Friday, October 11, 2019

Online headline/story: "West Virginia mayor restores city's 'Christmas Parade' after protests over name change * The mayor of West Virginia's capital city has reversed her earlier decision to rename the annual "Charleston Christmas Parade" the "Charleston Winter Parade" after protests. * Mayor Amy Goodwin announced the original name change Monday, saying it would encourage inclusivity." -- Removing "Christmas" would "encourage inclusivity"? Only on the minds of the Far Left can dissing the majority be ant act of inclusiveness! Oh.. neither the story.. nor I.. mentioned that the Mayor is a DemocRAT... though it was pretty obvious.
Will someone remind Mayo Frey of Minneapolis that the reason security was needed is because of the people he wants voting for him! He could have addressed his voters about being civil so Minneapolis would shine in it's public hour.. but he didn't.. Instead, he looked away and left his police fore hanging...No wonder the Minneapolis police officer support President Trump!
One for sure, the Trump supporters leaving the rally in Minneapolis last night were pretty safe..there were tons of off duty police officers bedecked in Trump-Red "Cops for Trump" t-shirts... and they didn't cost Mayor Frey anything...
Wow! Now it appears that "the whistleblower" worked with Biden-been-Botoxed when he was VP.. and may have flown with Biden on Air Force 2 TWICE to Ukraine..The Bidens are the two that need to be examined under oath by Schiffless's Intelligence Committee.. Oh, is it as hard for you as it is me to associate Congressman Schiffless with anything to do with Intelligence?
I don't know how MSM-13 media is staying in business...You would think their advertisers would realize that the audience they are reaching don't actually have money to buy their products, and the audience the advertisers would like to reach is turned off by the content of those papers and magazines, and the total amount of people they do reach daily is pathetic!
Who'da guessed that Ellen DeGeneres would be the one to expose the rotten core of liberalism. While I can't say how someone else will react, I do not think I've ever not welcomed the opportunity to meet/dine with someone who is my ideological polar opposite with hopes to engage in civil conversation and a possible solution.
Hey, Columbus, GA taxpayers: Here's some more "update" about the "deal" Council has made with Pezold. Not only has Council given him that $1.3 MILLION DOLLAR parking lot, Pezold is going the build his corporate beneficial enclosed walkway on that property... then "gift" it back to the City.. What that means is we taxpayers are going to be footing the bill for routine and ongoing maintenance. I can remember when it was illegal for Council or the Mayor to do a private citizens work..
Here's another question to ask your Councilors:
What is the realistic goal..anticipation.. of convention revenues? Last year's overall reported $364 Million generated by 'visitors' is less than 10% of the sales needed to generate $35 million in 1% SPLOST revenues. And remember, while there is a "fee" collected on Whitewater bookings on this side of the river, there are no state of local sales taxes generated.
Joke of the day: Got an e-mail during the Trump Rally in Minnesota last night from Tom Perez, current DNC Chairman. Perez said to me, "As one of our most dedicated supporters, it's clear that you know what's at stake if we let Donald Trump serve another term in the White House." Psssst .. hey, Tom.. Yes I do know what's at stake in the next election, and re-electing President Trump will assure that the DemocRATic Party agenda festers in its own bile.
Why do MSM-13 polls exist? They aren't published to make people aware of the political
atmosphere as there's no distinct effort made to verify a true political demographics. Instead, they are published to sway .. influence.. public opinion in a biased way that reflects the opinion.. the agenda.. of the initiator.
Wow! MSM-13 polls are warped...and they are geared to destroy President Trump. One says 69% feel Trump should be impeached while saying only 62% feel Biden should be investigated. Let's see, the poll says Trump should be impeached for asking the current Ukraine President for help investigating Biden other words, impeach President Trump for actually looking out for America's best interests. Meanwhile, ignore Biden, who has admitted to.. well, actually BRAGGED about, coercing the former Ukraine president to cover up his corruption for looking after his own family's interests.
After looking at the Chinese basketball team pictures, does the NBA realize that even if China would allow NBA players to get Chinese citizenship, the vast majority of American NBA players wouldn't be allowed to play on Chinese teams? China's civil rights issues are as bad as its human rights issues.
Online story: "Washington, D.C. city council members rushed to approve legislation renaming Columbus Day "Indigenous Peoples' Day" this week before its Oct. 14 commemoration, citing similar moves by several states and a slew of cities in recent years. The D.C. Council invoked a special provision for emergency legislation Tuesday that allowed the bill's sponsors to force a vote without the standard process involving committees, multiple votes and congressional approval" -- Good grief! Columbus Day is suppose to be a recognition of the European explorer who risked life and limb discovering land across the sea. If cities and states want to honor "Indigenous People", they should do research and discover the date Native Americans first discovered America..but, as it's happening, the Washington, D.C. Council is just disrespecting Latinos..
Saw an astute observation recently about DemocRATs who want to initiate and enforce a government mandated "buy back" program for our guns...think about it...who could we 'sell' them back to who could pass a background check.. DemocRATs have pretty much said thy consider all current and ex-military soldiers as mental patients, and we know there are no sane DemocRATs which means their choices of appointees are not going to pass either..
While it's expected from the DemocRATs, I cannot believe the shortsightedness of some Republicans. Gimmee a actually want greatly outnumbered American soldiers in harms way? Besides, he campaigned on doing just why the rush to judgment..let the two parties solve their CENTURIES OLD dilemma!.... Oh, and where's NATO and the UN?
Online headline: "Turkey's Erdogan warns of flooding Europe with Syrian refugees if EU calls assault an 'invasion'" -- Hmmm.. Stock tip: Buy fence manufacturing companies' stock!

M/C L-E headline: "Merger weighed for marshal, sheriff offices" -- Hmm... so this is back on the table.. sorta explains why Countryman has throw his hat into the Sheriff's
race, and shut down his juvenile containment facility.

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