Thursday, July 11, 2019

You know, I  cannot wait until the other 22 Democrats wanting to be the Party nominee start lighting into Tom Steyer.. he's the former Democrat-Socialist/philanthropist and supporter who decided to run himself than pour good money into bad candidates. Can't wait until he tries to explain how he got rich investing in coal and private prisons, and feels giving half back during his lifetime is enough penance to please other Democrats.
Thought it was interesting.. at a minimum... that Queen PeLOUSY chose to send a Twitter "tweet" to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to tell her not to use Twitter "tweets" to talk about other Democrats.
Saw clips of the soccer team parade in NYC and could not help but wonder if Rapinoe felt Mayor de Bl@sio was mocking her by having US flags flying. And it seems rather exclusionary for her to expect her personal intolerances be catered to.
From the "how appropriate" department - Online headline: "Barack Obama praises USWNT, shows off personalized jersey on Twitter" -- Yep.. Obama would e=wear a jersey of our country's women's soccer team that doesn't have a US Flag on it... Thankfully, President Trump would not.
Online headline: "Christian views may have kept star player off US women’s soccer team" -- Wow! Believing in Christ is not acceptable but not believing in America's greatness is if you want to play on our National Women's Soccer team.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Child’s drowning sparks debate about safety precautions for river area * The week after a 6-year-old boy drowned in the Chattahoochee River, local officials are exploring the best ways to make the area safer." -- Hmmm... wouldn't this have been more appropriate when rules and regulations about wearing PFDs were enacted years ago? While we do not want to lessen the need for parental responsibility, why was not a plan put in requiring some sort of CFD/CPD "patrols" initiated, at least for the summer months?
M/C L-E headline: "Democratic field for Ga.’s US Senate seat grows" -- Hmmm guess ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son's recent disclosure of her weak donations has spurred more interest in the Democrat nomination process.
Larry Kudlow says he wants to sit down with AOC about "supply side economics"... Hmmm .. bet that conversation wouldn't last more than the time it takes for AOC to ask Kudlow,, "What are you talking about?"
Seems like another American has died in the Dominican Republic...and this is the 3rd time in an operating room, not a resort. I have but one question to ask...why would anyone with access to the American healthcare system for an elective procedure even consider going to the Dominican Republic to do so?
What makes Democrats feel they will be any more successful at beating Trump than the other 16 Republicans in the 2016 Republican Primaries did by attacking him personally rather than promoting what they can/could do for America?
You know, when uniforms are designed for one of our National or Olympic sports teams, our flag should be proudly noticed on the jerseys. Just having "USA" on it is not enough...the "U" could stand for Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, or Uganda, and the "SA" could just as easily stand for "Sports/Soccer Association" or "State Athletics", or in the case of our Women's futbol team, "Ungrateful Spoiled Assholes". You know, most of those women are probably really neat, nice, and honored to have the opportunity to represent out country and flag, but failed to stand up to the few dissenters.
Oxymoronic headline.story: " * Absentee ballots can no longer be thrown out in Georgia because of a signature mismatch or a missing birth year and address, according to a new state law that recently resolved two federal lawsuits." -- Excuse me, but how can eliminating safeguards for our rights as citizens to have our votes protected be enhanced by reducing the safeguards?
Before any more Columbus Council talk about a new SPLOST tax to rebuild/restore the Government Center begins, where are the rest of the departmental forensic audits?
Democratic Party spinmeisters were out attacking BET founder Robert Johnson's change of tune about Trump's skills with the economy by blowing Johnson off because he's a billionaire and doesn't count in the mainstream.. Haven't black Americans realized that Democrats do not want them to have successful black business leaders as role models?
Online headline: "Los Angeles business owners put up fences, thorny plants to deter homeless" -- Hmmm... guess California voters are striking back with their own "walls" since their Congressperson won't protect them...
Online story: "Amy McGrath (declared Dem opponent against Sen McConnell) said late Wednesday that she would not have voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after all -- just hours after she told a Kentucky newspaper that she "probably" would have supported Kavanaugh's contentious nomination because there was nothing to "disqualify" him." -- Good grief! Democrats have pretty much ruined the image of the flip-flops that have been meaningful in our lives.. I think it's time we demon demeaning flip-flops, and coin/use a new phrase ... how about "Dim-Dems" or "Dum-Dems" or "Dum-Dims"?
Online headline: "Megan Rapinoe posters vandalized with hateful messages at NYC subway station, police say" -- Wow..who'da guessed we'd see a picture of Rapinoe holding a pair of balls?


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