Friday, May 17, 2019

Just like with building "the WALL", there's really only two questions to ask about Trump's proposals to manage legal and illegal immigration...1- Why didn't Obama propose and enact them during his 1st two years when he had super-majorities in both chambers?, and 2 - Why haven't the Democrats been on board WITH Trump to get these enacted during his 1st two years in office?.
Now.. let's pray the US Supreme Court upholds the need.. no, more like.. NECESSITY..for an under oath question about US citizenship on the 2020 and subsequent Censuses.
Was reading about the next "Batman" movie.. the director has been given "plenty of time to develop the script" following the disappointment of "Batman vs Superman" and "Justice League"..I didn't see either one of those because the ones before them just weren't "any fun" like the early forerunners.. and the Heath Ledger/Joker editions were just too "dark". I want my Comic Book movies to be filled with as much fun as there is is "good guys win" action... it's the success formula of "the Avengers".
From the "only in California" department - Online headline/story: "Man arrested for beating elderly woman to death with electric scooter * Authorities said R***** approached Hernandez in Long Beach Monday afternoon, knocked her to the ground and began stomping on her head. When a bystander tried to intervene, R***** then reportedly took an electric Bird scooter and bludgeoned her to death." -- Just shows what happens when you become a "sanctuary" state... criminals become "sanctimonious".
Online headline: "Bruce Willis gets booed by Phillies fans after throwing out the first pitch" -- Well, Phillie fans ARE KNOWN as "the BOO-Birds" but when you start in front of the mounds..... and STILL bounce it to the plate.. whatta ya expect! Of course.. this may have been Bruce Willis' "plan" to prepare himself for coming to Columbus, GA next month to start a movie here.. Columbus is as... if not more... liberal politically as Philadelphia, and several film makers are boycotting GA because Kemp signed the "heartbeat bill".
There's a list (and you know how I love lists!) out about the "fastest shrinking cities" in America.. it was based on 2010-2018 figures which is the only reason why Columbus. GA is not on the list.. in 2010, Columbus had 191,110 but grew to 203,274 by 2013 because of BRAC expectations.. but the 2018 number was down to 189,985. So the "list" would only count the 1,125 "drop" from 2010 to 2018. ... but if you start from the peak in 2013 ... 203,274... and calculated the latest number.. 189,985... you would have a 6.54% drop.. and that. my friends.. would be good enough to make Columbus rank Number 4 on the Fastest Shrinking Cities in America"! Hey ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son .. put this data on your campaign website!
From the "Pee Wee Herman "I know you are but what am I" department - Online headline: "Pelosi blasts White House letter rejecting Congress' demands: 'A joke' -- Hmmm.. I really can't come up with a better response that what PeLOUSY said... about herself!
Online "head-LIE": "Walmart CFO: 'Increased tariffs will lead to increased prices for our customers'" * (Of course, when you READ the story, you find what he actually said was,) ""When you start talking about something like tariffs, everything is specific to items and categories,” Biggs said adding that it’s "challenging to make broad statements." * He noted that it “would certainly lead to increased prices,” but remaining the “low price leader” is in Walmart’s “DNA.” -- Fake News!
Online headline: "California braces for feet of snow from storms; 'significant severe weather event' to impact Plains" -- Hmmm.. of course the California "climate change brigade" will insist the snow id 1.2 degrees warmer due to cows' farts.
23...that's the latest number now in the race for the Democrat nomination to run against Trump in 2020..yep...the mayor of New York Bl@sio! You know, he has a pretty good chance, too. Not only do current New Yorkers want him 'gone', but those NYCers that have fled...or are planning to flee... to neighboring states because of soaring NYC taxes may be enough to give de Bl@sio wins in the contiguous states so they can move back to NYC.
From the "one big slap-happy family" department - Online headline/story: "Booker deputy campaign manager donates to Gillibrand campaign to 'ensure' debate spot * Jenna Lowenstein took to Twitter Wednesday to announce that she had donated to the campaign of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., to “ensure” that she would qualify for the debates hosted by the Democratic National Committee. * “I just donated to ensure @SenGillibrand’s important perspective is on the debate stage. Join me!” Lowenstein wrote." -- Aside from $2,800.00 being the maximum donation she could have made, questions need to be asked.. Fist, did she donate from Booker's "war chest" or from her own savings? The second question would be "Why?... Did she feel Gillibrand couldn't raise any more herself?, and third, "Is there an ulterior motive... maybe Booker wants Gillibrand on stage so he's not the stupidest sounding Democrat there...
The more Bleep Veep Biden speaks, the more he deserves an up-to-date camp[aign name.. I'm going with "Biden bin Lying".
Online headline: "Muslim woman says Ga. Corrections Department won’t let her wear hijab" -- Hmmm... does she mean one of those long fabric scarf-like clothing item that she could harm/kill herself with if having in her cell? Hey,, it's no different than than taking away another prisoner's shoe laces, belt, or necktie for the same reasons..
Here it comes.. after 6 months of digging holes and filling them back up again, the Bradley Park/River Road Roundabout project will close down through traffic on Bradley Park beginning Tuesday week (May 28th). Now... what we aren't being told is WHEN will it reopen? We are given an approximate "12 weeks" estimate, (and even though the project is being handled by Southeastern Site Development) but seeing that the GA DOT has no finite definition of "12 Weeks" (as demonstrated so VIVIDLY on Veterans/ Moon, and Whittlesey Road projects), the Bradley Park School's parents and through traffic are going to be "miffed"... On another note.. thanks to Councilor Charmaine Crabb for getting the word out so fast.
Just a note: Haven't spoken on the GA Insurance Commissioner Jim Beck's situation as I haven't gotten enough information to parse.. but it's also because I try not to "rush to judgment" as so many do...
From the "once again, proof that marijuana is NOT a victim-less crime" department - M/C L-E headline: "Suitcase full of marijuana taken from Jeep before fatal shooting, detective says" -- Hmmm... and I wonder when the Democratic Party army of candidates will decide to add "free marijuana" to their list of bribes to get votes?
Repeat comment from yesterday: "Alabama has gone too far regarding abortions.. First, it shouldn't even be a legal matter.. it's a morals issue between women.. couples.. and God... and their relationship. I do believe women should be protected from bad doctors or clinics by making sure proper medical facilities capable of perform abortions are available without punishment for health providers, and I do believe that "partial birth Abortions" are infanticide of a prosecutorial nature, but never let us return to the "back alley" conditions of the 20th Century.
M/C L-E headline: "SAT ‘adversity score’ to rate students’ hardships" -- Good grief! Hasn't the US Supreme Court already stricken down "Affirmative Action"? You know, the latest latest college entrance scams have brought question about the validity of the SAT as a measuring stick, this may make the S+Ts irrelevant..
M/C L-E guest commentary headline: "Men are people, too, and have their own issues * BY ANDREW L. YARROW * The Baltimore Sun " -- Hmmm... of course neither this .. nor any other MSM-13 "journalist" ..will go so far as to include "old Conservative white men" in this assessment...

Congratulations to the Northside Patriots for its first Ste Baseball Championship!

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