Friday, October 18, 2019

Did you hear Hunter Biden state that China DID NOT PAY him $1.5 Billion.. hmmm..that was some might fancy tap dancing around the facts. Yes, 'tis true that China did NOT pay Hunter Biden $1.5 Billion...what Biden has been blasted about is China gave his management fund that $1.5 Billion....without any track record that warranted such "investment"....other than his Dad was VP of the USA. But ask any money manager you know what his "fee" would be for "managing" that $1.5 BILLION.. at .006 percent, that would be about $9,000,000.00 annually.
Is it strange to you, too, that DemocRATs were concerned about the Syrian Kurds letting ISIS leaders go, yet they applauded Obama releasing Islamic jihadist terrorists from GITMO?
Online headline/story: "House, Senate members drum up support for compensating college athletes * Federal lawmakers returned to Capitol Hill this week with interest piqued in finding new ways to compensate college athletes. * U.S. Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., spent Wednesday drumming up support for a proposed bill that could make it possible for all U.S. college athletes to accept endorsement money as early as January 2021." --- Hmmm... so we have Congressional representatives that can't see past there noses... Let's do a short parsing of what will happen..Less that one-half of 1-percent of college athletes will ever play professional sports, so what will happen is the other 99.5% will "earn" possibly good money for maybe 4 years, then probably find themselves out in a job market,, with no marketable degrees, and having to make a cruel adjustment to a lesser paying job. There is no "win" for 99.5% of college athletes except for their earned gift of a good college degree.
The 2020 G7 Summit will be held at Trump's Doral Facility in Miami..MSM-13 is going bonkers! The only thing that would make MSM-13 happier would have been for a non-Trump property to have been named so MSM-13 could say the Trump felt his property wasn't the best one in America.
Next week marks the official one year anniversary of the start of work being done at the River Road Roundabout...of course there were many, many months of pre-start preparation. Next week is also suppose to be the end of the 4 week period which this current phase of traffic detours is to end. We'll see. One thing obvious though is that the temporary traffic barriers on River Road are interfering with completing the center of the Roundabout, so what's going to happen to keep traffic .. and workers.. safe?
Think about it...Queen PeLOUSY walked out of an opportunity to work with President Trump. Is she even aware of what her job responsibilities are towards making America better for all American citizens (and approved guests)? I'd also like to know why the DemocRATs even elected her as their Speaker. Her first stint was under Bush 43 and she didn't help one bit. Then she was Speaker for two years under Obama's first term, but AMERICAN voters turned her out because she didn't help make things better, and now with Trump as President, she's even been worst than before.
Online headline: "London rush-hour commuters yank climate-change protesters from roofs of trains" -- Shoot...the engineers should have just kept their trains on schedule and simply scraped the protesters off the top by running full speed through the tunnels.
From the "conclusive proof environmentalists should be "red flagged" department - Online story: The FAA has yet to approve a new commercial spaceport in Camden County, Georgia. * Supporters of the new port include everyone from Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. * However, a vocal contingent of local residents is speaking out against the project. In particular, they say they’re worried about the impact of launching experimental rockets over the environmentally sensitive Cumberland Island National Seashore." -- These wackos are concerned over the impact on "environmentally sensitive Cumberland Island National Seashore", but mention NO.. Nada.. Zilch concern over people living in the same areas...
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "A new Trump administration rule will deprive nearly 1 million school kids of automatic free lunches, official figures say" -- Good grief! Trump's "changes" basically "close loopholes (FRAUD!) that allows children free lunches even if their parents are not really in poverty.". You know, I remember when my eldest came home from her first week at Columbus High in 2007 and told me she had been encouraged to sign up for reduced lunch costs, and that no one would check up on it.. found out later that the school could get "more money" if it had a higher percent of students who "qualified" for reduced cost lunches.
There was a car accident in Los Angeles Wednesday involving actress Helen Hunt.. she'll be fine, but "A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department told People that Hunt was one of multiple people taken to the hospital following the incident, and that police investigating the crash determined that no crime had occurred.".... think about that.. at a minimum, it's a crime against Nature as no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time, and only one of those vehicles had a right to that particular space at the time..... hmm.. well it was in California.. so maybe it was because they have a "sanctu-CAR-y" law about this, too. or maybe one of the vehicles was carrying "snail darters" to a new wetlands area..
From the "Hypocrisy.. thy name is liberalism" department - Online headline: "Alec Baldwin defends Felicity Huffman: 'The demonization of wealth in this country is mind blowing'" -- Hmmm.. yet @lec B@ldwin "demonizing" the sitting president of our President is "OK"..
From the "Is he looking into a mirror and sees someone else's face" department - Online headline: "Romney speculates Turkey called Trump's bluff: 'Are we so weak and inept?'" -- Good grief... Hey Mutt Romney.. MSM-13 was right.. no one who puts his dog in a crate and lashes it to t=his car's roof deserves any credibility! Oh! I'm still looking for my refund check of $911.01 i regret sending you when you ran for president!
Oh.. did you see where former President Obama gave a ringing endorsement for Canada's Justin Trudeau in his re-election bid? Talk about foreign interference! Don't you know Biden is scratching his head as to why Obama hasn't done the same for him...
M/C L-E story: "COVINGTON A Georgia city has asked a sterilization facility to temporarily stop work over air quality tests that show elevated levels of a carcinogen that leaked from the facility last month." -- Hmmm... you know.. my first reaction/question is: How can a sterilization process produce not sterile by-products?
M/C L-E headline: "Study: California’s July quakes increase strain on major fault" -- Oooops.. my bad.. thought homeless issues was causing elected officials to be concerned over their job futures.
M/C L-E commentary headline/content: "Racist attitudes, tragic outcomes * BY EUGENE ROBINSON * WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP * This is a serious question: What can a black person do to keep from getting killed by police in this country?" -- Whatta racist piece of CRAP! Why doesn't this @-hole write about what does a black person in Shicago do to be able to walk the streets in his/her own neighborhood without being shot?
Even WORSE M/C L-E commentary headline/content: "Fake massacre video is shocking yet unsurprising * MIAMI HERALD * Scheduled speakers at the conference included Donald Trump Jr. and former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. * Trump Jr. and Sanders said they did not see the reprehensible meme video. It’s unfortunate that their loyalty to his destructive president runs so deep that we suspect they would not be appalled if they had. They might have found it back-slappingly hilarious." -- What a God-awful condemnation of LEFTIST! ...and the gutless @-hole (who pretty much has to a be a McClatchy @-hole, didn't even put his/her name on this piece of CRAP!
I'm still curious at why the UAW is on "strike".. After the "bailout"m the UAW is one of the largest share holders of GM and even has a designated "Board member" so a
strike" is like a spouse deciding he/she just wants a paid break from doing his/her household chores..

Oh... Has anybody seen or heard from the Reverend Jesse Jackson or Louis Farrakhan, or know who they are backing in the DemocRATic presidential nominee primaries?

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