Thursday, February 14, 2019

Today is February 14th.. we are celebrating Valentine's Day.. but on February 14, 1829, 12 people met here in Columbus, GA and consecrated what is now he First Baptist Church of Columbus, GA... That was 190 years ago.. Three of the founders were Richard and Margaret Gray and one of their daughters, Thirza. Thirza married my gg-grandfather, James Henry Kirven in May of 1829. Happy b'day, First Baptist of Columbus!
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Trump installs state-of-the-art golf simulator in the White House * President Donald Trump has had a room-sized golf simulator installed in the White House, several sources confirmed to NBC News. It cost $50,000, according to the Washington Post, which cited two people who told the paper about the system. * It was described as an upgrade of a more modest simulator that had been installed during the Obama administration. * A source told the Post that Trump..paid for the system and its installation himself," -- Good grief.. I didn't even know that Obama had one, but then again, it's Trump's nature to make what Obama left GREAT... again and again. Oh, and who paid for the one Obama had installed?
OH! and who paid for the Craft Beer Manufacturing equipment Obama installed in the White House? MSM-13 didn't bother to ask...
You know, compromise is a good tool when negotiating a lot of things but when it's about your health or security, compromise is not an option. Compromising the security wall at our Southern border is neither healthy nor helps our country.
Target! Shame on you!. I've taken a certain blood pressure medicine for 14 years now..While it was branded, it went from $57.00 for a 30 day supply to over $254.00 for 30 days..Then it went generic, and the price dropped down to $63.00 for 90 days ($21.00 for 30 days). Today, I went to get my refill, and Target said now the price is $197.00 for 90 days.. I walked out, and  headed for Walmart which sells the same 90 supply for $35.00.. that's a savings of $28.00 from Target's old price, and a savings of $169.00 over Target's current price. I had already cut trips to Target way down since they closed their popcorn/Icee snack bar and brought in Starbucks. Now there's not a reason to even go there. When I got to Walmart's, the pharmacist informed me they were "out" of this medicine and weren't sure when more would be in because the manufacturer had stopped production due to some impurity issue.. Now I'm even MORE PO'd at Target.. obviously Target had a supply on hand, and just jacked-up the price for the windfall profit!
I guess PeLOUSY was sending Ocasio-Cortez a "symbolic finger" when her California Governor nephew shut down the California High Speed Rail system, since the core of her Green New Deal was to replace airline and fossil fuel automobiles with high speed rail systems.
One other thing about California's PeLOUSY-nephew governor shutting down the high speed rail system...California received a $3.5 BILLION dollar federal loan to help build it.. Let's dun him for that loan to be paid back, and re-used on building the wall at the border.
Poor Ex-mayor of Columbus Tom-LYING-son..Stacey Abrams has dashed her political hope's, and Queen PeLOUSY's nephew has trashed her high-speed rail plan for her ticket out of Columbus.
Online headline/story: "Georgia lawmakers want to triple their salaries in new proposal * Legislators are technically considered part-time workers. They can also collect expenses and per diems. The bill sponsor, state Sen. Valencia Seay (D-Riverdale) says the seventeen thousand dollar salary eliminates many prospective candidates who can't afford to serve in the legislature." -- Figures have been thrown out between $52K-$56K (from $17K currently) plus Per Diem when in session, and the 58-cents a mile when traveling on state business. What's needed more is term limits so politicians stop feeling public service is a career. After a couple of years in office, they all use their "positions" to better their full time jobs. Hey, and do not forget that Columbus' District 15 Senator, Ed Harbison, is ALSO a sponsor! While a fine man, he's also in his 27th year as a career politician..
Are there some stories that the Columbus L-E just doesn't feel are newsworthy? What appeared to be an intensive and multi-department DEA-led raid on a Columbus pain clinic on Tuesday morning just didn't seem to interest the L-E...and the L-E can't even blame the time if day as the reason it wasn't covering the story.

M/C L-E guest commentary headline/content: "COMMENTARY * It’s time to shut down tax havens * BY MICHAEL GALANT * Tribune News Service * tax havens are jurisdictions where tax rates are low and financial systems opaque. These include such well-known havens as Switzerland and the Cayman Islands, but also others closer to home, in Delaware, Nevada and Wyoming. * Corporations and the 1 percent exploit these havens, using legal loopholes and accounting sleight-of-hand to avoid paying their fair share. * Apple, the tax avoidance poster child, publicly refused to repatriate its haven-held funds until the corporate tax rate was cut. With the Trump administration’s signature tax plan, the company got its wish, allowing it to bring back $252 billion in cash that it held abroad. * Wielding the threat of tax avoidance, corporations force governments into a destructive competition over who can offer the lowest tax rates – a global race to the bottom." Good grief.. this guy must have gone to the Karl Marx Business School.. wait.. I was close, he went to Harvard's Kennedy School of Government! People like this feel government has a RIGHT to yours and my money! They believe taxes are for confiscation rather than contributions for a common good, and that corporations are "people". This guy supports "free havens" because he supports excessive taxation.. yet when Trump lowered the tax rates.. which basically.. and in a great way.. shuts down "free havens:., The businesses have brought the money back which has pumped up our economy, our job markets, and international esteem. This guy feels this is bad! This guy is a Socialist-Communist-Democrat! This should scare you if you believe Democrats are the political party to support. The M/C L-E should feel ashamed for supporting this guy's opinion.. but it doesn't.

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