Tuesday, July 30, 2019

From the "what she said versus reality" department - Online headline: "Megan Rapinoe says it would be pointless to talk to Trump" -- DOH! In reality... there IS no point to what she says or believes..
Fastest flipflop EVER! Online headline/story: "Kamala Harris contradicts herself on illegal immigration, in latest backtrack since debate * “That is not correct, I’m not in favor of decriminalizing or not having consequence for, let me be very clear, we have to have a secure border, but I am in favor of saying that we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented cross the border as criminals, that is correct, that is correct,” Harris said Friday." -- Good grief.. she wasn't against it before she knew she wasn't for it..
Online headline: "Gerrymandering likely to survive despite Georgia’s shifting politics
You know, if we stop gerrymandering, every District would have.a majority white voters.
Heard Donna Brazile say that voters should listen to Democrats because Democrats want everybody to share in the soaring economy... say what! I think everyone who works hard IS sharing in the soaring economy, and all I've heard from any Democrat is their desire to revoke the tax cuts that are revitalizing our nation's economy!!
Remember the Rabbi who advertised requests for American Jews and Christian's to send $25.00 a month to save holocaust survivors in Israel.. Well, he and his $1,000,000.00 personal salary died in the past year.. Now his daughter is running a modified version of that ad..and hers says holocaust victims in Israel are freezing as well as starving...Hood grief! It's JULY in Israel...nobody is freezing!
In 2015, Bernie described Baltimore as even rattier than Trump recently described it. Why didn't MSM-13 and the DNC not get upset then?
From the "Dems shoulda been careful what they wished for" department - M/C L-E story: "Despite legal challenges, Georgia is moving ahead with the purchase of a new $106 million voting system with touchscreen computers that print a paper record, the secretary of state announced Monday." -- You know, Democrats wanted so badly to go back to paper ballots because not only do they leave a paper trail, it's easier to stuff ballot boxes.. Now they get paper ballots back but this time there's gonna be an ELECTRONIC TRAIL! Br[er Rabbit.. he's a laffing from the brier patch...

M/C L-E story: "Virginia’s black state lawmakers plan to boycott an event this week celebrating the beginnings of American democracy because President Donald Trump is scheduled to attend. * The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus announced Monday that its members would not attend a ceremony in Jamestown on Tuesday marking the 400th anniversary of the first representative assembly in the Western Hemisphere. The group said in a statement that Trump’s participation is “antithetical to the principles” the caucus stands for." -- You know, there is nothing more racist than exclusion by skin color... How can any member of any Legislative Black Caucus ask a white person to let them be their representative....how can any white voter feel they are represented in the legislative process?

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