Thursday, October 24, 2019

From the "what's expected for the gander should be expected from the goose" department - Online story: "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg struggled to explain the social media company’s new policy on fact-checking political ads under questioning from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., during a Wednesday hearing. * The company recently announced that to protect political speech it would no longer fact-check ads from politicians, essentially allowing campaigns to pay Facebook to spread disinformation." -- "struggled to explain..questioning from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez"? Good grief.. how can any successful business person explain logic to a brick wall? 6uckerberg should have asked her how much she paid MSM-13 to spread her.. and any of the DemocRATic presidential nominee candidates'... reasoning as legitimate FACTS.
Ever heard of a "throuple"? Well, you have now... A California DemocRAT Congresswoman has been outed for a having a "throuple" (f.k.a. as a 3-way sexual sexual dalliance) with one of female Congressional staffers (taxpayer paid) and her estranged husband whom she's engaged in a messy divorce. She's been brought up on charges to the House Ethics Committee.. Wait a minute.. never in my life did I expect to put "ethics" and a DemocRATic headed House Committee in the same sentence.
Interesting.. Judge Judy - TV's own Judy Sheindlin - just endorsed a DemocRAT for president! It was the first public endorsement in her entire career. She endorsed.. drum roll please.. former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg... Guess Bloomberg was her only choice after current NYC Mayor de Bl@sio withdrew.
Online headline: "AG Barr launches effort to prevent more mass shootings" -- Good grief.. One man.. a Trump appointed man.. has done what the House full of DemocRATs have done.. actually do something.
4 weeks ago (on September 26th), the construction schedule said the main..and only other exit serving the entire Green Island Hills area would be blocked for 4 weeks... it's still blocked...and nothing was ever done to alleviate the morning traffic jams. Wonder how much longer residents will be inconvenienced?
I have it on good authority that the Chamber of Commerce of Columbus has hired an out-of-state firm to conduct a search for a new president. This reminds me of the way the MCSB gets new Superintendent candidates... use a firm that has no experience of life in Columbus, no experience with past issues (positive or negative) of Columbus, no experience with current staff in Columbus, and no experience with small business needs in Columbus.... brilliant... NOT!
You's really sad that every one of the DemocRAT candidates running for their Party's presidential nomination is campaigning on destroying our Constitution to attract negative factions, and all the time, they are elected representatives who g
have sworn an oath to uphold and protect the same Constitution. You know, all of them could be...should be.. brought up on treason.
Phenix City has always listed Columbus assets as attraction for industry to build there rather than Columbus, but now Phenix City is eating Columbus' lunch.... which Columbus taxpayers paid for.. Columbus paid for the "Pave the Chattahoochee" project which resulted in the Whitewater Course, and Phenix City put in less than $1,000.000.00 but reaps the same "fee" (no sales tax can be added to river industries) for all the bookings made in Phenix City, and now PC has announced it is going to build a new event center that may hold up to 8,000 people with easy access from Columbus.. It's especially grievous to Columbus taxpayers because Council just gave away property valued at $1.3+ Million to benefit a local hotel, and then took on the responsibility to perpetually maintain it, and now Columbus will have to compete with aging convention and entertainment facilities. Hey, Eddie Lowe.. how about moving to Columbus and run for Mayor here!
Well, the Roundtable Talks happened... Samo-samo... pipe dreams are nice but wanting someone else to pay for them doesn't help... just look at what Council is focused on...$350 + million dollars worth of wants, while Columbus's NEEDS -- like full police employment and decent roads  -- are ignored.
What is it about US foreign aid that DemocRATs and the MSM-13 lemming don't grasp? Let's face US tax-dollars away to other government always should have some strings attached. America should KNOW recipients are loyal to America's interests. Question: What "foundation" makes a gift without ascertaining that the "gift" will further the wishes/goals of the "donors"?
Monday, Congressman Al Green, DemocRAT- TX, tried to equate President Trump with KKK Cross Burners. you think Congressman Green realizes that the "cross burners" were DemocRATs, and DemocRATs don't associate with President Trump?
Online headline/story: "U.S. Senate candidate’s dad is a lobbyist for a Chinese tech giant" *As a registered ZTE lobbyist, Joe Lieberman has played a behind-the-scenes role in the company’s efforts in Washington. Matt Lieberman promises there is a wall between his father’s ZTE work and his campaign advisory role. * “If I am fortunate enough to be trusted with this Senate seat by the people of Georgia, I will, of course, abide stringently by all Senate ethics rules,” he said. “If there’s ever a gray area, I will err on the side of propriety.” -- Good grief.. the DemocRATs are bringing in a "carpetbagger" as a candidate who's basic response to his dad's employer situation is the he will "err on the side of propriety" if he feels there is a "gray area". Aside from knowing DemocRATs are encouraged by their party to lie when it'll help get elected, just the fact that his dad's.. former Senator Lieberman.. is a lobbyist for the government of China is a crime waiting to happen.
MSM-13 could easily be called "lemming" and Congressman A Dam Schiffless could be thought of as the Pied Pooper of California. Schiffless conducts his hearing in private then tells MSM-13 his take on what was said, and the "lemming" rush blindly to publish what Congressman A Dam Schiffless says it is. Remember Congressman A Dam Schiffless' lie about what was in the phone call between Trump and the Ukraine?

Online headline: "Biden says Trump has no 'sense of empathy' for U.S. middle class" -- Excuse me, but is this the same ex-VP, "Creepy Joe" Biden who has abandoned his old home in Delaware to rent a mansion in VA that runs $20,000.00 a month for rent? Guess "Middleclass Joe" has one of those Clinton-defined concept of "middle class".

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