Monday, July 1, 2019

President Trump walked openly into North Korea, and Kim Jong Oooops walked back over the DMZ line into South Korea...and there is still peace. The Nobel Committee should have awarded President Trump the Peace Prize in 2017 and 2018 but didn' can it not do so in 2019?
Last week when Jerry Kelley won the Sr PGA tournament, he made somewhat of an arse of himself with his gloating ...childish.. celebration after winning the playoff. Yesterday he picked up a most appropriate cap sponsor.."Cologuard"... instead of a "dunce hat", he wore a "dump hat".
As new laws and a new budget go into effect today, how about some updates from Columbus' Council about the ongoing.. I hope.. departmental forensic audits?
Dems are..let's DIMwits..and so is MSM-13.. there is no way a government edict can change the difference in pay levels between Owners/CEOs and frontline employees. What does help is Owners/CEOs who reap the rewards of their efforts and investments and risks who re-invest their profits into new jobs. Also what helps is employers wanting to keep hard working employees happy and not looking for other jobs is sharing the profits with them in raises, profit sharing, retire retirement programs.
Come to think of it, when have you heard CNN or MSNBC "anchors" talk about how much money they make versus .. say'' their make-up artists.. you know, the ones that actually make them look good on TV?
You know, when Democrats rail against the differences between CEOs salaries and frontline employees wages, they never mention Hollywood entertainers or professional athletes contracts and, say, arena ticket-takers wages.
Hey, when Bernie Sanders jaws about risk taking business people making big bucks versus frontline employees, have you heard him complain about being given huge upfront guarantees on books whether the publisher makes any money or not? How about whether he gives any of money he makes to the janitorial staff of the book publisher?
If "free everything" worked like Democrats promised, Burger King would give away "Free Whoppers"... of course, we have learned it's Democrat politicians that give us all the "FREE WHOPPERS". In fact, every business would give away it's products or services so everybody would do business with them... hmmm.. but which businesses would be standing next week when you wanted some more?
Let's face it.. any group asking another group for reparations of events of 150 plus years in the past are not Christians.. There's no forgiveness in their hearts.. in fact.. there's more revenge... unwarranted revenge.. than anything uniting.
This Bible verse should be inscribed on the walls of Congress: "Galatians 5:15 - If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."
Oh! About the new literacy sculpture just revealed in about a "QR" link on it to show the latest reading levels of all MCSD grades...
First at the Trump/Xi meeting, and then with Kim Jong Ooops.... Once again, MSM-13 embarrassed itself...and America with its boorish moves in an historic moment...our President has allowed them the opportunity to record history first hand and they responded like the undisciplined ... and spoiled brats... they've become accustomed to be treated as.
From the "whatta difference a real president makes" department" department - President Trump made history this weekend...he stepped into North Korea...the first US President to ever so do. You know Kim Jong Ooops has respect for Trump.. our last President went around the world personally apologizing and bowing to leaders..and despots..of other countries, but sent Dennis Rodman over to North Korea.
Online headline/story: "George Soros among billionaires asking for wealth tax * A group of wealthy individuals, including financier George Soros, are asking for lawmakers to raise their taxes." -- Good grief...whatta con job..Soros KNOWS Democrats won't win, but he knows, too, that even if one did, no tax increase to cover all the "freebies" will ever pass.
The Democrat Congressman who wants people to feel.. to believe... he's a concerned problem solver.. Adam Schi**, led some other Democrats on a trip to Sweden on a fact finding trip on diversity.. yeah ..right...Sweden really has a diversity issue...there are dirty blondes not getting treated fairly as platinum blondes.
Have you seen our ex- mayor Tom-LYING-son's Facebook ad? It says she's proud of her success...but what's success defined by a Democrat? She says Columbus was the 25th Best Run City when she was mayor...hmmm...maybe 25th Best City run by a Democrat... but you have factor in that the 24 better run cities with Democrat mayors including NYC, Atlanta, Detroit, Shicago, San Francisco, LA., Ferguson, MO, NOLA, and Baltimore.
Did you notice that NBC declared Trump the winner if the two Democratic DEBACLES? Hey, it wasn't because NBC wanted to compliment Trump, NBC just couldn't come to grips with calling the DEBACLES a 20-way tie for LOSER.
When running, you can't always be the first to finish, but you can always run your best.
Speaking of running..there was a fundraiser Saturday morning for Valley Interfaith Promise starting at 11th Ave and 14th Street. You know, with all the effort the Council has made to encourage the CPD to write tickets for "jaywalking" you'd think Council would have police officers at every intersection catching people "running through Stop Signs".

Think about this...not one of the Democrats wants to prohibit anyone from another country from coming here ... and with out vetting.. and because of political correctness, the same lack of standards apply to unattended children, drug runners, armed terrorists, sex-slave traders, and criminals in general.
Good grief! After the first two Democratic DEBACLES, considering how all the Democratic Party candidates feel they about illegal aliens rights in America, maybe the balance of the DEBACLES should be rescheduled to happen in Mexico or Central America.
In a historic meeting between Trump and Xi at the G20, our media demonstrated its disrespect for America and the world..MSM-13 was allowed on to record the meeting live, but because of it's. ..boorish..rude..interruption of the proceedings with uninvited questions and excessive picture taking forced the entourage to be escorted out of the room.
MSM-13 has 'no filter'...normally, it embarrasses itself only in America (and airports world wide), but during a live meeting between President Trump and China's President Xi, a MSM-13 contingent that had be ALLOWED into the room to record a possible historic event, tried to embarrass Trump by blurting out unsolicited, non-pertinent questions and an explosion of camera shutters. Trump looked at them with disgust, and as Security personnel herded all of them out, President Xi looked at them ..not with a look that kills, but with a look that said if this happened in my country, the MSM-13 would be killed. Hmmm... maybe President Trump SHOULD schedule the next meeting in Beijing..
And once again, MSM-13 embarrassed itself at the North Korean Border...and embarrassed America with its boorish moves in an historic moment...our President has allowed them the opportunity to record history first hand and they responded like the undisciplined ... and spoiled brats... they've become accustomed to be treated as. Courageously, new WH Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham stepped in and saved the MSM-13's butts...
McKenzie Lueck was found... well her desecrated and charred body was.. and the man arrested was not charged with a "hate crime"..disgusting!
Online headline: "Tulsi Gabbard's sister calls out MSNBC for favoring Elizabeth Warren in the debate" -- Hmmm.. sounds more like Gabbard's sister wasn't happy with how she looked compared to Warren.
Was listening to a female Democrat spinmeister defend the "free healthcare for all..including illegals " promises the Democratic Debacle Things 11-20 ...(what else can you call them..they all push gender neutrality so how do we know whether they are what they appear)... were throwing out Wed & Thurs. You could tell she didn't actually believe it but she defended them anyway. You know.. how many times have we heard Democrats claim they are party of women and women's rights/equality...yet, by paying women to go out and try to convince the public that Democrat lies are truthful, Dems have basically turned these women into whores...what else can you call some who's paid to live a life of deceit?
It's interesting that Sen Kamala Harris, D-CA. finds issue with President Trump's assessment that the economy is soaring! Well, I think her perspective is skewed by her living in California where good laws..both of security and economic issues...cannot make-up for California's legislative abuse of them. Oh, and how does she explain to California's illegals and homeless how she knows what to do to ease their pain.?
One TV announcer asked whether the infighting among the Democratic Debaclers would cause damage to the Democratic Party. Seems to me that the real question is whether the ongoing Democratic Party unity will be damaging America's future beyond repair.
From the "looks like General Mills may be "RIF'ed" from grocery shelves" department - Online headline/story: "Study: 21 popular cereals found to have cancer-linked Roundup ingredient * The oat products tested were made by General Mills, including several Cheerios varieties and Nature Valley products. * While EWG said it found the chemical to be in all of the reported cereal and snacks, 16 showed levels of glyphosate higher than 160 parts per billion, which is what scientists consider safe for children. Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch tested for the highest levels of the chemical at 833 parts per billion." -- Sadly, some consumers will stock up on them before the supermarkets pull them off the shelves.
From the "all talk" department - Online headline: "Selena Gomez just made a major statement about border detention camps" -- Good grief... all talk, no walk! What a typical ignorant non-relevant liberal....she should be calling for PeLOUSY to help Build the Wall!
From the "the reason should be obvious" department - Online headline/story: "Only one US state capital does not have a McDonald's * If you travel to any big city in the United States (or most other countries), it may seem like there’s a McDonald’s on every street corner. At the very least, there’ll be one set of golden arches beckoning fast food lovers. And, if not in every big city in the world, at least in every U.S. state capital, right? * For the most part, yes. In 49 out of America’s 50 state capitals, there is a McDonald’s within the city limits. The odd city out? Montpelier, Vermont." -- Vermont... of course it's Vermont... Vermont is Bernie's haven.. and McDonald's probably figures if Bernie doesn't win the Democrat nomination this time, he may go home and declare Vermont his "kingdom". and nationalize all the businesses.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Columbus returns to international stage with softball tourney *
The tournament is expected to have an estimated economic impact of $1 million, and the sports council will use this tournament as a springboard to attract other new events, Sherman said." -- Good grief... $1,000,000.00 divided by 7 days is about $143,000.00 per day.. and if the $1,000,000.00 is expected ticket revenues, we;re talking about 10,000 tickets a day.. which we pretty much know ain't gonna happen, so.... how about the Sports Council LISTING their expected sources for the economic impact.. $4.8 MILLION was just spent, and we taxpayers can't afford a 1-to-5 ratio of revenues to expenses... especially when we probably won't get another "major" softball even for years.
The US Supreme Court has to step up and stop lone-wolf liberal judges.. for that matter any "lone wolf" judge .. from having the opportunity.. much less the "power" to overrule a Presidential Executive Order.. all such challenges should only be determined by a 3-to-5 member panel of judges to see if the lawsuit has merit even to be considered for a Supreme Court hearing.
From the "Hey, Stacey Abrams... where's the so-called 'voter suppression' you claim" department - M/C L-E story: "More than 120 million Americans cast ballots in the 2018 midterm elections, with turnout surging to that of a typical presidential year in some states and the highest percentages of voters in places that have expanded access to the polls, according to an analysis of data released Thursday by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission." -- And in GA, there was a 60% increase in votes from the 2014 to the 2018 Gubernatorial elections... how come MSM-13 doesn't bother to vet claims by Democrats?
Can you believe that"Twitter" canceled the account of the Dalai Lama? Who else still believes there's NOT a war on religion throughout MSM-13?
Kamala Harris has spoken often of her heritage as the daughter of a mother born in India, and her father who was originally from Jamaica. Donald Harris even said "My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter" -- Hmmm.. how about that.. Kamala Harris is a direct descendant of a slave owner.. Why aren't Democrats "tearing her down"?
You know what... a good question to ask is whether Harris'  and Obama's great-grandfathers may have known each other in business...
Online headline: "Ocasio-Cortez: Ivanka Trump is not a 'qualified diplomat'
" -- Well, unlike AOC, Ivanka Trump is qualified in many ways.. and that's something AOC can neither disprove about Ivanka... nor PROVE about herself
Ran across an online article about "Bizarre Facts You Didn't Know About Rachel Maddow".. As I already know Rachel Maddow to BE bizarre, I didn't read it...there was nothing else I wanted to learn about her.

Moral issues should not be controlled legislatively.. because.. laws can be changed.. while morals are part of your permanent relationship with God.

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