Thursday, February 7, 2019

From the "DOH! Build the WALL!" department - Online headline: "Caravan migrants stalled at Texas border eye other routes" -- Good grief! Ask your Congresspersons.. House and Senate, how they will vote on "Wall" bills this month; if they vote "NO", start finding them a replacement.
You know, while the Governor and State Attorney General of Virginia are political "toast" for for acts involving "lack of discernment" which is not "against any law" (..other than youthful stupidity).. the Lt Governor is facing real criminal charges.. while we know that a "rush to judgment" is not fair.. but a political fact of life... one cannot lose fact that the Lt Governor's accuser is represented by the same firm that represented another California professor in her claims against Judge Kavanaugh, and that firm has a well connected Democrat history, and the firm's acceptance of a case AGAINST a Democrat is very condemning. The fact the HuffPOOPOO is investigating a Democrat is even MORE condemning.
Once again. Br'er Trump walked away from PeLOUSY's "brier patch" laffin' .. He left the House chamber having shattered PeLOUSY's control over the women in Congress as she stewed helplessly behind him.
You know, when a Congressional Representative must kowtow to the voice of the party leader. The Congressional Representative's home District voters are the biggest loser..that Representative is no longer their voice.
You know, since PeLOUSY is from California, and early built walls at the CA-MX border have cut illegal alien crossings directly into California by 96%, maybe Trump should just re-open the California border by taking those fence/wall sections down and move them to other border sites...maybe like between CA and the rest of the USA.
With the photos popping up of Democrats in black-face in droves, maybe it's time to go back in time and take another look at the picture of Bill Clinton as an overalls wearing hick and Hellary in black-face. It was waved off by MSM-13 back then, but it sure warrants to be looked at again.
From the "being bit in her Wampum" department -- Pocahontas is back! it appears she applied for the bar in Texas under the guise of being an "American Indian".. not as a Native American, but an American Indian...according to the story, "The card was not part of her application to the bar, the source told HuffPost; she had already been admitted when she filled it out." -- Hmmm...Since she was already an officer of the court, lying is a terminating offense! And what is it with the HuffPOOPOO.. first reporting on Lt Governor Fairfax of Virginia and no exposing Elizabeth Warren.. have Democrats worn out their "exemption" with MSM-13?
Let's be honest... The Dems pushing Stacey Abrams out to respond to the SOTU was an intentional ploy to keep current national Democrat wannabe leaders from damaging themselves any further.
Let's talk about what What Abrams actually accomplished .. she was spending so much other people's money spreading her idea that illegals should vote that record amounts of legitimate and concerned Georgians rallied to vote against Democrats in RECORD NUMBERS! Now, the rest of the country got a warning shot of the Democrats' 2020 strategy.
Boy did Buss Aldrin make a statement contradicting the director of "First Man". Remember him saying that he did not have the planting of the American flag on the Moon's surface scene because it was irrelevant? Well, obviously, by the tie Aldrin was wearing, Buzz Aldrin felt differently.
Looks like Virginia... well, the nation's Democrats, too, are being exposed for the hypocrites they truly are.. The same State officials who have condemned statues of Confederate historical Virginians, have been outed for modern day racism and misogyny. We had heard about the issues of the governor and the Lt governor, and now the Democrat State Attorney General just got out in front of his black-faced depiction of rapper back in college in 1980. What else are Democrat voters we going to learn about their party leaders in the next few weeks?
So Dem Adam Schi** has rescheduled Michael Cohen's testimony until Feb 28.. That means Cohen will be swished away to prison within a week getting Cohen out of the MSM-13 focus.
Stacey Abrams said this administration puts children in cages at the border....hmmm...I didn't remember her complaining when Obama initiated this program nor when he fulfilled his plans. I also don't remember Abrams going after the judges who "stayed" Trump's orders to stop such practices .
Seriously... how can the Democrat voter base continue to support Democrat politicians on their socialist agenda. Venezuela..the Democrats shining example, has imploded from being the most prosperous South American country to one of abject poverty under a socialist regime.
M/C L-E story: "St. Anne Community Outreach, in partnership with Feeding the Valley Food Bank, will continue to offer grocery assistance to all local federal employees affected by the government shutdown." -- Good grief.. I believe in charity.. but this is not charity.. and the federal recipients should be embarrassed if they took it and didn't repay it when their checks were deposited.. None of them lost a dime in pay!
M/C L-E "headLIE": "House Dems to push ‘sensible’ gun safety laws" -- "sensible"? Since when is taking guns away from law-biding citizens "sensible".. "sensible" would be taking guns.. and freedom.. away from criminals!
M/C L-E story: "The Muscogee County School District has honored the schools whose students made the most academic improvement relative to their statewide academic peers last school year. * This is the fourth straight year the district has given its SGP Awards, measured by the Student Growth Percentile. * The SGP allows all students to demonstrate growth, regardless of their achievement level. MCSD awarded three places among its 32 elementary schools, 13 middle schools and 10 high schools." -- It would be NICE if the story told us which 3 schools had overall improvement rather than just the schools ..and grade/subject particular... had certain improvements. I love to read about success, but pawning off minimal data as reality dilutes the real story.. out of 55 MCSD schools, 52 did not show improvement... I know it's tougher on the current schools that excel already to get measured improvements, but we need the whole story.. not what's been cherry-picked and presented as a positive for the whole system.
M/C L-E headline/story: "City truck pulled into path in fatal crash, police say * a city employee steered from the driveway at 7501 River Road about 8:25 a.m. to travel westbound." -- Aside from directional dysphoria (River Road runes north/south) and it's taken a full week for this to "make the L-E", one real question hasn't been answered.. in fact, it may not have been asked.. Anyway, why was a City garbage/debris truck even in a Commercial Business property in the first place? I thought that businesses used commercial pick ups, and the City only serviced residential facilities. For the record, this is  Parcel ID 172 001 001 owned by CHATTAHOOCHEE PLAZA LLC.

M/C LE story: "NASA scientists announced Wednesday that the Earth’s average surface temperature in 2018 was the fourth highest in nearly 140 years of record-keeping and a continuation of an unmistakable warming trend. * “The five warmest years have, in fact, been the last five years,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the NASA group that conducted the analysis. “We’re no longer talking about a situation where global warming is something in the future. It’s here. It’s now.”
* Overall, 18 of the 19 warmest years have occurred since 2001." -- Could it simply be that measuring devices not only have reached "state of the art" status, but certain political elements are directing where tests and results be achieved?

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