Monday, July 8, 2019

The USA had a big day world wide Sunday.. it's women's soccer and softball teams won big international tournaments! USA USA USA!
Sadly.. for Columbus, GA.. the softball championship was pretty much.. if not TOTALLY.. ignored by the Sports world.
Looking at the poll changes among the Democrats, one thing seems to be emerging... the Democratic voter base seems to be "leftening" even more, and the candidates are catering to them. What's probably happening is not that the base is "leftening" so much, but more and more of the realistic Democrat voter base is just leaving. --- Nike is surely the most hypocritical company denigrates one truly heroic American woman at the whim of an anti-American man, yet puts its Swoop on uniforms of American women athletics. ---
If Rapinoe wants to complain about the size of her paycheck for playing soccer compared to what the men are played, maybe she should ask Nike to explain why she isn't paid as much as KaeperPRICK...
From the "the shoe is on the other foot now" department - Online headline/story: "US may dump 1.5 tons of rat poison on Farallon Islands to halt invasive rodents * A U.S. government agency is proposing the deployment of 1.5 tons of rat poison to limit the spread of an invasive rodent problem in the Farallon Islands, located 30 miles off the coast of San Francisco." - Wait a minute,, where's Queen PeLOUSY and her nephew, CA Gov Newsome, out protesting for "open borders", no "CHEMICAL Wall" and voter suppression of future Democ-RATS?
So Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested for sex trafficking... shouldn't the next DOJ move be to recall/void Bill Clinton's passport?

Online headline: "Trump fires back at UK ambassador who attacked him: 'We are not big fans of that man'" -- You know, as we speak, the British government should have him recalled and back in London, but if not I have three words: Persona Non Grata!
You wasn't a Republican who assassinated President Lincoln, nor was it Republicans who impeached .. and nearly convicted Andrew Johnson.
Democrats are pathetic.. they aren't content to follow laws as written, so they are campaigning on expanding the Supreme Court to add more activist judges rather than being satisfied having judges that will weigh laws based on their fairness to our Constitutional ideals.
Talk about classic fascism... Antifa violently protesting free speech for others.
Online headline: "Starbucks rolls out safe needle disposal boxes in select markets" --
Good can any Starbucks customer accept they are safe when Starbucks is a dumping ground for drug needles for other customers?
And let me get this straight... Starbucks doesn't want police officers patronizing their stores yet invite drug users a safe place to dispose of their drug paraphernalia.. well, now it makes sense why Starbucks doesn't want police officers on premise. So much for me giving my daughters any more Starbucks gift cards.
A "What's Up Columbus" headline: "US Senate hopeful Teresa Tomlinson calls herself a “pragmatic progressive.” -- "pragmatic progressive"? What a most appropriate alliteration for Queen TT to describe herself..PP.
We've got some investigating to do... who's behind "What's Up Columbus"? At the bottom of the web page is "All rights reserved 2019. Designed by Local Cities Media LLC". A Google search shows a Facebook page put up by Brian Hopkins. While not born here, it seems like he's a personable guy.. probably a good guy.. but how did he get mixed up in promoting ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son... anybody know what connects them?
While I did not hear it personally, I heard Trump made some confused reference to airplanes during the Revolutionary War during his 4th of July tribute to our military..and MSM-13 and the Democrats went ballistic... yet neither group seemed to be bothered about Obama's claim that he had traveled to all 57 states campaigning in 2008.
Listening to the Democratic Party nominee wannabes compete for the Democratic voter base by outbidding each other demonstrates all of their basic lack of knowledge of economics.
Was listening to an ad for deli meats, and the spokesman said there were no artificial preservatives...... hmmm..did he mean there might be some non-artificial preservatives? If not, why didn't he just say "no preservatives at all".
You know, I believe Creepy Joe fumbles questions on purpose in order keep other Democrat candidates and MSM-13 from demanding he tell us his about his cure for Cancer.
Online headline: "Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black homeownership, tackling racial wealth gap" -- Hmmm...Trump could promise this...but he won't because he's going to win, and he keeps his promises, and Kamala Harris wouldn't. In reality, all Kamala Harris really said is that she doesn't feel the average black is capable of earning the American dream on his.her own.
A lot of good getting a Columbus, GA sign behind the catcher did for us...the pitchers time clock blocked some out making it look like Umbus, Ga...hmmm with the empty bleachers, maybe it was a blessing.

I hope Columbus Council was either at the softball complex ..or at least watching ESPN2 when TV coverage started at noon on Saturday July 6th to see the near empty bleachers as ESPN2 announced live coverage from Columbus, GA.. you could fooled me. On top of this, we also learned the USA lost to Japan Friday night, but at least KaeperPRICK didn't have censorship on the women's jerseys as they had American flags on them.
Why would the US women's softball team wear orange jerseys under ANY circumstance...I don't care it was for a's just WRONG!
What an insult! The Mexican softball team at the International Cup Tournament in Columbus had at least one player who had previously played on the US team. How can that happen! It's not about heritage, it's about citizenship, and that player needs to banned from returning to college back here in the US.
The Marriott VIPs may say they're a quality hotel, but their toilet paper, no, no.
How can Democrats proclaim that MediCare for All will be a free healthcare program? I not only paid into it all along, but I also pay a monthly stipend as well as co-pay for services render.
Point o Ponder: When 100 percent of the illegal aliens who attempt to cross our border are non-whites, it's not racism when 100 percent of those arrested/detained are also non-white.
The plethora of earthquakes may help even sanctuary cities solve the problems caused by homeless tents on te streets. Now homeowners will try to rent those tents to avoid sleeping in their own bedrooms and the homeless can get money to rent a real room.
I'm looking at the excerpt of Frederick Douglass' speech that KaeperPRICK cherry picked and abused to try justify his anti-American attitude...and the only thing that happened was that KaeperPRICK actually dishonored Frederick Douglass.
Oh... if Nike does produce a KaeperPRICK endorsed shoe with a nation's flag on it, then KaeperPRICK needs to go to that country to buy it and wear it. And then a new law should be enacted prohibiting the wearing of it in our country!
HufPOOPOO poop: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turns Newt Gingrich's 'dishonest' smear back on him" -- Whoa! Talk about a debate I'd love to see live on stage.. Newt Gingrich debating Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! Remember that "empty chair" debate Clint Eastwood had in 2012? Well, the "empty chair" was smarter than Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez.
Ironic? What would happen to women's dreams if, say, Pete Bootygig won in November 2020. He openly brings his husband into the conversations, so would he be considered the first woman to be president.
You know.. the DNC's worst nightmare would be over now if they had stopped the House Judiciary Committee' s purge of the Mueller the whole hierarchy of past Democrats will be exposed for their criminal actions.
Online headline: A Tempe, AZ "Starbucks shop boots police officers because customer ‘did not feel safe’ around them" -- Hmmm, you know, as a former retailer, if a "customer" complained to me that he/she didn't feel comfortable with a police officer nearby, I would have thought the "customer" had a real legal reason he/she was uncomfortable, and I'd have asked that "customer" to leave.
It's sorta fun watching Biden bin Lying sweat from MSM-13 "questions ". Obviously he was not expecting to be challenged by his "friends", as he's obviously not prepared to answer them.
The Breakfast Clubbers are everywhere! I received visual proof that the Queen TT Lounge was open to the public over the 4th of July. Was Tom-LYING-son in town politicking?
On the other hand, the RiverWalk by the apt/condo project on Front Ave is still blocked... maybe Tom-LYING-son should have built a Roundabout for pedestrians/bikers there.
The Lufkin Licker.... a teen girl has been identified and charged with "consumer product tampering" and a joke has exposed a jerk. Unfortunately, she and her boyfriend who videoed and uploaded it to the Internet. More unfortunately, it's a reminder of past "consumer product tampering" horror stories involving poisoned Tylenol and Halloween candies. This could have been even more dangerous because of the tendencies of Internet videos to spur "copy cat" motivations. Let's hope the judge who handles this has the backbone of a hanging judge and the wisdom of Solomon.
Update: A "copy cat" has already "struck" and already been arrested!
It probably won't ...didn't.... happen, but somebody should ask all the Democrats there for the education showdown in Houston explain why Common Core left students ill-prepared to be considered as viable applicants for the over 2,000,000 unfilled skill jobs available right now.
Online headline: "Ontario Passes Law Allowing Gov't to Seize Children From Parents Who Oppose Gender Transition" -- Good grief! Since when do parents get to overrule God, or that by honoring God, parents can lose their children?
All the Dems are campaigning on a "Beat Donald Trump" basis ..Perhaps all 2 dozen of them should binge watch "Beat Bobby Flay" to learn the basics... they will have to go THROUGH each other BEFORE one of them will get to take on Donald Trump. Fortunately, impartial voters will decide in November 2020.
Iran says it will enrich as much uranium as it can/wants to. possible would this be if Obama hadn't given Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons..and...AND the $1.8 BILLION in cash to the Iranis before he and Biden bin Lying left office?
Hey Stacey Abrams! Texas needs you... actual citizens votes are being suppressed by fraudulently cast votes of illegally registered non-citizens.
Didn't we hear Iran state it would make sure Trump was a one-term president...hmmm.. that sounds like a threat of election interference, and based on interaction from Obama and Kerry, it sounds like they may be in collusion with Irani terrorists.
Why haven't any of the MSM-13 "journalists" or Democrat nominee wannabes asked Creepy Joe why he's renting a high end mansion from a 1-percenter instead of living in his own home?
Of course there is legitimacy in needing to know how many American citizens there are in each state.. The Census determines not only how many Representatives each state is assigned, it determines how federal tax funds are distributed for education, social services, and infrastructure. More importantly, it also determines the Electoral College vote, and our president is elected by the Electoral College votes, and the president nominates Supreme Court, and District Court judges who determine whether citizenship matters on the Census counts.
With nothing really PROGRESSIVE to offer, Elizabeth Warren feels she can close gender and racial pay gaps by signing an Executive Order. ..yet she can't explain why her earlier "progressives" efforts of backing gender and racial declarations as whatever personal whims everybody decides hasn't made a difference.
Nike has been NAILED... well its coffin, anyway.. Somebody posted a meme on social media sites that brought attention to the death.. and cause of Nike.. "Colin Cancer".
Why are MSM-13 and Democrats concerned with comments made by Border Patrol Agents , but not concerned with the lies MSM-13 and Democrats say about Border Patrol Agents?
Hmmm... MSM-13 has quickly condemned an ad for Alitalia for using an actor in 'blackface' to portray President Obama.. yet MSM-13 has pretty much backed off from holding the Virginia Governor who did the same thing responsible... purely because Northam is a Democrat.
You know, when Betsy Ross worked with General Washington to design a unified flag in 1777, the 13 stars and 13 stripes did not...I repeat..DID NOT represent the original 13 states ... they represented the original 13 COLONIES!
56 men signed their names to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. They publicly put out their names for the opposition to know who exactly was standing up against them. They told England, and British sympathizers here, who they were and where they worked and lived. They announced who their families were, and where they lived. Now, compare them to the "Antifa"..males and females who hide in shadows and behind masks.
You know, had the Antifa thought about being signers of the Declaration of Independence, they probably would have forged someone else's name... or marked it with an "x"....using disappearing ink.
Home Run! The new jobs number for June are out, and 224,000 blows the predictions out of the water!
Seriously, when you have you heard a Democrat address the issues of public education? Currently, there are 2,000,000 jobs more than unemployed...the #1 issue is unqualified candidates..not just high schoolers, but college graduates as well.. plus workers in fields that have closed and they never learned the basics of newer technologies.
Spent the 4th in Atlanta enjoying patriotic festivities with my family.. we gathered .. again.. or the Peachtree Road Race, and the Braves 4th of July gala. Though no longer a fan of Marriott, we did stay in the "W" die to it's favorable proximity to Peachtree Road and Piedmont Park. My last stay at a Marriott in Atlanta included a conversation with Marriott execs about them serving only Pepsi products in the hometown of the Coca Cola Corporation.. I impressed upon them that even though Marriott has a contract with Pepsi, it's still an insult to Atlanta that no Coca Cola Product were served. This trip, there were Coca Cola Products available.. I salute Marriott for that... BUT.. mopre issues arose.. at this hotel, the doorways are so narrow, my grandsons' stroller would not get through the doorway.. and I;m not sure a self-propelled wheelchair would either.. then there was the size of the room..the total square footage was barely bigger than our master bath at home. but the worst thing was the bathroom.. a barn door that didn't offer full privacy was an issue, but the toilet paper.. super-thin, single-ply, un-perforated toilet paper was how Marriott treated it's customers. I've had better toilet at convenience stores. And.. the worst thing was that Marriott knowingly didn't include a coffee making station in the room... basically... sacrilege!
Good grief...Thursday was July 4th...the celebratory day of our nation's first step to greatness...and Democrats did their best to disassociate themselves from anything to do with us. Where to start in parsing the Democrat's faux pas, but how can we ignore Bernie not owning a hat of red, white, and blue?
Online headline/story: "Todd Starnes: San Francisco votes to whitewash George Washington (literally!) * It might be art and it can also be racist; it can be both,” board member Allison Collins told the newspaper. “It’s not just about removing them from public view, it’s also about righting a wrong.” - - Good grief..Christ on a cross in a puddle of urine and smeared with excrement is acceptable as art, while an actual historical depiction of our First President and Commander-in-Chief is considered unacceptable. The US needs to just WASH California off our continent.
Wow! Watched the International Softball Tournament on the 4th between the USA and Chinese Taipei... Obviously, the Sports Council oversold Council on the popularity of softball bringing in economic benefits to justify spending $4.8 MILLION on the complex. I just wonder why Council didn't step in and invite Ft Benning to fill the bleachers so the WORLD wouldn't see empty stands while Columbus, GA was being broadcast.
Wow! Just looking at all the empty bleachers at the USA - Taipei game as ESPN2 tried to ignore them; Council needs to hold the Sports Council's feet to a flame thrower!...Ticket Revenues are miserable... and National Coverage is showing Columbus in a very poor light.

Went back to ESPN2 later to see the last of the USA-TAIPEI softball tournament game and it was over. Decided to check the ESPN site, and found the was no category for women's International Softball play. Looks like Columbus taxpayers were Democrated over again.
Can you believe how whiny the Democrats acted about the Washington July 4th Parade. Their plaintive cry about it being political rang hollow as it was all about how unpatriotic Dems are trying to convince MSM-13 that socialism is the best direction for America.
Let's get it out in the open.. If Nike is going to allow KaeperPRICK to help design 4th of July shoes, then how about Nike producing a line of shoes with the flag KaeperPRICK does support.
From the "Ironically.. no.. more like MORONIcally" department - a list of the 9 WORST RUN Cities in the US is posted.. Washington, DC is the worst, but San Francisco, and New York City should scare you.. the former Mayor of San Francisco is now CA's governor, and the mayor of NYC is running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, and those two states have 84 ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes, and adding DC's 3 makes 87 votes which is over 32% of the need Electoral votes to elect a president. Those three also represent 60,000,000 of our population.. which is but 18% of the US population so they wield an underserved amount of power in elections.
Somehow, I cannot shake the feeling I have in hoping the earthquakes in California will culminate in what we have always expected will happen.. I'm sorry for the good Californians, but they haven't been working hard enough to help America..
From the "trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" department - M/C L-E headline: "Residents praise the newly renovated complex" -- Hmmm.. from looking at the photo of the bleachers, it probably didn't take 10 minutes for all the people there to be polled.. Now the big question.. how many of those in attendance were random Columbusites, versus how many of those were affiliated with the teams, the Sports Council, and the City. Now, when will we get a report on actual revenues coming in for the $4.8 Million dollars spent?

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