Thursday, October 3, 2019

M/C L-E headline:"Stocks plunge to worst loss in weeks on global economy concerns" -- The Stock Market took a hit yesterday... MSM-13 tried to inflect that businesses are expecting a recession.. What BS! What happened was BERNIE had a heart procedure, and that pushed Elizabeth Warren further into the lead, and businesses are scared of the policies Warren is advocating for.
Oh! Does anyone know where BERNIE went for his heart procedure.. Las Vegas? I'd have thought he'd go to Venezuela  or  Cuba.
DemocRATs are the worst negotiators with foreign despots..When Iran wanted to negotiate with Obama/Biden, Iran demanded that Obama/Biden give them back their frozen $1.7 BILLION in cash assets, and ..AND a time frame to build a nuclear weapon without any path that America could check out what they were doing. In other words, Obama/Biden gave Iran the "kitchen sink" and got nothing in return.. on the other hand, Ukraine asked for access to our tank defense weapons, and Trump said.."OK, but we want something in return...and got it!. That's what negotiations are all about..It's no different from going to a bank for a business loan, and the bank asking for a some collateral so the bank's assets are secured. In fact, America is better off BECAUSE we have Trump taking care of our nation's future!
And how about the negotiated deal Obama and Pric Holder had with the Mexican drug cartels..Let's see...they gave drug lords automatic weapons, and all the US got back was a dead border patrol agent killed with one of those guns.
And what about negotiating with ASSwad.. Obama drew a line in the sand, and ASSwad spit in his face.

Wow.. just saw the new art sculpture placed at Warren Williams Homes.. I'm taking bets it won't make it past Halloween before it's vandalized... or worse.

The Breakfast Clubbers are the best.. even though I wasn't looking for a new name for the local "paper", one of them was thinking about it, and came up with doozy.. The McHatchee Fish Wrapper.. he even was alert enough to make it singular, because that's all the fish one edition would be good for..
Perhaps we could get a grip on opiod abuse, maybe doctors, pharmaceutical sales reps, and pharmacists..and their family members, need to be banned from owning pharmaceutical stocks.
You know, if I hear one more college professor state that Joe Biden has done nothing wrong in his actions involving the Ukraine prosecutor, I want my Congressional representatives to stop allowing that school any possibility of students with a student loan enrolling there.
A lower court just ruled that Asian students are not being discriminated against for Harvard admission compared to blacks and Latinos... Excuse me but with so many existing judges already being Harvard liberals, those judges WANTED even more liberal lawyers/judges being in "the system" to create MORE liberal Harvard judges.
Why is anyone "upset" that Secretary State Mike Pompeo is listening in on any head of state phone call with President Trump? First hand info is vital!
I tell you what.. if the NCAA doesn't ban colleges from participating in it's programs if they pay athletes, those jokes about college classes in "Under Water Basket Weaving" will become reality ... as an advanced major!
Question: Since Pete Boot-gig refers to his spouse as "my husband", does hat make Booty-gig the first woman major of South Bend?
From the "what's wrong with this picture?" department - M-C L-E headline: "2.3 million visitors spent $364 million in Columbus over the last year. What’s our secret?" -- New Math? I just wonder about numbers when $364,000,000.00 divided by 2,300,000.00 comes out to be only $158.00 per visitor... sounds like most of the money had to be spent on hotel rooms. And...$123,000,000.00 in payroll for 4,602 jobs come out to be about $26,700.00 per job annually.. which is about $13.35 per hour which is less than the minimum wage BERNIE and the DemocRAT-Socialist want to enforce.
Looks like Jon Ossoff has collected $800K in donations in the past 3 weeks in his attempt to win the DemocRATic Party nomination for the GA Senate in 2020. That's more than Queen TT Tom-LYING-son has raised in her many months of begging.
I'm curious.. we know how the DemocRATic Party candidates feel about Trump, the redistribution of wealth, and minimum wages, but have heard much about where they stand on "the Wall". All should be asked if they are going to tear down the WALL should they get elected..

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