Tuesday, May 21, 2019

From the "hypocrisy personified" department - Online headline/story: "Sneaker makers and retailers tell Trump a shoe tariff would be catastrophic * Adding sports shoes to the recently announced tariffs against goods imported from China would cost footwear consumers $7 billion annually, 173 manufacturers and retailers told President Trump Monday. * “The proposed additional tariff of 25% on footwear would be catastrophic for our consumers, our companies, and the American economy as a whole,” wrote the likes of Nike, Adidas, Foot Locker, Steve Madden, Crocs and a host of other companies" -- Good grief! The only concern of the shoe people is whether they make more of less profit.. if they were concerned about the American consumers, their prices would be lower to begin with.
We like President Trump because what he says today is what he campaigned on when he ran for the Republican nomination. Contrast that with videos of Biden bin Lying when he ram for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 2007. In fact, In fact, if you read uncredited comments about immigration and sanctuary cities made by Biden bin Lying, you'd swear they were the words of Trump.
Looks like some Democrats are becoming DemocRATS, and abandoning "the ship".. James Comey? More like James Comey is on his way to becoming James Gone-y.
From the "go figure" department - Whole Foods announced it is dropping plastic straws from its merchandise offerings. Whole Foods will offer stainless steel straws though....each individually wrapped in plastic.
Well, well, well .. billionaire Oprah did a commencement speech and the graduates were disappointed she didn't offer to payoff their loans..It's what happens when someone makes a magnanimous gesture to liberally educated students and all other want their participation trophy.
Online headline/story: "Georgia district attorneys won’t enforce new abortion law * A number of district attorneys in counties around Atlanta said they will not prosecute women for getting an abortion under Georgia’s recently passed restrictive “heartbeat” abortion law​, according to a report on Monday." -- Wanna bet which party all are connected with?
With the national economy soaring, are Council and the Chamber of Commerce working on getting Charbroil to bring back their grill manufacturing business BACK from China to our hometown? Not much was mentioned about the great number of jobs that moved to China, but it would be a great boost if we could get them back!
I am tired of the Liberty Mutual emu commercials.. Anybody know anyone at P.E.T.A. I can contact and report the mistreatment of an emu for commercial gain .

From the "another reason why we need a citizenship status question on the Census" department - Online headline/story: "U.S. Census Bureau under fire for hiring registered child sex offender as a manager * The U.S. Census Bureau's reported hiring of a registered child sex offender to manage its Charlotte office has drawn the ire of North Carolina lawmakers -- some of whom are now insisting on an investigation into how the man's employ came about." -- Just proof that government vetting is not adequate to leave such knowledge in the hands of a coin flip.
Online headline/story: "Trey Gowdy: Secret FBI transcripts from Russia probe could be 'game-changer' * Unreleased transcripts from secretly recorded conversations between FBI informants and ex-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos could be game-changing if the public were ever allowed to see them, according to former Rep. Trey Gowdy." -- Hey, Lord Farquaad Nadler... if Trey Gordy has seen this, there's nothing stopping you from seeing it, also.
Why does Pete Butti-Gig's opinion on women's choice matter..it's not like it will be an issue with him.
The Texas Attorney General has great opes that Democrats will get on board with stopping underaged sex trafficking at our Southern border...Is he Dense or just naive...does he realize, Bill Clinton, NJ Sen Menendez, are Democrats, and Dems solicit support of perve groups?
There's no way to describe Democrats as 'transparent" but there's no doubt they are apparent in wanting to shut down the Mueller Report investigation since their point of contention has been blown out of the water, and now the report's attention is turned towards them.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Elections board makes changes to comply with meetings law *
After being in violation of Georgia open meetings laws for an undetermined amount of time, the Columbus Consolidated Government board in charge of conducting elections and tallying citizens’ votes made changes to comply with the law, after an investigation by the Ledger-Enquirer." -- "investigation by the Ledger-Enquirer"? What.. in lieu of investigating why there's no follow up on forensic audits for departments other that the Clerk of Council? How about the investigation about where Zeph Baker's living and where his campaign disclosures are?
M/C L-E headline: "Reports: Iran quadruples production of enriched uranium" -- Hmmm looks like the Obama agreement is toast, and the billions in cash sent back have struck a deal with the uranium Hellary gave to the Russians.

Here's a question that needs... deserves... to be out there.... What would MSM-13's reaction be if a white billionaire spoke to the graduates at an all white, all male university and paid off all their student loans.. don't strain yourself... I don't think any of theses exist anymore in America.

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