Friday, July 12, 2019

From the "truth will be revealed in time" department - Online headline/story: "Donald Trump goes on late-night Twitter rant hitting back at 'failed' Paul Ryan after scathing claims in new book * According to The Washington Post, which reviewed the book ahead of its release, Ryan told Alberta that he wanted to "scold" Trump "all the time" because Trump "didn't know anything about government." -- "Didn't know anything about government"? Hmmm.. I think Ryan revealed more about his own shortcomings when he said this! The American voters agreed with Trump's assessment that "the government of Paul Ryan was broke" and "hired" Trump to go to Washington and fix it!
So much for Biden bin Lying's claim that he and Obama's economic policy is responsible for the soaring economy under Trump.. BET founder Bob Johnson has endorsed Trump over Biden, and the DOW hit a record close of over 27,000 yesterday. Pathetically, Biden says he can bring our economy back to the levels of his Vice Presidency..
From the "in a nutshell" department - Apparently after the White House gathering for the Social Media Summit, there was a verbal exchange between a former presidential adviser and a CNN political analyst, Of course, this story starts out overly biased as it describes the gathering as a "group of right-wing and fringe media figures" . as well as promoting the subject of the ire of the writer as a "Presidential Adviser" to a "Deputy Assistant to the President" in the first 7 months following Trump's election. You know.. it's not a mistake,, not an oversight.. of the MSM-13 attacks, but when CNN allows it's "analysts" to label the conservative side of the political spectrum as "right-wing/fringe", it really cements the lefts' support of the Antifa violence.
Online headline: "Rep. Lee Zeldin: Twitter’s refusal to ban murderous terrorist group Hamas is remarkable and unacceptable" -- Hmm.. yet CNN labels conservative groups invited to the White House Social Media Summit as "right-wing and fringe" yet doesn't condemn Twitter's allowances to Hamas is it's own self-condemning legacy.
We have got to cut California out of the United States! When foreigners come in legally and see what how many people are living in squalor in tents and boxes on the streets of California's sanctuary cities, it gives them the impression that this is the American Dream they've heard about, and won't want to stay.
Online headline: "Rosie O’Donnell calls Ivanka Trump ‘talentless’ and ‘non-intelligent’ in scathing new interview" -- Hmmm.. you know,, when you're not equipped with .. or not familiar with.. "talent " and intelligence", it's easy to not see it in someone who has an abundance of both.. Sorry Rosie.. you just filleted yourself.
You know, I have no issue.. no problem .. for men and women athletes getting equal pay... as longer as they are involved in "equal play". How about if we do away with men's and women's segregated teams and only support one coed National team in all sports. The sad thing is the recent revealing of how prejudicial the Women's Soccer selection process has been.. When an arguably "Best Left Defender" in America get's left off the Women's National Soccer team because she's a Christian .. with unshakable faith, then the program should be shut down anyway.
It's sad enough that Democrats will not support safety and security within our borders, but now the House Democrats are trying to reduce our military budget so we cannot deal with Russia. al.. outside our borders..
Whatever moral shreds Biden bin Lying had left after 40 plus years of political posturing have been completely drained. His depiction of President Trump's accomplishments to Make America Great Again expose Biden's cluelessness on what DOES make America great.
Queen PeLOUSY should be arrested on treason charges. She's using her Speaker's bully pulpit to inform illegal aliens of ways to avoid being arrested by ICE.
You know, if you're a US citizen, and against the citizenship question being on Census forms, you are victimizing yourself in the future.
From the "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise...NOT!!" department - There's a report out...and I'm pretty sure some tax dollars fueled it.... about the spike in munchie/snack sales in states that have legalized marijuana. ...Seriously, a research project was deemed necessary?
I haven't personally seen it in the local news, but I understand that Jordan High School was recently vandalized with spray paint.. Wait a minute, didn't Superintendent Lewis demand that a MCSD Police Department be approved.. why aren't they stopping crap like this?
The City has built an "attractive nuisance " in our river area.. the City needs to make it safe..Columbus needs to have full staffing of our Public Safety Departments so there are enough Public Safety officers to patrol the RiverWalk area. Another thing is that Whitewater Rafting should be sharing the responsibility and costs to monitor the "attractive nuisance" created by the island at the "wave shaper". The City does not get enough revenue for the taxpayer investment that made Whitewater a lucrative business opportunity, and Whitewater should bear responsibility to make that area safe.. at least during all operating hours...and especially in the summer months.
Fox's Juan William's said Hellary said asking for correct counts of citizens and non-citizens is fearmongering. Now, if there's anyone in the country who knows about fearmongering, Hellary certainly is an expert, but she's an more of an expert in falsely accusing others of such.
A child suicide bomber was used in Pakistan to assassinate people.. Don't you think Pakistani terrorist groups feel funding Democrats for elections/re-election is very appealing to them?
My President loves this country..A president should...must love his/her country. I hope all my state's Congresspersons support my President. We are going to find out how many citizens and non-citizens are within our borders. I want my state...every state.. to get fair Congressional assignment and Districting so Congress will fairly represent our needs. Hey, Queen TT of PP (Pragmatic Progressivism), would you support border security if elected?
Democrats do not understand this country.. they promise to support universal healthcare and housing as a basic human right.. yet, they don't support this when not in control.. Our Constitution already gives us all the basic rights we need, but it's our responsibility to do the work to attain these.
Again..the Census should have the question of citizenship on them..Congressional representatives are determined by the Census, and since Presidents are elected by the Electoral College , the total any state has should be determined by only the actual US citizens that reside within them because it's the president who nominates all the Supreme Court and District Court judges.
Oh! What's wrong with our government knowing the total number or persons in our country. and how many are citizens or not?
Looks like debris pick ups in Columbus are in a chaotic state. We're seeing story after story about missed service days, and unreasonable delays in picking up storm debris. A member of our neighborhood says he called the 311 Center and was told the City is down to one working debris truck..while this would help explain the problem, what is the reason Columbus Council hasn't addressed "WHY" only one truck is in working order. It also makes it an issue as why 4 new street sweepers were purchased by the last Mayor/Council instead of keeping the debris trucks running. Hey, and has Council called the City Manager on the carpet to explain why this situation exists?
Whatta buncha hypocrites! Of course I mean Democrats.. think about how up-in-arms they are about the conditions a pregnant illegal alien is subjected to, yet they won't vote for better border security nor properly fund detainment centers... but then, Democrats will stand up in support of the illegal alien mother-to-be if she wants to abort the baby that got her special treatment at our border.
Well, well, well... Seems like Biden bin Lying has used a "tax loophole" (in other words, a tax regulation meant to keep Americans safe from an over abusive system of taxes as passed by Congress) that saved him $500,000.00. Yep, Biden bin Lying has moved from being referred to as "Middleclass Joe" to "Joe Millionaire".
Online headline: "AOC ups ante in feud with Pelosi, suggests speaker is 'singling out' newly elected 'women of color'" -- You know, it's more racist to consider a whole species of humans as "colorless " than it is to label a single ethnicity as a color.
Online headline: "Disney reportedly refuses to allow Spider-Man engraving on tombstone of dead boy who loved superhero" -- You know...It's not surprising..I've long objected to taking our 7 year old granddaughter to a Disney movie and having her Child's ticket cost more than my Senior ticket. I think Disney is the example that Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) was referring to when he said, "Greed is good."
M/C L-E headline: "Judge: Georgia must allow inspection of election databases" -- Well, well, well.. another Harvard trained robot judge appointed by a Democrat and Harvard graduated president, who obviously know zilch about the GA voting machines.. has ruled that "Georgia election officials (must) allow computer experts and lawyers to review the databases used to create ballots and count votes.". because.. "the lawsuit ... filed by a group of voters and the Coalition for Good Governance, an election integrity advocacy organization. ... argues that the paperless touch-screen voting machines Georgia has used since 2002 are unsecure, vulnerable to hacking and unable to be audited." -- You know, I've used these self-contained voting "machines" ever since they were deployed, and have never run into a problem "some" describe as happening, and seriously, I cannot see how such claimed shenanigans could happen.. The units are so low tech, and so NOT connected to each other nor a master computer that only the illiterate and paranoid voters would believe such. Now, on the other hand, I can see how easy any paper based ballots that aren't actually signed by the voters can be fraudulently manipulated.. and that's what the Democrats are wanting.
After Katrina.. can anyone see the irony of Tropical Storm Barry being in the news?
M/C L-E commentary headline: "What will we do when there are no newspapers? * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * Miami Herald" -- Hmmm.. WHEN there are no newspapers? The real question is WHY we have no e[]real newspapers left! Of course, the one of the benefits of "NO newspapers is racial bigots like Leonard "the" Pitts will have to find a real job that pays him for real information..

I actually love AOC's claim that Nancy PeLOUSY is nothing but a racist.. It's good for PeLOUSY to feel the wrath of a blatant falsehood that she's aggressively employed to falsely label any .. and all Republicans for as long as she's been a politician.

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