Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Online story: "Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex, called out Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, over a now-deleted tweet that suggested having a merit-based immigration system would disadvantage Latino migrants." -- Good grief! Not only do Democrats believe Trump supporters are deplorable but now believe Latinos are without merit!
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals chilling morning ritual in face of death threats * “I‘ve had mornings where I wake up & the 1st thing I do w/ my coffee is review photos of the men (it’s always men) who want to kill me,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted." -- Hmmm.. I guess the DNC is really worried about how the base will vote after listening to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has revealed to the world how ALL Democrats feel. HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals chilling morning ritual in face of death threats * “I‘ve had mornings where I wake up & the 1st thing I do w/ my coffee is review photos of the men (it’s always men) who want to kill me,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted." -- Hmmm.. I guess the DNC is really worried about how the base will vote in 2020 after listening to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has revealed to the world how ALL Democrats actually feel.
I just wish the Democrats expressed as much concern about the investigations of Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick murder of Kopechne, and the "suicide" of the Clinton's lawyer, Vince Foster.. also, knowing more about the plane crash that took out Ron Brown from Clinton's Cabinet, and take your pick of Obama or Biden issues.
With a projected estimate of $500,000.00 to repair, those two pools in Columbus which are having their 2nd year closed for use, here's a question about how much revenue is not being realized. Surely information is available for this.This should be done BEFORE any property tax raises are discussed.
The NCAA College Baseball World Series brackets have been filled. Out of the 64 teams, the SEC has 6.of the top 16 seeds, and 10 of the 14 SEC teams have been selected...awesome! Hmmm, and like football, 3 of the 4 teams not invited are in the SEC East.
Still waiting...still waiting for the sales price on the 2015 transaction that put the property at 2551 Wynnton Road under control of Hilton GBT Properties which has tried to convert the property to high density, federally assisted housing falling under a T.A.D. tax break that Ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son left us holding the bag..It's already under valued, but how how much more tax revenues could be generated if the true Fair Market Value were known?
Hey other libs too. My third daughter just graduated from college with zero student loan debt as did my first two....if you are elected, who will I call for reimbursement for all I paid?
Hey, Columbus Council...a house at the corner of Cloverdale and Mobley Rds is in violation of our animal regulations.unless the owner has a valid Kennel License/Permit. There are a minimum of 6 large protection/security dogs in pens to the side of the house.
Hey SC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg...If fetal tissue/organs from abortions..especially partial birth ones, can be sold, and the abortion provider or the woman involved benefit, then there's a whole new realm of ethics involved, and allowing this to continue 'aborts' your definition of "when life begins".
Online headline: "$19 billion disaster aid bill blocked again in the House by GOP dissenter" -- The nerve of Bishop..trying to get a bill to give S. GA farmers hurricane relief through without a recorded vote after he voted against it last fall because it had money in the bill for 'the Wall".
You know, if MSM-13 reported all... even HALF.. the good things Trump has brought to our country, even the Democrat base would be happy Hellary wasn't elected .
You know... If the economy Obama/Biden bin Lying left for the next president was half as good as Biden bin Lying says it was, Hellary would have easily won running on a 3rd term of Obama/Biden bin Lying.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Pope Francis says he is willing to condemn border wall directly to President Trump" -- Hmmm... well, POOP Francis .. why don't don't you give us a history lesson about WHY there's a wall built around the Vatican? I know it was to keep Muslims terrorists of the age OUT OF VATICAN CITY! Oh, and when will you reveal YOUR plan to have the wall taken down?
Did you see the "inside-the-park'home-run" by a Tampa Devil Rays player? Did it not revive memories of either your own or your child's Little League days? Did you also notice how many "empty seats" witnessed it? I tell you what, professional players' big salaries are about to end an era because the "money" is coming from TV contracts, and we just saw what the NFL did to the personnel airing NFL news.
From the "I'm betting this is FAKE NEWS: department - Online headline: "Justin Bieber gives homeless man $500 bill, stops to hug nervous young fan" -- Hmm.. the US Treasury stopped supporting bills over $100.00 face value.. but even a $100.00 bill would not be convenient for a homeless person.. $1s, $5s, $10s, or $20s would have been better.
Michael Avenatti... heh heh heh.. guess we'll see who he thinks is a "good lawyer", for it certainly isn't what he was..wonder if his former clients could file a "no-class" lawsuit against him?
M/C L-E headline: "US ‘on a tear’ with more than 500 tornadoes in just 30 days" -- This is a "climate change" advocate's nightmare.. it's not cause by warmer weather, but cooler weather merging with warm weather..
M/C L-E headline: "Man gets 18-year sentence in killing of his neighbor" -- Hmm and since it was from 2016, he'll be out in 15 unless he's let out early "because he's was a good kid", and the victim's family and friends will have to deal with the killer. One injection would eliminate so many future problems...
M/C L-E headline:"$17M contract with special ed firm unsigned, but jobs posted online" -- You know.. the fact that an outsource is going to hire from the Columbus area basically means that the MCSD just doesn't want to deal with the issue.. Hey, MCSB.. make sure this is discussed before extending.. even completing the work contracts with the Superintendent.
M/C L-E headline: "Sports Illustrated magazine sold for $110M" -- "Sports Illustrated"? .. I do believe that another name is more appropriate since Bruce Jenner's alter-ego" has been signed to do a bathing suit "cover" for the magazine... I previously suggested "Sports Obfus-CAIT-ed"!


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