Tuesday, July 2, 2019

From the "well, look in the mirror for the solution" department - Online headline: "Democrats decry 'inhumane conditions' at migrant detention camps" -- Hmmm... and who won't cooperate at building the WALL and eliminating the attraction for illegal aliens to endanger themselves and their families?
Instant repeat: From the "well, look in the mirror for the solution" department - Online headline: "Democrats decry 'inhumane conditions' at migrant detention camps" --- Hmm and who just looked at the streets inside the Sanctuary Cities?
You know... for the past 2 plus years since Trump was chosen to be our President, Democrats have denied the immigration issue exists. Now, after two Democratic Debacles, Democratic Congresspeople are understanding the DNC has no candidate that can win, so now re-election for themselves will depend on their own records... and right now, that sucks!
Online headline: "Sheriff removed after Parkland shooting running for old job" -- Good grief.. you guessed it.. the sheriff is a DEMOCRAT, and figures he can convince the Democrat base during the primary that he was THE VICTIM.... and the Democrat base will feel sorry for him. Let's keep up with this.
Hmmm.. so it looks like the San Diego Chargers are going to move to LA.. Guess the Chargers feel they would eventually have to seat and feed undocumented fans that enter the stadium there illegally.
Online headline: "Freak hailstorm buries Guadalajara, Mexico in 3 feet of ice" -- Hmmm I wonder who got to a microphone the quickest..Algore to blame "Climate Change/Global Warming" or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to blame it all on "ICE".
Those antifa protesters on Oregon were throwing "milkshakes" at/on conservatives as they exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and open assembly. Now, what the antifa designated as "milkshakes" were actually liquid Quikrete..which ..at best ..is a chemical agent that solidifies. Where are the arrests for all-out assault with a weapon?
Did you see where antifa now "milk shakes" conservative journalists at protests? The parentheses are used because the antifa adds "Quikrete" to the "shake" so, in effect you're getting blasted with a "chemical shower of mortar" . Well, hope antifa doesn't pummel them with McDonald's "buns".. they contain "calcium sulfate"... a.k.a. "plaster of Paris".
You know, when police see an obvious protest group being aggressive.. throwing things.. swinging baseball bats... while masked, immediate arrests should be made of all associated.
Hmmm... MSM-13 found it strange.. almost caustic, that President Trump initiated a 3-way "fist bump" with the heads of Japan and India..I don't know why it appeared strange to MSM-13 as MSM-13 seems to never be concerned when Creepy Joe Biden made "palm bumps" with multiple women's breasts.
When you think about it President Trump's Press Secretary stood up for the rights of our media...the same MSM-13 media that doesn't stand up for any American that doesn't support MSM-13 agenda.
Think about this.. how horrible would it be for a wife named Alexa to live with a demanding husband in a home equipped with one of those Apple errand gizmos?
Hmm.. Hunter Biden didn't invite Creepy Joe to his last wedding.. Guess he figured since his Dad didn't show up at that California Demo-Fest because of politics, he's probably skip the wedding for the same reasons.
After the first two Democratic Debacles..don't you know Stacey Abrams is kicking herself for not jumping in...
So Trump's visit into North Korea was a "photo-op" ... "coddling up" to a despot... Well, what was Obama's "Apology Tour" or his trips to Cuba and Venezuela...especially the book gift...in Spanish no less... that Chavez gave Obama.. Dems are truly Dimwits.
And talk about flagrant "coddling up " to despots..how about Obama sending $1.8 BILLION in cash to Iran and granting Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons, and selling 20% of our uranium to Putin, and giving Saudi Arabia control over our gasoline prices by curtailing our own oil pipeline construction....and we can't hide Obama's open effort to control the Israeli re-election to oust Netanyahu....
Have you noticed that MSM-13 has no problem going after Trump"s adult children yet seem not to notice Creepy Joe's son Hunter.
Got this e-mail from the DNC's Tom Perez: "We came up short → I am asking you to donate to help close the gap"....." -- Wow! I thought...What's with the honesty aspect of some Democrat's disclosures of recent weeks ..then I realized Perez wasn't talking about the candidates exposed during the 2 debacles of last week. I think a donation of a better candidate would be better than any money donated.
It's time for facts to be disclosed on the "good intentions" of the extinct liberal do-good organization "Together 2916/2017". We're hearing about the random vandalism of the "Little Book Libraries" installed all about Columbus and there's no one in charge of maintenance or ongoing upkeep. Don't forget, the same group installed the exercise equipment near Rotary Park...
Can you imagine how Billy Carter would enjoy being alive today... and seeing his brother Jimmy becoming a bigger buffoon than Billy could ever achieve?
I'm curious...why does the South get all the slurs regarding slavery in the pre-Revolution days and the early 19th Century.? Some the biggest slave markets were NY, Boston, and Philadelphia... Oh. and NY, MA, and PA were the states that demanded that slaves be counted ONLY as 3/5ths of a person.
The much heralded International Softball Tournament started yesterday here in Columbus, GA..(a.k.a. the "Hottest City in GA) I'd have picked a more moderate area of the country to invite guests to our country, but I guess Columbus was the one who'd jump through hoops for the Oklahoma Softball gurus and spent nearly $5,000,000.00 on field renovations rather than street improvements. Now the two important questions: What was the first day's paid attendance? and Where were the protesters squawking about the US U-19 team "stealing bases" from our Philippine visitors?
M/C L-E headline: "Iran breaches uranium stockpile limit set by 2015 nuclear deal" -- Hmm.. now we see the final destination of the 20% of America's uranium that Hellary and Obama sold to Putin.

You know.. Dr. King's dream was for all to be "color blind".. but it seems now that Democrats are just "color BLINDED"!

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