Monday, July 29, 2019

Seriously? MSM-13 wonders "why" President Trump is going to appoint a loyal man like Congressman John Ratcliffe as head of the Director of National Intelligence to replace the current Director who has often been at odds with the President..Dang.. MSM-13 is even dumber than we thought!
Online "headLIE": "Barack and Michelle Obama offer rare rebukes of Trump" -- "Rare rebukes"? Can you name me one COMPLIMENT either of the Obamas has uttered about EITHER of the Trumps since Election Night 2016?
From the "We are going to HAVE to follow this closely!" department - Online headline/story: "Papadopoulos to head to Greece to retrieve $10G payment, says it was intended to entrap him * "So, I have my theory of what that was all about," Papadopoulos added. "The money, I gave it to my attorney in Greece because I felt it was given to me under very suspicious circumstances. And upon coming back to the United States I had about seven or eight FBI agents rummaging through my luggage looking for money." * I actually want Congress, [Bill] Barr, [DOJ Inspector General Michael] Horowitz, and [U.S. Attorney John] Huber to review the bills because I still have the bills and I think they are marked," * According to Papadopoulos, "the whole setup" by the "FBI likely, or even the special counsel's office," was intended to "bring a FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] violation against me." The FARA statute played a key role in the prosecutions of former Trump aides, including Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort. * Papadopoulos said. "These bills that are still in Athens right now must be examined by the investigators because I think they are marked and they're going to go all the way back to DOJ, under the previous FBI under [James] Comey, and even the Mueller team." -- Just the premise of this falls into the realm of the conspiracies we've been shown involving the covert Obama/Holder-Lynch/Comey-Mueller connections.. Let's wait patiently and see what comes out of this...
Online headline: "Bernie Sanders claims 'Medicare-for-all' will slash health care costs with tax hike" -- Yeah.. "Bernie claims"... but Bernie doesn't THINK or KNOW! Tax hikes to cover "Medicare for all" would actually be ADDITIONAL costs to our healthcare.
From the "and Trump's right...again". department - Online headline/story: "Four-Peat: Chicago Tops Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities List for Fourth Consecutive Time * In fact, here are the Top 9 Rattiest Cities as denoted by Orkin:

Los Angeles (+1)
New York (-1)
Washington, DC (+1)
San Francisco (-1)
Detroit (+1)
Philadelphia (-1)
Cleveland, OH (+5)
Baltimore (-1)
And ... you guessed it.. all 9 of these cities are lead by DemocRAT mayors, and all the states but Ohio voted for Hellary in 2016.
Noticed on Saturday that the NAACP Annual Convention was being aired on C-Span, so when we went to bed, I turned to watch a bit.. Got to hear Kamala Harris and Bill Weld address the .. as MSM-13 would call it... "crowd",, while no camera showed the "crowd".. and it was 10:00 PM in sounded like maybe 20-to-25 people were there. What I learned was that Kamala Harris wants to put convicted felons of drug crimes first in line for jobs for legal sales of marijuana . Guess this would eliminate police control of all workers in the alcohol industry as well, and then we saw Bill Weld, former MA governor and announced Republican candidate for president pander at the NAACP Annual Convention , ask the "crowd" to cross over in the New Hampshire primary and show America that Trump could be beat. Good grief, Weld's talking about New Hampshire.. which has a black population of 1.4%. The Republican Party should completely disassociate itself from him.
The National Debt.. it's of major concern to Dems and MSM-13 alike when Trump's in office, yet it hardly created a murmur when Obama was doubling it in his two terms. I think I found something that explains why Dems and MSM-13 are so fickle about when/why they are "concerned". Of the 50 states (plus Washington, DC itself) the top 10 highest state debt's, 9 are Democrat voting strongholds - from 1st to 10th:California, Hawaii, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, District of Columbia, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, and Maryland.
Well, the GDP figures are in.. Growth at 2.1% and MSM-13 and Dems are claiming "the sky is falling". What the MSM-13 and Dems are NOT mentioning is that the number predicted was 1.8% so the actual growth is nearly 17% BETTER than expected, nor are MSM-13 and the Dems mentioning that "Personal Consumption" came in at 4.3% versus an expected 4.0%. Folks, these are "SMOKING" economic numbers!
Yes! Boy does President Trump know how to change a subject by getting to the truth! Dems are furious... MSM-13, too, that Trump called out Congressman Elijah Cummings, D-MD, on his district being a bigger mess than our Southern Border...on top of this disclosure, it's also out that Maryland is in the top 10 states for the highest public debt ratio to personal income nationally...
From the "hypocrisy.. thy name is California!" department - Online headline/story: "Family members seen brawling at Disneyland in viral footage face criminal charges * "The Orange County District Attorney's Office does not tolerate domestic violence or child endangerment anywhere," said D.A. Todd Spitzer" -- Hmmm... so the Orange County DA's Office "does not tolerate domestic violence or child endangerment anywhere"? Yeah, right... unless, of course, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS in a Sanctuary City..
Good news! David Ortiz has been released from a Boston Hospital where he has been recuperating since he was shot while in the Dominican Republic back in June. Praise God for his recovery!
From the "see what California sanctuary cities/hell holes have wrought?" department - Online headline/story: "2 U.S. teens jailed in Italy in policeman's killing * A detention order issued by prosecutors was shown on Italian state broadcaster RAI, naming the suspects as Gabriel Christian Natale Hjorth and Finnegan Lee Elder. The detention order didn't give their ages, but says they were both born in San Francisco in 2000. " -- Hmmm.. can you imagine the plight of the San Francisco teens as they learn that Italy is NOT a "sanctuary state", and, in Italy, "Police Lives Matter"?
So PeLOUSY and "the Squad" have forgiven each other...It's more than fact, it's pathetic that Queen PeLOUSY considers Democrat Party unity as "family". It should be about "COUNTRY"..and nothing less.
So Columbus, GA's Council wants to get a 10 year, $350 Million Dollar SPLOST on the ballot in 2020.. the issue is that NONE of the SPLOST moneys can be used for operations or maintenance, so those needed funds get drawn out of the funds available from the general operating budget, so... so much needed maintenance on roads and existing buildings don't get done. We don't need this!
10 years ago, MSM-13 ripped Glenn Beck "a new one" for calling President Obama a racist.. MSM-13 was horrified that a journalist had that much disrespect for the office of the President of our country. Boy, have times changed. Just last week alone, President Trump was described as a racist 1000s of time by Democrats and MSM-13 "journalists".
I don't know why MSM-13 and/or Democrats are excited about Biden bin Lying having 33% of Democrats supporting him at this point..though split among 4 other leftists, way more Democrats are against Creepy Joe than for him.
That "new" missile fired in North Korea...for all we know, it was probably just a new shell using an old engine system.
Online headline: "Alan Dershowitz: Mueller wrongly introduces dangerous concept of ‘exoneration’ in review of Trump actions" -- Wow! When an avowed liberal starts sputtering about Mueller introducing a new concept in prosecutorial weaponry, we know why.. What if Mueller says the same thing... "we could not exonerate" Obama or the Clintons on anything they did?
From the "Hey, Columbus Council.. take a hint!" department - Online story: "Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms signed an executive order on Thursday prohibiting the city’s planning department from issuing additional permits to companies that operate electronic scooters." -- Good grief! A community novelty has turned into a community LIABILITY! I've yet to see any of theses scooters with adequate lights to warrant road use, and heaven help motorists and pedestrians alike when "alcohol/marijuana impaired scooter users" take over the streets and sidewalks during the downtown bar and restaurant world.
From the "laffin' from the Brier Patch" department - Wow! President Trump had pretty much replaced the image of a donkey as the identifying symbol of the Democratic Party with an image of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her "squad", and now Queen PeLOUSY just confirmed it.
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall * President Donald Trump a victory by letting his administration redirect $2.5 billion in money approved by Congress for the Pentagon to help build his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border even though lawmakers refused to provide funding. * The conservative-majority court on a 5-4 vote with the court's liberals in dissent blocked in full a ruling by a federal judge in California barring the Republican president from spending the money on the basis that Congress did not specifically authorize the funds to be spent on the wall project fiercely opposed by Democrats and Mexico's government." -- Good grief.. While it should have been a 9-0 ruling, the Constitution .. and America... WON! Congress.. and individual lower court judges, have overstepped their powers and roles for governance of our country! The President is also our Commander-in-Chief and should have final say-so in how our military budget is used in defense of our country!
Online headline: "Trump targets French wine to retaliate for digital tax" -- Hmm.. and for good reason... the French are taxing American companies.. Now, Trump's next move would do the same for California wines to pay for the misery California is causing the rest of America by allowing "sanctuary cities".
You know, it's sorta ironic that California.. which advocates hardily for separation of church and state.. would actually call it's "hell holes" "sanctuary cities".
From the " this another word with a Clinton definition?" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Muscogee, Harris, Chattahoochee schools improved performance on majority of tests * While MCSD continues to lag the Georgia average on every test, the district closed its gap or kept pace with the state’s overall improvement on 15 of the 24 comparable tests." -- "MCSD continues to lag the Georgia average on every test"? Good grief... of course "improved" is better than "stagnant" or "worse", but it does not indicate "satisfactory (or better)" results.. and isn't that the goal.. and haven't there been enough years of attempts for our community to expect... no... DEMAND better results!
And what did our Superintendent say about this: "“The hard work and dedication of all our students, teachers, and administrators is to be commended,” MCSD superintendent David Lewis said in the district’s news release. “We are pleased with the results overall and the gains with English Language Arts, in particular. Our focus on literacy continues to have a positive impact as reflected in the decrease of beginning learners and moving more students toward proficiency.” * Lewis added, “The overwhelming majority of our high school courses continue to trend upward with more students moving towards mastery across multiple subjects. We will continue to build on our foundation in literacy while we provide additional supports for the areas of math that have improved, but not yet realized our full expectations.” -- He's "pleased with the results"? .. "we will continue to build on our foundation in literacy" Good grief.. Lewis has completed 6 full years.. and he's still talking about building on "our foundation".. sorry.. he should have us at least 6-stories HIGH by now!
M/C L-E headline: "Stepping up feud, Trump assails Cummings as ‘racist’" -- How come when Cummings calls the President of the US a racist, MSM-13 foams at the mouth in support, yet when Cummings, the real racist, is called out on it. MSM-13 is shocked that the President has pointed out the truth about another elected official?
Hmmmm... after Disney completed "computer de-assignment surgery" on all the male animals in "The Lion King", how could anyone in the audience possibly tell which cub was Simba and which was Nyla?
M/C L-E "headLIE": "Heading into recess, Dems take a mixed record" -- "mixed record"? Perhaps scrambled is a better adjective, but the truth is that the real Democrat "record" was devastating!
On a personal note, one of our FB conversationalist insists that EVERYTHING President Trump says is a LIE.. You know, when someone is so adamant about an issue like this, I can only believe he's been so tainted by his Democrat allegiance that he feels anything said by Trump is in conflict with what he's been led to believe Obama, Hellary, PeLOUSY, the DNC, MSM-13, and the NAACP are 100% truthful.

Though I cannot find the name of the purported school/school district, two 17 year olds testified under oath at a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing that a Juul representative came to a classroom their freshman year and told the class that vaping tool Juul was "totally safe". Though I'm pretty sure it wasn't the MCSD, I do wonder if that could happen here... after all, our kids were told that having a Drag Queen read to.. basically seduce.. our children was safe enough that our MCSD controlled Library allows such.

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