Thursday, May 9, 2019

What a political combination... Bernie and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.. You know, I do believe they are the true picture definition of a new classification of "sets".. "KOOK-ends".
Good grief.. when is flashing the universal hand sign for "OK" not "OK"... when a liberal interprets it as a hand sign for "white power". To be safe, when I want to express my congratulations to a liberal across an open space, I think I'll also fold down my pinkie and ring fingers to show them how I feel at the moment without them misinterpreting my message:

Normal "OK":

Liberals' "OK":

From the "dang that Trump, he's mean" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Under new Trump rules, debt collectors will be able to send unlimited texts and emails * Under the new regulations, debt collectors will be able to send an unlimited number of text messages and emails to delinquent borrowers; the number of calls they can make per week, however, will be curtailed." --Whoa! Debt collectors can text deadbeats ALL they want! How cruel!.. Good grief.. you know, if a person spends hundreds.. perhaps even a thousand dollars or more... on a cellphone, and $40/$50 bucks a month instead of paying his/her other debts, then he/she should be barraged with unlimited text messages..
The Philadelphia DA wants to decriminalize all illegal drug use..He says it would allow users to be in their homes rather than jail cells.. Think about that...when a user is at home and feels that urge/need for another dose, how safe is a home..or family?
Lord Farquaad, King of the House Judiciary Committee, flat out lied claiming President Trump has declared that Congress in not a co-equal branch of government..Congress IS a co-equal entity, but the House is only one aspect of Congress...agreement of both the House AND Senate on an issue carries co-equality if within the responsibilities granted by the Constitution which designates the powers of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches.
Hey, Congressman Nadler...yes, you ... the Democrat head of the House Judiciary Committee who just called for charges of "contempt" against Attorney General William Barr because he won't break the law. Well, guess what, there is a copy of Mueller's Report that is 98% UN-REDACTED that you are privileged to read..even take notes about...but you haven't bothered to do so. You are nothing but hypocritical.
After listening to Steve Chabot, R-OH, speak about the juvenile responses/actions of the Democrats ( including Chicken-gate) during the House Judiciary Committee's excoriation of Atty General William Barr, I think Chabot should become the primary responder to all Democrat Legislators' public comments .

You know, we only have to flash back to June of 2012 to hear Democrats up in arms at the Republican Party wanting to hold Atty Gen Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his actions in the "fast and furious" investigation after a gun that our government provided to Mexican drug lords was found on the site where a US Border Agent was killed.
Fentanyl...we hear about it in drug overdose fatalities ..especially when mixed into heroin. It's "primary" development was as a pain killer for patients with severe/chronic pain. Fentanyl is 80 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Now, get out a salt shaker...carefully shake out 7 grains of salt... that much Fentanyl is a lethal .. fatal ...dose. Most Fentanyl used in the illegal drug flow into our country is made In China...shipped to Mexico then smuggled into the US. BUILD THE WALL!
Oh, and if the Philadelphia DA gets his way.. people could walk around with just less than an ounce of Fentanyl freely..and have enough of it to kill over 430 people...
From the "only in California" department - Online headline: "Couple must pay nearly $600G for removing oak tree from their property, judge rules * A judge ordered a Northern California couple this week to pay nearly $600,000 for uprooting an almost 200-year-old oak tree from their property that was protected under a conservation easement. * Peter and Toni Thompson removed the 180-year-old heritage oak tree to move it to another home they built adjacent to the property. More than 3,000 cubic yards of dirt was also removed in the process." -- Hmmm.. I guess living in a "Sanctuary state" as a legal citizen does not protect you from the California government...
From the "YES! We're winning!" department - Online headline/story: "NFL Network shows slashed, tensions rise after $20M cuts * The NFL Network is being forced to cut $20 million out of its projected budget and, in the process, already has eliminated at least five shows, including one that featured Deion Sanders, The Post has learned. * The less-than-hoped-for budget has made negotiations with on-air personnel tense, and there is a feeling some will either not be retained or be forced to take pay cuts, according to sources." -- Hey, Nike.. you gonna bail these guys out like you did KaeperPRICK?

From the "just proves my point" department - Online headline/story: "Ninth Circuit Rules Migrants Can Be Returned to Mexico While Awaiting Asylum Decision * three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a federal trial judge’s April ruling, which blocked the administration’s so-called “Remain in Mexico” policy on the grounds that it endangers asylum seekers by forcing them to return to Mexico where they may face violence or suffer from lack of humanitarian resources." -- Yes.. no single judge.. especially a "shopped" judge, should be empowered to overrule a Presidential action.. any appeal of such should only be handled by a panel of 3 or more judges.. and then straight to the US Supreme Court if a further appeal was made.

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