Friday, July 19, 2019

From the "trying to save face" department - Huff POOPOO headline/story poop: "Rep. Ilhan Omar gets hero’s welcome as supporters greet her after Trump attacks * Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), flying home after a whirlwind week dueling with the president over a series of racist attacks, was met by a coalition of cheering supporters in Minnesota on Thursday evening. * The crowd of about 150 people gathered at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport to welcome the congresswoman before she held a town hall event later that evening." -- Good grief! A "crowd" of 150? In MSM-13 speak, there were 150 people in the whole airport, including the rest of the passengers on her plane, who thought they were looking at a "court jester" who failed to make the President laugh.
If you listen to the stories about how illegal aliens conditions were from the countries they fled, they should be comparatively ecstatic at conditions in our border detention centers.. what we have is a disconnect by our Democratic Party legislators.. they've fought every effort to build the wall, won't allow sane processing and assimilation, and feel standards at the centers should be as a 5-Star resort. Meanwhile, our homeless and veterans remain ignored by them.
What's this about some building owned by the MCSD, serviced by the City now being in limbo as to it's future because of some possible sale.... Surely no property owned by the City or MCSD would...COULD... be sold without public notice and discussion.
While it's nice that the City of Columbus is finally acknowledging it has a problem with debris pick-up, it's disconcerting that there was no effort to inform us taxpayers early on. Council needs to hold the City Manager accountable.
How come we aren't seeing liberal outrage at Cheerios containing traces of Round-Up. Wonder how many Dems are major recipients of donations from General Mills?
Online headline: "Trump: US warship destroyed Iranian drone in Strait of Hormuz" -- "Iranian drone"? Ooops, my bad.. I thought for a moment Ilhan Omar had been "taken out"..
Online headline: "Democratic Rep. Al Green walks off live CNN interview: ‘I do have to run now’" -- It really must be tough on Dems when their supporters start asking tough questions rather than covering for them.
Online headline: "Teachers Union President: Illegal Immigration Doesn't Cause Overcrowding, It Makes Public Schools 'Stronger'" -- I'd like to see the number from teachers in a blind ballot referendum... but doesn't this woman explain a lot about why so many students are floundering in our education system?

In a news story, Nicole Henderson, Director of Communications for Queen "TT the PP" Tom-LYING-son said, "Georgians believe in Mayor Tomlinson’s leadership and this campaign’s ability to send a Democrat from Georgia to the U.S. Senate,” " -- Two things strike me about this comment .. one as ironic.. and the other as moronic.. First is whether Nicole Henderson knows anything about Queen TT the PP's reign of terror as Columbus' mayor, and secondly, would she believe anything Tom-LYING-son says if Henderson was from anywhere near Columbus?

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