Wednesday, October 2, 2019

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "At the heart of impeachment, a potential dagger for Trump's re-election * He's accused of putting himself first — and American interests second. * Purple Strategies Managing Director Rory Cooper, a former House GOP leadership aide for Eric Cantor (VA RINO,who was beat in the 2014 Republican Primary by Conservative David Brat, recalls Trump running in 2016 on "the idea that he was going to fight for people that no one else was fighting for" while he portrayed his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as corrupt and self-dealing." -- Good grief.. American voters KNOW it is President Trump, not anyone in the DemocRATic Party that's on our side, and America will return the House Majority to sanity!
From the "hate has been redefined" department - Online story: "New York City has passed a new law banning the use of the term "illegal alien" when used "with intent to demean, humiliate or harass a person." * The measure, approved last Thursday by the city's Commission on Human Rights, applies to all public accommodations, employment and housing, with fines of up to $250,000 for "each act of willful discrimination." * "Hate has no place here," the City of New York said in a tweet announcing the ban, * The new law also forbids businesses and organizations from using English proficiency tests or the threat of calling U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as a way to harass or discriminate against someone." -- Wow!... all of a sudden, the TRUTH has been defined as "HATE"! It's a sad day in America's history!
Let's face matter how passionately, or how fervently you address any aspect of illegal entry into our country, none of these people are immigrants! We have numerous immigration programs and policies, and none of them ...NONE of them include ILLEGAL entrants.
Talk about hypocrisy. ..Donna Brazile feels Trump should be stopped/suspended from his twitter account..She said she was watching football Saturday, and got about 80 "tweets".. Well. MS. Brazile, why didn't you just shut your phone off?
Portland, Oregon has just banned urinals in municipal building bathrooms, and all will be available to both men and women. I'm going to guess that it will be women who protest this arrangement, as men will be leaving all the seats up, and floors soaking from the loss of urinals to aim at.
Online headline:"Holder says Barr is 'paying a price' for spearheading Russia probe misconduct investigation" -- Hmmm.. Pric Holder...Mr "fast & furious" for supplying automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels is also "fast & furious" with the truth and reality.
Andrew McCabe says since he and Comey have written books about their antics under the old Obama administration..then the early Trump administration .. basically CLEARING themselves in their own words... then Atty Gen William Barr has no need to investigate them...McCabe..Comey......hmmmm...weren't they both fired by Trump...for lying? 
You know, claims have been made that the so called "whistleblower" has been receiving "threats". Excuse me, but how does an anonymous entity get threatening calls and such?
BERNIE and Warren are so upset about those who have achieved the "1% wealth status". Those two want to redistribute their wealth to those with existing jobs, rather than allow the successful business folks to take their accrued wealth and CREATE new businesses and new jobs.
What BERNIE, Warren and those other Socialist-DemocRATs don't say is a lot of them have joined the "1%ers" while serving in a government job and never created a business or job in their lives
M/C L-E headline/story: "A man and woman are dead after two separate Columbus shootings 6 hours apart * Columbus police officers were initially dispatched to Petro gas station at 6262 Macon Rd., just before 6 p.m. Monday after receiving a 911 call that a male had been shot. Then, another call came about another shooting at gas station two minutes away." -- Wow! That should be at least 14 for the 3rd Quarter...matching the total homicides of both the 1st AND 2nd Quarters.

Is today "Groundhog's Day.. the Sequel"? The M/C L-E has gone to great lengths to redo the online edition.. but, I'm getting yesterday's version... Maybe, the McClatchy group should go for "Great Effort"..

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