Wednesday, May 22, 2019

From the "is this a sequel?" department - Online headline: "Jeff Daniels says if Trump is re-elected it will be the 'end of democracy" -- Good grief.. I use to wonder whether his character was "Dumb or Dumber" but it's now revealed, and he's relegated his rank to "Dumbest".
You know.. Jeff Daniels is his own worst enemy.. he's trashing Trump in hopes that Hollywood might give him a movie job.. but doesn't realize it's Trump supporters who would be the ones buying (or in this case.. NOT buying)  tickets.
Outrage! If you don't feel outraged, you are liberal... even for a liberal! terrorist known as the "American Taliban".. one John Walker Lindh, who left America in 2001 and joined the Taliban in Afghanistan. He was captured and has been serving a 20 year sentence but is about to get a 2.5 year early release. Don't tell me he's getting out early based on "good time", nor has he renounced his allegiance to the Taliban. Question 1 is "Why did any terrorist get anything but a life-without-parole sentence (other than an immediate death sentence)? To boot, he has to agree not to access the Internet without permission.. yeah.. RIGHT! Even sadder is that others are scheduled for release as well, and even if they are sent home, they can still come back via our Mexican border because the WALL isn't finished!
From the "confirmation of opinion" department - Online headline: "Trump's agenda hampered by troubling number of lower court injunctions, Barr says" -- Once again I repeat my oft heard stand that single judges should not be able to issue an injunction over anything initiated by a President! The first step should be through the District Court of Appeals appointing a 3-or-5 judge panel to review the merits for and against the President's orders, and if the panel agrees with a petitioner, the matter be directed straight to the US Supreme Court. As it is, plaintiff lawyers can "shop" for judges who share their politics for the first stage.
You know, if Obama and Biden bin Lying had such a great administration, Hellary would have won the third term of office with ease.
Did you see the top 20 salaries of people in GA state agencies? Eight (8)... of the top fourteen (14) are involved with the GA Teacher's Retirement System. Can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't seem right...
Online headline: "Democrats push law that would allow Donald Trump to be prosecuted" *
Talk about childish insanity and waste of time, the Senate won't even vote on it, much less send it to President Trump to sign it, and who wouldn't sign it if it was sent to him.
There's one big difference between Trump and the Democrats. With Trump, I feel my back is covered; with Democrats, I feel a knife in my back.
Talk about nanny-nanny-poo-poo, CNN Brian Todd claims that President Trump revealed secret intelligence while talking with Fox News.. Hey, Todd.. yoo hoo.. the President has authority to establish or remove any clearance of any information he/she deems appropriate for doing his/her job.
You know, the only thing Lord Farquaad Nadler in accomplishing with his threats of "contempt" is that he's elevating the growing contempt America is feeling for him and the Socialist-Democrat Party.
What is it with Fox News...I'm talking about all the paid errand boys/girls bringing both Democrat and Republican 'sound bites' to escape the need of proper discussion of thoughts and ideas geared to solutions, not agenda.
Governor Kemp has been a pleasant surprise to me.. he was not my primary choice, but once he won the primary, he's been my only choice because I could not see a good future for GA if Abrams won, but he has earned my respect since in office.. signing the "heartbeat" bill was spot-on, and now he's going after removing "Common CRAP... (a.k.a. "Common Core")from out education system!
Biden bin Lying is trying to dig his way out of the hole Trump bumped him into when Trump said Biden bin Lying abandoned Pennsylvania.. Biden's "oh yeah!" response was that his father lost his job so he moved to find one.. Well, that certainly didn't inspire Biden bin Lying to move back and help drive new jobs for Pennsylvanians.. And now Trump has done that!

Can you believe "human composting" in Washington State? I believe I've eaten my last apple from there.. In fact, I will look askance at all future claims of foods touted as "organically grown".... they may be "ORGANically grown".

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