Thursday, May 23, 2019

VA Governor Northam's yearbook "blackface" picture is back in the news... the MSM-13 decision is inconclusive.. despite two well known, well recognized  facts.. there's a picture, and we know an undoctored "picture is worth a 1,000 words"...then there's Governor Northam, a Democrat, and we know all Democrats are pathological liars.  Case closed!
From the "defined from within" department - Online headline/story: "AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it * Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that the world will “end in 12 years” unless climate change is tackled was accepted as a fact by two-thirds of Democrats, even though she said herself that only those with the “social intelligence of a sea sponge” could actually believe it." -- It's true! It's true that kids.. and child-like Democrats "say.. and believe.. the darndest things". And 100% of the MSM-13 "journalists" swallowed the bait even deeper!
From the "it's only a Sanctuary City for the criminals" department - Online headline/story: "74-year-old woman kidnapped, raped in San Francisco home * A 74-year-old woman was kidnapped in San Francisco street earlier this month, held captive for five hours, and raped repeatedly before being left semi-conscious on a sidewalk, police said. * Manuel Amador, 47, was arrested last Friday * Authorities said the woman was walking through the Crocker-Amazon district around 8 a.m., when a man pulled her into a house. There was reportedly a pit bull inside that bit her. The man then locked the woman in a room and repeatedly raped her, authorities said." -- "Sanctuarianism" has become a way of life for criminals in San Francisco.. the @-hole actually CONFESSED to his actions.. pretty much knowing that nothing will happen to him.. No word... either way.. as to the @-hole's citizenship status.. which pretty much means he's an illegal gaming the California system.
From the "so much for equality for women" department - Online story: "White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, had a terse exchange after a meeting between President Trump and Democratic lawmakers was cut short on Wednesday. * "I'm responding to the president, not staff," Pelosi shot back. * Conway slammed Pelosi's dismissal of her. * "Really great. That’s really pro-woman of you,” the White House counselor is said to have responded." -- Sorta explains why 45% of donors to Trump's 2020 campaign are women, and he has the most women contributors than any other candidate..
A good point was brought up earlier today by a fellow BCer... GA's Governor Kemp is the first non-Democrat-conversion Republican to be Governor in modern history.. maybe that's why he's so committed to keeping his promises... like Trump!
I tell you what... at one time, I felt good about the Kennedy name.. President Kennedy believed in America... his brother Bobby. was assassinated by what is believed the first middle-Eastern lone wolf act of terrorism.. then there's Teddy.. who destroyed all the vestiges of honor in the Kennedy .. and Democratic Party families.. Now, another Kennedy has emerged... John Kennedy, a Republican Senator from Louisiana who's voice of reason.. and doing what's right is resonating loudly across our nation.. I'm back to being a John Kennedy Fan.
Looks like Dr Ben Carson still can handle intricate brain surgery.. after Ilhan Ohmygod's idiotic outburst about Carson "falling asleep" at the hearing.. Dr Carson's skill was able to locate... and isolate the small part of Ohmygod's cranial much that qualifies as brain matter, and extricate one of her problems.. Dr Carson responded: "Since you brought it up... I know what it's like to actually be sleepy, especially after 18-hour surgeries and operating on babies in the womb. I hope @IlhanMN knows I care about all people, even those she doesn't recognize as having a right to life."
Congressman Doug Collins, R,  GA-9, has really come into his own recently.. would love to see more GA Republican Congressperson would step up and strongly support President Trump and us Georgians.
Did we hear Nancy PeLOUSY say she was praying for President Trump? Obviously it's a lie like everything else she says.
Did anyone see the Tuesday results of the special Congressional election in Pennsylvania on Tuesday? Republican Fred Keller defeated his Democrat opponent by by garnering over 67% of the vote.. That was even higher than the percentage President Trump got in that district in 2016. Bring on 2020!
From the Demo-Marx-ocrat Playbook" department - Online headline/story: "Venezuela is a poster child for gun control gone wrong * The country's collapse under President Nicolas Maduro is now considered to be the worst in decades. Opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s deputy remains in prison following his detainment just weeks ago. Millions of refugees, meanwhile, have fled the country for nearby Colombia, where life is far from perfect. Peace talks in Norway are ongoing, but unlikely to accomplish their goal. * Simply put: gun control. * In 2012, the Venezuelan National Assembly -- under Hugo Chavez’s dictatorship -- enacted the “Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law” in an attempt to “disarm all citizens.” The law explicitly banned the exchange of firearms and ammunition to all with the exception of government entities. * After the ban, gun store owners were restricted to selling fishing supplies. Any type of weaponry (even a slingshot) was prohibited, while airsoft guns and BB ammunition were reserved for military officers and police. * This is no coincidence: An excessively empowered government means a depressingly disempowered citizenry -- in South America and beyond." -- And taking the guns away wasn't enough.. the Socialist government confiscated slingshots and toy guns as well! Socialist governments do not want children remembering what it was like to be empowered to feel they had a defense capability for themselves and their families.
From the "it is happening here" department - Online headline/story: "Richard Carranza is stomping on Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream * To the new racialists, the color of your skin is more important than the content of your character. Tragically, one of them runs New York City’s public schools. * But make no mistake: Chancellor Richard Carranza is no mere educator. Teaching kids to read and write and how to think critically is beneath him, which explains why his record in San Francisco, Houston and now New York shows no success at fixing failure factories." -- Good grief... are Columbus taxpayers doomed to continuously accept external supervisory input It's time... time for the MCSB to supervise rather than rubber stamp outside edu-taters. Programs should be developed within and continuous leadership be developed.
Whatta difference attitude makes! We just read of a public school eliminating valedictorian and salutatorian honors, yet when I went to the awards program at my granddaughter's last day of the year at her Christian school, the children were accept their awards for scholarship and leadership. Just like in sports, competition.. along with good coaching.. brings out the best in our children.
From the "how cryptic" department - Online story: "A California Democratic lawmaker on Monday formally introduced a bill to offer tax breaks to film and television productions that relocate from states with “strict abortion bans.” -- Wow! How typically California-ish.. Invite corporations who participated in states that now ban most abortions, into a state that IS an abortion.
From the "there had to be a reason" department - Online headline: "Scientists In The Philippines Have Discovered A New Species Of Human" -- You know.. I've pretty much been an advocate that Democrats are not the same as logical, responsible American taxpaying citizens.. and now we may have proof of this matter...
You know.. PeLOUSY, Ocasio-Cortez, Ohmygod, Tlaib, and Nadler are all flapping their jaws at impeaching President Trump.. to do so, they would need 290 Congresspersons casting votes "FOR" impeachment so even a complete Democrat bloc would need 55 Republican Congressperson's to vote with them.
From the "stupidest Democrat competition" department - Online head;line/story: "Mississippi mayor offers $10,000 for criminals to leave city * A Mississippi mayor announced on Monday that he's ready to spend thousands of dollars of his own money to get rid of criminals in his city, * Clarksdale mayor Chuck Espy said at a press conference that he is willing to relocate those who commit crimes with an initial offer of $10,000. The purpose, he said, is to encourage lawbreakers to start a new life elsewhere." -- How do Democrats get elected is one thing, but getting re-elected by voters means a chronic disease exists.. How much will the criminals want in the future NOT to come back, and what happens when the next mayor of Clarksdale does not have the personal $10,000.00 per criminal bank account to draw from?
So, the Facade Board has approved the new plans for a Hilton Specialty Hotel on Broadway.. DOH! Why does the Facade Board still exist? I mean with CSU impervious to Board influence, and graffiti art being encouraged on buildings sides, and few, if any sign violations being corrected.. the Facade Board no longer is a valid protector of our heritage.
And now there are 24 wannabes in the Socialist-Democrat since NYC Mayor de Bl@sio joined the fray, all Democrats must face reality.. and the reality is that if de Bl@sio feels he has a chance, the first 23 who entered must really be losers!
M/C L-E "headLIE": "Bullies like Trump must be confronted" -- You know.. it's MSM-13
thinking" like this that's at the root of the problems of the Socialist-Democrats.. Trump is not "the bully"... Trump just refuses to BE BULLIED!

Wow! Three state champs were won by Columbus teams/individuals.. on Tuesday... and now on Thursday, the M/C L-E gets it in the paper.. McClatchy could save a lot of money on ink alone just removing "Columbus" from the Title on the Front page as it's done on subsequent pages..... OH! They already HAVE eliminated bad...

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