Tuesday, October 29, 2019

President Trump was speaking to Police Chiefs from all around the country in Shicago yesterday..of course, the Chief of Shicago's PD kept his word and didn't attend for purely political reason. I bet he wish he had..President Trump probably wouldn't have been so direct talking about the lack of leadership in Shicago which has exacerbated the street violence.
From the "well, at least it's a step in the RIGHT direction" department - Online headline: "Washington Post changes headline that called ISIS leader an 'austere religious scholar'" -- Wow! so al-Baghdadi was revered as a religious leader by the LEFT..Remember the last time a MSM-13 headline was "changed"? It was to eliminate a NICE comment about President Trump..
Seriously, do you believe that Congressman Bull Schi** of California has read our Constitution...or is he using the Venezuelan version that Maduro uses to abuse the citizens?
The DemocRATs must really be desperate! They've pulled Howard Dean out of the mothballs to troll for donations. Guess the DNC feels it has to give the base someone like Dean so the base will feel te Party has someone worse it could have offered.
Speaking of California Congresspersons... or in this case.. an EX-California Congresswoman.. Kinky... uh.."Katie" Hill has resigned.. Guess the next batch of "nudies" make the first batch look pretty tame.
From the "is it only me?" department - Online headline/story: "Democratic clerk charged with altering nearly 200 midterm elections ballots * A Democratic city clerk in Michigan who had been honored by the state party for her work was charged this week with multiple felonies related to charges of altering absentee ballots. * “The alleged misconduct was discovered after the Oakland County Clerk’s Office noticed that 193 voter files had been changed to reflect that the voters failed to include a valid signature or return date, when all of the implicated voters had in fact included both items. The county clerk’s office later discovered the original voter files in the trash at the election-division office,” National Review wrote." -- Wanna bet whether or not all 193 ballots selected non-DemocRATs?
Looks like the project "guesstimators" putting together the City and MCSD SPLOSTs lists may have been trained at the Pentagon... The City wants $350,000,000.00 and the MCSD wants another $185,000,000.00. That's $535,000,000.00. That's over HALF-A-BILLION! Throw in the additional 3 years of TSPOST taxes, and the Grand Total goes up to nearly $650 MILLION From what I've seen, it looks like the "guesstimators" have calculated using more $350.00 hammers and those $50,000.00 toilets.
On a true grievous abuse of taxpayers is the new request for money for "modifications as necessary" for roofs.. The MCSD had a reserve for "roofs" that was from (I believe) the 2003 SPLOST, but obviously didn't feel they needed it this past year because nearly (possibly more) $700,000.00 was taken out of the "roof reserve" to put in an artificial "carpet" at the Columbus High baseball field.
I'll be parsing more SPLOST "wants" as I digest what I'm learning, but what's obvious is a collapse of communication we citizens are getting.. or not getting... from the politics of government.. You know, SPLOSTs and LOSTs were first proposed as a way to get "needs", but since the first one, City and MCSD management has learned it's a way to circumvent being responsible and choose the "lollipop" over the "carrot stick", but I am shocked at the MCSD 'list' for the amount of SPLOST requests that look amazingly like "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE".. which isn't allowed in SPLOSTs.
From the "after graduating from the Bull Schi** School of Factual Reporting, Don leMON laid a LEmon" or department - CNN headline "Trump Kills al-Baghdadi and 3 children".. And the truth is that al-Baghdadi used his suicide vest to blow himself and 3 of his young children up!
Online story: "Weeks after the Tyler Perry Studios’ awe-inspiring opening, it’s now being reported that the studio will host the fifth Democratic presidential debate next month. * According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the studio was hand-picked to be the venue on Nov. 20, when the Dem candidates will debate key policies and make their arguments for why they should be the pick to run against President Donald Trump in the 2020 election." -- Two interesting points.. one, the DemocRATs have chosen a private arena versus a public one.. guess it's be easier to control access of the chosen audience... and a better way to make sure no American Flags are snuck in to line the DemocRATic Debacle stage.
It's more than sad.. it's a downright shame... that the only way President Trump thought he could keep al-Baghdadi from knowing what was coming was to NOT alert Queen PeLOUSY, Chuck Schmoozer, Bull Schi**, and Lord Faarquad Nadler in advance.
Oh! Do you see the pattern in the DemocRATic Party hierarchy? PeLOUSY and Schi** are from California, and Schmoozer and Lord Faarquad are from NY..
Note: NY (29) and California (55) have 84 Electoral College votes that vote for DemocRATic candidate.. 84 is 31% of the 270 that's necessary to elect a president.
Of note also is that NY gave Hellary a 1.7 MILLION popular vote edge and California gave Hellary a 4.3 MILLION edge in the popular vote. Between NY and California, Hellary got a 6 MILLION vote popular vote edge.. Think about that when she "brags" about winning the "popular vote" by less that 3 Million votes.. that means that President Trump had over 3 million MORE popular votes in the other 48 states!
I know that GA Governor Kemp will be naming a new US Senator to finish Senator Isakson's term when he resigns on Dec 31st, but I hope the Governor will get through Christmas before announcing (or "hard hinting") his choice. Let Senator Isakson be the focus until he actually steps down.
About that wreck on Saturday evening on Standing Boy Road here in Columbus....anybody heard any names?

For the record.. the Columbus L-E "e-print edition was not available until 7:43, but even the announcement that it was finally ready left out the access "icon". so I still hadn't seen what's in it...or more correctly, what's NOT in it..

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