-l-y....Trump will not be at either spot should conditions escalate.. but what is most telling is that the Russian media didn't name the Capitol Building.. Guess Putin wants to make sure Washington stay in chaos with his Communist friends in charge...
Wow..talk about hypocrisy...the Democrat Lt Governor of Virginia made an impassioned plea for media not to be in a "rush for judgment", while the Democrat State Attorney of West Palm Beach, FL strutted around like a performing seal in front of a mainstream media circus.
Talk about inanely flapping one's jaws ..Dave Aronberg ..State Attorney of West Palm Beach, stood in front of a microphone and actually said that indigents and the wealthy are treated the same on prostitution charges. You guessed it..he's a DEMentiacrat.
I was not comfortable... with Trump scheduled to be in Asia, I think Pence needed to be back in the US before Trump takes off. Who knows what coup could be attempted to seat PeLOUSY in the Oval Office with the Prez and VP out of Washington.
Why is the focus on student loans being 6-figure amounts for mundane degrees...I understand a large loan debt for a professional and licensed career degree when a recipient has an opportunity for a higher paying job, but when a job has no chance to provide higher income, we need to look at the cost of education.
You know, the next time a DEMentiacrat presidential hopeful mentions Medicare for All, he/she should be asked to compare his/her plan with Venezuela's actual results.
SMH...These super-wealthy liberals are so hypercritical.. They talk about not paying enough taxes yet have tons of financial planners figuring out the least amount of taxes they can pay...they don't make voluntary donations to the Government, and they leave the bulk in foundations because they don't feel the government will use it well. So...why are Democrat voters loyal to their erudite elitists?
Senator Kamala Harris is going to have real credibility issues.. She says we have to look at science facts versus science fiction when discussing "Medicare for All", yet does not look at ANY facts when discussing the border wall.
I find it amusing and hypercritical.. that DEMentiacrats have adopted "MediCare for All" versus "Affordable Care for All" to salvage Obama's legacy program.
Heard Eric Swalwell, D-CA, made an impassioned...well, more whiny than impassioned, plea for free college. Hmmm...then how come this California kid didn't stay in California for free college rather than go to U of Maryland where his parents not only had to pay for him, they also got stuck with out-of-states tuition fees?
Online headline: Amtrak train with 183 passengers stranded in Oregon for more than 24 hours" -- Some 'bullet train'... more like a "bull-sh*t train'
The hospital provided Sophia with a special bear...I wonder if it will show up as a $499.00 "bill a bear". Was a comfort...

Think about this...how well could the world sleep knowing most of the world's nuclear bombs were under control of Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin. Ashraf Ghani, Hassan Rouhani, and Nancy PeLOUSY.

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