Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Has anybody seen a follow up of the Muslim's lawsuit against Nike based on its sole design looking like a symbol for Allah? Anybody seen a sports team turn its Nike uniforms inside out? Anybody seen a sports figure cancel his Nike shoe contract? Anybody seen KaeperPRICK "take a knee"? .... I didn't think so...
From the "let's blame it ALL on Trump" department - Online headline/story: "National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time * The national debt has passed a new milestone, topping $22 trillion for the first time. * The Treasury Department's daily statement showed Tuesday that total outstanding public debt stands at $22.01 trillion. It stood at $19.95 trillion when President Donald Trump took office on Jan. 20, 2017. * The debt figure has been accelerating since the passage of Trump's $1.5 trillion tax cut in December 2017 and action by Congress last year to increase spending on domestic and military programs" -- Let's see, the National Debt is up from $19.5 TRILLION that Obama left after running up the total $8.6 TRILLION in his 8 years, and now, at .03 percent interest rates, the National Debt has increased $1.17 TRILLION on the Debt Obama left for Trump, so $1.17 Trillion of the $2.05 is actually interest payments on Obama's debt
Note: Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Online headline: "Cory Booker: ‘This Planet Simply Can’t Sustain’ People Eating Meat" -- Good grief.. Ocasio-Cortez wants to end the insurance industry, the fossil fuel industry the airline industry et al, and now Booker wants to end the dairy and restaurant/fast food industries. What's Booker plan to do with the overflow of cows living with no end purpose?
You know, if Congress sent Trump a Continuing Resolution bill and he says he will sign it, PeLOUSY will claim she didn't read it after it passed.
Online headline: "Appeals court rules Trump can build border wall" -- And not just any court,, it was the 9th District Court of Appeals agreeing with Trump.. Liberals binary-panties are truly wadded up!
From the "Harf makes me wanna barf" de[department - Good grief..While on Fox News as an "expert" for the Democrats, Marie Harf stated that the Democrats handed Trump the worst mid-term elections ever.. Whoa! Whatta lie! In 2010, Democrats lost 66 House seats and 6 Senate seats, while in 2018 the Republican House lost 40 seats but the Republican Senate WON 2 more seats. I think Fox should attach a lie detector on every political spinmeister, regardless of party affiliation, that the TV audience can watch.
Online headline/story: "Abrams’ nonprofit faces new liens; she calls them ‘contractor error’ * State regulators filed three liens worth about $3,500 in the past year against a nonprofit created by Stacey Abrams. The Democrat said through a spokeswoman that the liens were “entirely due to third-party contractor error” and that records still haven’t been updated despite timely payments. * The filings involve Third Sector Development, an organization that Abrams created in 1998 that was slapped with four tax liens worth $13,000 between 2014 and 2016 citing unpaid unemployment contributions." -- Good grief! And nearly 49% wanted her to run our state? Thank heavens for the majority that didn't!
From the "you knew it was a lie when she opened her lips" department - Online headline: "Katy Perry responds to accusations that shoes from her fashion line resemble blackface: 'Our intention was never to inflict any pain'" -- Wait a minute! Perry's talking about women's shoes... right? Of course she meant to cause people pain! Women's fashion shoes always cause women pain!
Online headline: "Illegal immigrant ex-boyfriend arrested in death of New York woman found stuffed in suitcase, report says" -- Hey.. Cuomo.. you, too, de Bl@sio.. you KNOW where you can stuff your opinions of illegal aliens.
Online headline/story: "George Soros says Europe faces 'oblivion' as right-wing parties set to win big in European election * Soros is something of a bogeyman in right-wing circles due to his funding of left-wing causes both in Europe and the U.S. Hungary’s nationalist government recently passed a “Stop Soros” package to curtail his activities via his Open Society Foundations -- including a measure making it illegal for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to organize illegal immigration into the country." -- Hmmm... looks like hard working Europeans have outed Soros.. Maybe the US should invite those voters to come here after their next election there, and stay over and vote in our 2020 elections.. NY and CA don't seem to mind non-citizens voting...
Online headline: "Hawaii sees snow from winter storm for first time in state park on Maui" -- Hmmm..I guess it's another case of 'Climate Change' freezing over.
From the "he says, and I interpret" department - Online headline: "Bill Gates slams Ocasio-Cortez, says her tax policy is 'missing the picture'" -- That's what Gates "says", what he means is, hey PeLOUSY, curb your dog!
Online headline/story: "Kamala Harris says she listened to Snoop Dogg, Tupac while smoking weed in college years before they made music * California Sen. Kamala Harris claims she listened to Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur when she smoked pot in college – but the West Coast rappers weren’t putting out music until years after she graduated. * “I have. And I inhaled. I did inhale,” Harris said when asked if she has smoked weed. “It was a joint.”" -- Hmmm... Maybe she's confused,and meant she had a beer with Elizabeth Warren AT a joint.
My math education must have abandoned me.. I listen to Ocasio-Cortez promise all adults $12,000.00 a year, but why not $15,000.00 which would be the amount a 40 hour per week worker would get on the minimum wage she advocates? Now, since we have at least 200 million "adults" and that would be $2.4 Trillion non-taxed out go (at $12K, $3.0 Trillion at $15K), and she's going to eliminate the insurance, fossil fuel, and airline industries so all that cash flow and tax revenues will be eliminated as well. Then, she wants MediCare for All. Now all 325,000,000..that we know of..will come under this program..let's say every person has $1,000.00 worth if healthcare.. that's another $3.5 TRILLION in revenue outgo... and that depends on whether any med workers..especially doctors will work in the US on government pay scales. Then it's not a question of "Can I keep my doctor?" but one of "Will my doctor keep me, or move to another country for a better deal?" Now, I still haven't figured out where the government will get this much revenue to begin with..Currently, the government budget, including our military, education, transportation, and government is about $4 Trillion gathered from taxes and fees, but so far, Ocasio-Cortez hasn't told us what's going to taxable to get revenue. How about someone on our school board who understands "new math" show me where I messed up in my calculations...
I'm not particularly a poll-following person, but two recent ones have caught my eye..a Rasmussen one showing Trump with a 52% approval rating, and a consumer poll showing 69% feel they will be better off financially at the end of this year. Both are strong indicators of a voter acceptance of the Trump presidency.
Heard the Democrat Chair, Nita Lowey, D-NY, of the House Appropriations Committee declare she thought the "compromise" reached is fair. Good grief...we KNOW that's a lie.
Trump should send the Conference Committee compromise to avoid the shut down back to them with a caveat... Trump should ask the 4, Shelby, Leahy, Granger, and Lowey which cities in their states (Alabama, Vermont, Texas and New York, respectively)) ICE should ship all the criminals losing their detainment beds.
Dr Zuhdi Jasser of AIFD claims 90% of Muslims in America are pro-Israel.. We've seen Muslim/Israeli interaction...we know this is not true.

American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD ) is an American Muslim think tank ... AIFD was founded by Zuhdi Jasser in March 2003....yet if you type in "AIFD" in a Google search, the primary response is American Institute of Floral Design. Guess Jasser feels he can blow "pollen" up our.... (and we'll feel better).
WTVM-9 headline: "Georgia receives F on Gun Safety Report Card" -- Good grief.. the only "gun failures" we have in GA are too many Democrat Mayors and "jury fails" in our major cities...
Senator Richard Shelby, R-AL, demonstrates the problems that have plagued the growth and greatness our country can achieve. Not only did he walk out with less money to increase our border security, by agreeing to cut funding for 30,000 plus "beds" for detainees, Shelby took even more money away from our internal security. The Senate Republicans must not realize they are the majority...and Shelby, feels, he 'won'....this is pathetic. Hope Trump signs it, then recruits a new Republican in Shelby's next primary.
From the "just greedy... umm... greedier" department - GA Senate Bill 81 seeks to set the annual salary of Georgia legislators at “an amount equal to the median annual household income for citizens of the State of Georgia.” This would currently account for a raise from $16,200 to $56,183 in annual salary, or over $1,400 per day of the 40 day session.
Bill sponsors:
Valencia Seay (D, 34th)
Jennifer Jordan (D, 6th)
Ed Harbison (D, 15th)
Jeff Mullis (R, 53rd)
Freddie Powell Sims (D, 12th)
Emanuel Jones (D, 10th)
And a $40,000.00 pay raise at that! Guess we should be thankful POSold is no longer re[presenting us.. he'd probably been a sponsor, too..
M/C L-E headline/story: "2 Muscogee County schools are among Georgia’s 2019 AP Honor Schools * Two schools in the Muscogee County School District are among 230 out of the 482 public high schools in Georgia honored this year for their success in taking and passing college-level courses called Advanced Placement." -- Hmmm.. 2 of 9 Columbus High Schools got honored that's what.. about 22% though nearly 48% of the 482 statewide received this honor? Looks like the MCSD has used another whole tube of lipstick on our pig...
From the "another 'jury fail' in sight or what" department - M/C L-E headline/story: 'Columbus man on trial for killing half-brother recalls birthday party shootout * The Columbus man on trial for killing his half-brother at a birthday party took the witness stand Tuesday to give his account of how Demetrius Williams was gunned down outside the defendant’s Bernard Drive apartment. * Thomas said people responding to a Facebook invitation started arriving about 1:30 p.m., and at first everyone got along well as they drank, smoked marijuana and showed off their guns. “Everything seemed cool. Everything seemed normal,” he said." -- Seems to me that when people engage in intentionally putting alcohol and/or hallucinatory drugs in their bodies, there is no defense for killing another...
M/C L-E headline: "Ivey unveils proposal to build three new prisons in Alabama" -- Looks like Alabama's gonna need them.. the beds.. since Senator Shelby is for reducing the number of beds that CE can use for illegal alien detention.
M/C L-E headline/story: "El Chapo convicted on all counts * BY ALAN FEUER * New York Times * NEW YORK * The Mexican crime lord known as El Chapo was convicted Tuesday after a three-month drug trial in New York City that exposed the inner workings of his sprawling cartel, which over decades shipped tons of drugs into the United States and plagued Mexico with relentless bloodshed and corruption." -- Good grief.. this trial has been going on in NEW York yet NY Senator Schumer feels we don't need a wall on our Southern Border.. Ron White is spot on.. you can't fix stupid!

M/C L-E guest commentary headline: "Virginia, do yourself a favor and investigate your leaders * BY EUGENE ROBINSON * Washington Post Writers Group" -- Good grief.. hey, MSM-13.. investigating politicians of BOTH parties is YOUR job! Concealing the truth about Democrats is NOT!

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