Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 Tuesday 8-24-2021 post ... forgot to post on Tuesday , so this is a make-up:

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online YAHOO headline/story: "Florida mayor: 'I’d ask the governor to rethink his agenda' * Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis said on Yahoo Finance. “And I think that it’s ok to step back. It’s OK to say ‘all right, maybe we should change course.’” -- Hmmm... and while DeSantis is characterized as a "staunch" Republican, and Trantalis as a mere Democrat, the YAHOO anchor didn't bother to ask as if Trantalis HAD asked DeSantis, but more biased is that Trantalis wasn't asked whether he'd ask JoKKKe Biden to "rethink his agenda" on Open borders, sending unvaccinated illegal aliens to Florida, or on Afghanistan evacuation. or, for that matter, whether Chuckles Harris would be his running mate...again.. in 2024.

Online headline: "Budget clash pits moderate Democrats against Biden, Pelosi" -- Hmmm... Looks like at least some of the Socialist-Democrats are already checking their District polls for 2022 re-election odds.

Have you noticed how camera shy outspoken Socialist-Democrats get when MSM notices when their agenda comes to fruition ,, and belly-flops? When did you last see PeLOUSY, Schumer, Bernie, AOC, Newsom, Wheeler, Cuomo, Whitmer and Warren proclaiming, "This is exactly what we promised to deliver!"?

Looks like mt name assignment for VP Kamala Harris was "spot on"... "Chuckles"...she chuckles anytime... every time... a question about something she wants to avoid answering is asked... of course I have reserved another potential moniker since at times her "chuckle" is close to a "cackle".... Wicked Witch of the West also fits well...

Online headline: "Meghan McCain compares Kamala Harris’ ‘craven’ uncontrollable laughing to Joaquin Phoenix’s ‘Joker’ -- Hmmm.. Even another possible name change could happen...
JoKKKe and the Joker"... or maybe, "Robinette and his faithless sidekick-in-the-shin, Joker ..
Online headline: "Defiant Cuomo tells New York it's 'unfair' he had to resign" -- "unfair"? -- Hmm... what's really UNFAIR is Creepo Cuomo still walking around outside freely with the children of the 15,000 elderly deaths at NY nursing homes! That, and Cuomo making $5 M on a book about it praising himself...
Online headline: "Larry Elder brushes off LA Times column that called him 'the Black face of white supremacy'" -- Hmmm.. you know.. the LA Times could have.. in fact... SHOULD HAVE designated Virginia Governor Ralph Northam as such...of course, Northam IS still a Democrat, and Elder has evolved...

Online headline: "Schiff says Kabul airport a 'very attractive target' for ISIS-K, Al Qaeda" -- Hmmm... it's fruitless to ask if A Dam Schi** has any shame since we already know that answer, but what surprises me is him agreeing with a comment of mine from last week when I described the situation as the 21st Century sequel to Custer's demise at the Little Bighorn... you know, "Bluster's Last Stand"!

From the "well, it's not just a local issue after all: department - Online headline: "Bus driver shortages are latest challenge hitting US schools" -- Hmmm... apparently, our MCSD is not alone.. but it may be the reason it's become an issue nationwide.. and a problem elsewhere.. seems like every system and every other system's driers heard about our officials offering signing bonuses to new drivers, and have adopted such demands for themselves...

Hmmm.. you know, I haven't head how many students have actually signed up in the Columbus public school system, either.. last counts I heard have us woefully short of students at about 30,000.. maybe even less.. Hmmm.. maybe we won't need those extra bus drivers after all...

Online "headLIE" : "Capitol Police say Ashli Babbitt shooting might have 'saved' members of Congress" -- Good grief! The only way a member of Congress "might" have been saved is that the trigger happy officer had one less bullet to use!

Online headline: "Rapper Young Thug to build his own city on 100 acres of land in metro Atlanta" -- Hmmm.. well, it looks like Cuomo, Newsome, Lightfoot, and Warnock maybe be looking for new jobs, soon...

Online headline: "Herschel Walker registers in Georgia:" -- Hmmmm.. guess I'll have to see if I still have a couple of,"Run ,Herschel, Run" bumper stickers and T-shirts left i in closet!

From the "heads, I win; tails, you lose" department Online headline/story: "Judge strikes down part of Georgia voting law that banned photography * The restriction on photography would have prohibited election observers, journalists and the public from recording an image of a ballot at any point in the voting process, including while vote-counting takes place and during recounts. * It remains illegal to photograph ballots in polling places while voting is underway, according to a separate Georgia law." -- Wait a minute,, our Constitution guarantees "a secret ballot process".. how can a judge feel that someone.. anyone... has a right to photograph me and my ballot as I walk it across from the ballot marking device to scan it into the ballot counting device?

Online headline: "3 shot dead as Atlanta exceeds 100 killings this year \" -- Sadly, this number is barely twice as many as Columbus..

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Beloved Uptown Columbus statue to return, help welcome May Flower home! * The Carpenter family will be recognized with a presentation of the reward money for locating May Flower." -- A reward for doing a good civic duty of calling to let the CPD someone had left "May Flower" where it could be found? Surely the "Carpenter" family will refuse the reward.. well, unless they know who the perpetrators who stole it were, and make sure those @-holes are "rewarded" with jail time...

Online headline/story: "USDA Invests $167 Million in High-Speed Broadband in Georgia and 11 Other States * ReConnect Funding to Give 100,000 People Access to High-Speed Internet e-Connectivity * Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced yesterday that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $167 million in 12 states, including Georgia, to deploy broadband infrastructure in rural areas without sufficient access to high-speed internet" -- First.. why is the US Department of Agriculture involved in this? Secondly.. Let's look at the 100,000 people number... if we figure 3 people per family, then it's costing taxpayers $5,000.00 per family (and with 4 to a )family, it'll cost about $6,700.00) to connect with a "utility" company which would normally pay for establishing their own infrastructure based on what the company felt they could charge monthly in connection fees.. now, taxpayers are paying this and the companies won't reduce rates to consumers.. . Now, USDA.. tell us how an faster internet connection to rural areas will benefit the rest of the nation... agriculture-wise....

More shooting last night in Columbus.. how many people shot is this Council?

Since we are talking.. and are interested in the future of our City.. let's make sure everybody has this information:
School and crime data/issues should be on every citizens mind...

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