Tuesday, October 15, 2019

From he "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Trump orders Turkey sanctions; U.S. scrambles for Syria exit * The Americans were scrambling for Syria's exits, a move criticized at home and abroad as opening the door to a resurgence of the Islamic State group whose violent takeover of Syrian and Iraq lands five years ago was the reason American forces came in the first place. " -- "The Americans were scrambling"? "opening the door to a resurgence"? "the reason American forces came in the first place"? Good grief..what country is the AP's Robert Burns live in? He writes as though he's a propagandist for of an Axis country. Let's face it, Obama sent over "band aids" when he should have surgically removed ASSwad when he crossed the line Obama drew in the sand.
Online headline: "Unstable building, cranes hamper rescue try in New Orleans" -- What went on here? New Orleans should have some of the toughest building codes in our nation due to its flooding potential, yet obviously some inspections did not catch/correct obvious construction deficiencies..... must be the DemocRATic Party corruption involved!
Huh? Now appears that Congressperson Schiffless feels he may not "need" the whistleblowers testimony... "NEED"? Schiffless just realized he doesn't WANT the whistleblower testifying under oath! I tell you what, though, is that if the "whistleblower" doesn't come forward, doesn't identify himself, doesn't clarify his political contacts that secured his position int the DIA, doesn't testify under oath, Congressperson Schiffless NEEDS to resign!
From the "Now here's a whistleblower worth listening to" department - Online headline/story: "Project Veritas’ alleged CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda' * Undercover recordings made by an alleged “whistleblower” capture CNN employees casually confirming the network's anti-Trump bias and show company president Jeff Zucker telling top news executives to focus solely on impeachment even at the expense of other important news, according to the conservative activist group that posted the bombshell footage online. * The video features Cary Poarch, who claims he was a satellite uplink technician at CNN’s Washington Bureau before, he says, his “dream job” quickly turned into a nightmare due to CNN's blatant bias. * “I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” a person identified as Zucker says in the recording. “We shouldn’t just pretend, oh, this is going one way. And so all of these moves are toward impeachment.” -- You know.. the FCC and the FEC should step in and revoke CNN's licenses to operate as a news source! The FCC because it needs standards, and the FEC because Zucker is using his company to try to influence elections.
Did you hear Hellary's advice to President Trump....she said he should "tell the truth".. Excuse me...but what does Hellary know about "the truth"....
Fox News might be a good stock to buy right now...3:00 PM came on Monday, and I did not change the channel......and I'm sure 1,000s of others didn't either
From the "and what does this tell you?" department - Online headline: "As Congress returns, both parties are livid over Trump move in Syria" -- You know, President Trump may have the Wisdom of Solomon... when you can get two warring political parties on the same page, Trump is pretty much right on the money as to what's the right thing to do.
You know, just the fact that Biden is running for president isn't a reason not to investigate him. It's surely the reason why the allegations must be investigated. We know. also, that the DemocRATic Party will not "vet" its candidates.. neither Bill nor Hellary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Obama, nor any of the current wannabes would.. could .. survive the MSM-13/DemocRAT purge of President Trump.
Online headline: "Harry Reid issues warning to Democrats ahead of 2020: Do not underestimate Trump" -- "Don't underestimate Trump?" A better warning would be for the DemocRAT-Socialists not to OVERestimate their base's loyalty to the crap they are seeing the Party dish out!
Online headline: "Brazen thief walks out of San Francisco art gallery with Salvador Dali etching" -- Hmmm... it'll probably be hung on the wall of some Port-a-potty to dress up a homeless community... and protected by San Francisco's sanctuary laws...
From the "fake AND FLAKE news" department - Wow! MSM-13 feigns outrage at a video of a "fake" Trump shooting and stabbing political and media critics, yet encourages the Antifa assaults on private citizens exercising THEIR freedom of speech.
HuffPOOPOO "poop": Headline/story: "Kamala Harris makes stark prediction on length of Trump impeachment process * “We’ve got a confession. And it don’t take a prosecutor to see that was a confession,” said Harris, in reference to Trump’s acknowledgment that he withheld aid to Ukraine before calling on its president Volodymyr Zelensky in a phone call to investigate his potential Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden." -- "We've got a confession"? Senator Harris IS talking about Biden's, isn't she?
From the "who knew?" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "3 economists who study poverty win Nobel Prize * Two researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a third from Harvard University won the 2019 Nobel Prize in economics on Monday for groundbreaking research into what works and what doesn’t in the fight to reduce global poverty." -- Hmmm.. who knew you could become a millionaire theorizing about poverty?

Hmmm... my guess as to why Shepard Smith left Fox is because as much as he hates President Trump, he can't name on DemocRAT that can do better as the President.

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